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  1. Hey, I'm Z. I used to be active on here a few years back but I've made a new account since it's been so long. KSP was what made me interested in physics in the first place, and I stopped playing it while I did physics competitions all through high school... well, I'm in uni now, studying software engineering (turns out it's a lot of the stuff that I loved about physics!) and I'm excited to come back. I'm interested in learning to make mods for the game, now that I have some experience haxxing, so if anyone has any "HOW 2 MOD 4 PLEBS" type things, then please pass them on to me. Nice to meet y'all
  2. Holy Jeb dude, that was some stunning rendezvous.
  3. Sure, I draw. Nothing KSP-related yet though, I don't have any experience with technical drawing. Here's my fluffy dragon I painted while attempting a more realistic style... pic And it's me~! pic My deviantArt's in sig, if anyone wants to add me there.
  4. English is my native language, and I'm studying Japanese... 日本語は ちょっとしか分かります And I really want to learn German at some point, I love its sound.
  5. http://heiwaco.tripod.com/moontravel.htm Apparently you fall down when you turn the engine off. Burns are magic. SpaceX is fake because they use too much fuel. Calculation of re-entry trajectory is 100% impossible. Oh yeah, tesla is also fake. There is no way that the atmosphere could slow you down. "media" have never been to Pluto, so Pluto don't real. NAXA is pretending that the ISS is in orbit around the Sun. Falcon 9 should have 4 sonic booms. You can't grow strawberries on the moon because it is too hot. Challenger was also fake, and the fake crew are still alive. Fuel exhaust is still attached to the ship. Gravity assist? Bah. It's almost sad how much work has gone into this. No, scratch that, it's very sad.
  6. Sorry, this doesn't have anything to do with space, or at least very little - but at least it's got the physics part, right? When you're calculating the resonant frequency of a tube (open-ended in my case), you have to add an end correction as the theoretical resonance is lower than it is in practice. I've found a few sources citing approximately 1.2r, but some conflicting, and some saying that it has not been theoretically proven at all. Nowhere have I found an explanation why.
  7. I've only just started playing again after a break and the radiators confuse me. When do you need them? How many do you need?
  8. 1. Learn to dock. 2. Dock lots of things. 3. Profit. Do it enough and you might actually get one that looks good as well...
  9. I'm not new to either KSP or the forum, I started getting involved in both during 2013. I haven't played, however, in god knows how long and I think it's healthy for me to come back here. Hello!
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