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Everything posted by Browny

  1. stop the presses! it is working now. I think I understand my past transgressions, and appreciate the direction and help, here.
  2. Then I guess I shall have to provide a log file; the link you provided is the one I have been using, and exactly the one I referenced in having a "master file" in my description. For clarity, in that link... which one should I be downloading/using? the "StageRecovery" 3rd option down, or the "GameData/StageRecovery" 2cd one down. See how that seems confusing? (sort of does not matter, since i have tried both already... but just would like a definitive ) And yes, I did ALSO use the "download" to provide the file on its own (not the source), and it still did not work. I was using source link in addition to and after no other option seemed to be working. Finally, I cannot located the output_log.txt file... i checked in my KSP_x64_Data and one is not present. could that be half the problem?!
  3. I will do my best for a screenshot, but do also admit that the work necessary may not be worth the payoff. Keep in mind, also, I am no stranger to KSP with ~500 hours, and have used SR in the past.. but it has been a year since I came back only a few weeks ago. a) I am downloading the most recent SR from this string (Via the "availability" links at the first post, ~9 pages away - 1.9.2?). The Github Link (says updated last month) is what I have used predominantly (I did try the other link also), and there are "master folders" via the "clone or download" green link button. Therefore, I assume I'm using the most recent version (Says updated for KSP 1.8x). If there is an even more updated version, let me know. b) Game works fine, but there is no "button" available to me after loading in. When I am in game, the KSP Alarm Clock and Mechjeb both have access buttons and accessibility in all stages of the game, but nothing for SR. This is the case in "lobby" screen and anywhere, including the rocket construction process. I tried test launches (2 of them) with parachutes (with way more 'Chutes than needed) to see if it still worked behind the scenes, but nope. All of this is after a screen during loading DID ask me if i "wanted to auto updated Stage Recovery". so, it is as if the game is recognizing it in the folder, but not loading or something. c) The dependence are also loaded with the same standard of other mods; directly into the GameData folder from their respective "GameData" (If applicable) folder. I have attached my folder and what it looks like, and the SR Master Folder (which, when you see, it does look rather confusing and as if other items should be installed). However, I have primarily taken the "StageRecovery" folder from GameData and moved to my own GameData folder. The confusion, really, is that there is a "StageRecovery" folder in the master and outside GameData, that has different contents than the other one within GameData folder. Regardless, I have tried both (with dependencies) and still nothing. Again, even took out all other mods, started a test game, and tried that multiple times (using the multiple "stage recovery" folders that seem present in the master file.) I may restart the process again with a check list to ensure methodological order to folders, but am beginning to give up, if I am being honest. With only these 3-4 mods that I want, I have zero interest in installing or dealing with CKAN (yet another interface to clog my brain and computer) Link to screenshots: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOJYIzpk_ovLSiY88Ekih7W5xFoEKFKCoDo0SqZskukDmIPnCgzGuq3KMq2yWfOpA?key=cDRJbXZscXhOUmNuZ2hBd0RaVFF3ZUVlNDRLR0FR
  4. I have tried, and Read, and tried again. For the life of me, I cannot get this thing to work. Spent the past 4 hours trying. There are really only 3 current mods I am using: Mechjeb, Alarmclock and DMagic Orbital Science. I have installed the dependencies, tried a fresh game, installed variations (some of the master folders were confusing) and nothing seems to work. I can try and submit a log file, but the simple fact that this requires dependencies that, they themselves seem to have a "open this file, copy and paste this code," etc, worries and confuses me. I tried it by itself on a fresh game with nothing else installed... still nothing. I am admittedly clueless on being able to check game files. Are others having issues?
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