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  1. Here's another submisison. There is baleen in the mouth that provides lift. The vernier engine does nothing, but now i kinda wish it was spouting for the screenshot. Too bad there wasn't any oxidizer.
  2. Here's a submission. Got down to zero meters elevation with 216 m/s airspeed. (edited to put image right here instead of link)
  3. Here's a vanilla (simple taste), LKO, high-priced ($948k) submission. This is my first post on this forum. https://imgur.com/gallery/adEqMRy 48 relays = 480 points Rocket from launchpad and returned safely =60+15 points = 75 points LKO = 25 points price was > $400k = 15 points total = 480 + 75+ 25 + 15 = 595 points?
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