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  1. DOWNLOAD SPACEDOCK INSTALLATION 1.Remove the older versions of this mod. 2.Put all contents of "GameData" into your "KSP/GameData"folder. 3.Install KerbalJointReinforcement (Depends) by Rudolf Meier 4.Install DistantObjectEnhancement (Optional) by Rubber Ducky FAQ Q:Why are my Starlink satellites tossing around like noodles? A:This problem cannot be solved for the time being.And,install "KerbalJointReinforcement" can Solve the problem. Q:How to fit the original game size? A:Please delete "patches/StarLinkSatellite_KSPsize_Patch.cfg.RemoveMeToKSPSize" File suffix of ".RemoveMeToKSPSize" Q:How to return the real size? A:Please Add"patches/StarLinkSatellite_KSPsize_Patch.cfg" File suffix of ".RemoveMeToKSPSize", or delete this fils. Waiting for more questions... LICENSE StarLink Satellite Pack by Akino is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. MEDIA Review by @Kottabos CHANGELOG CREDITS @Mecripp Thank him for a series of help for this mod. FUTURE PLANS Remake the Starlink model to make it more like real Starlink satellite. Make the ride-sharing adaptors.The demo version is expected to be available next week.
  2. While Elonski Kerman is busy taking over Chirper, YSpace has been forced to take some minor budget cuts. As such, its engineers in the Relay Web project have been tasked with designing a more efficient way to carry its small relays into orbit. A few days later, they agreed on testing spacecraft that can carry two or more relays at the same time. Here are the rules for this interesting challenge: (BARE MINIMUM) Your craft has to carry two or more relays to LKO Relays being of identical design not required, but highly recommended Bonus points if you can get your carrier higher than that Each relay has to have at least 2 G relay power All relays have to be unmanned. The delivery craft can go either way BEWARE: if you choose to have any kerbals pilot it, you have to return all of them alive after all relays are deployed No damage can be sustained to either the relay or the delivery craft upon deployment. Not even the solar panels (IF YOU PLAN ON RETURNING THE DELIVERY CRAFT) all your relays must be deployed If not, you can ignore this You will be placed in separate divisions based on whether your entire craft has: Simple Tastes - ALL STOCK PARTS, NO DLC At least no mods that come with additional parts Spice Things Up - DLCs INCLUDED, BUT NO MODS Free-for-all - MODS You can submit as many entries as you want, but only your best entries will be considered for each division (OBVIOUSLY) Pictures/video of your performance to be considered Scoring Format RELAY QUANTITY: +10 points for every relay past 2 (baseline: 20 points) e.g. for a 16-relay spacecraft, that's (20 baseline points) + [(16 relays - 2 baseline = 14 additional) * (10 points each) = 140)] = 160 points If you can carry 10 or more relays at once, that would be awesome SPACECRAFT REUSABILITY: 75 points if you use a spaceplane AND can (obviously) land the emptied craft in one piece 50 points if you take off the rocket from the launch pad AND can return it to Kerbin's surface + 15 point bonus if you manage to not damage it during re-entry and landing Fairings deployed don't count when it comes to assessing damages, as they were planned If you can take it to another celestial body's orbit and return the emptied craft to Kerbin's surface, that would be VERY awesome No additional points if returning the spacecraft is not possible PERFORMANCE: 25 points - Can only take the craft up to LKO before deploying the individual relays 30 points - Can take it up to Minmus orbit 35 points - Can take it up to the Mun's orbit If you can do that, then you can do Minmus just as easily 70 points - Can put the relay carrier in orbit of another celestial body OUTSIDE OF KERBIN'S SOI before deploying them e.g. if you want to start a relay web over Ike, send your delivery craft to that rock before deploying them one-by-one in various orbits PRICE: 30 points if price<$100K 20 points if $100K=<price<=$400K 15 points if price>$400K AUTOMATIC DISQUALIFICATION IF ANYONE DIES OR GETS STRANDED EVERYONE RETURNS ALIVE I'll start us off with my entry, a relay carrier with 16 individually-named xenon-propelled 2G relays https://kerbalx.com/Mars-Bound_Hokie/Multi-Satellite-Carrier-16-pack Have fun, everybody. I can't wait to see what you all come up with.
  3. Hi folks. New to the Forum, hello all! I've been trying for no good reason other than shiggles to get a Starlink type constellation in orbit. Mechjeb2 helps me with the launch timing, orbital plane etc, but I'm having a lot of trouble with distributing each satellite throughout that orbital plane. I start with a launch that's circularized 20km low and then dispense the satellites one by one and orbit raise to 350 as it gets close to the correct location for each bird. Anyway, the point is that keeping a large constellation aligned requires a lot of management - tweaks to apo and peri to keep separation and to plane to etc - can anyone suggest mods that might help? I've been looking for a 'ground control mod' that could extend the tracking screen but no joy so far so it's manually switch to each satellite at the moment :-) Image attached with the 'net for one plane of approx 32 birds. I'm trying for 15 minute separation of planes - it's a lot of birds in the air!
  4. The first one took several days for us to finally get predictions, and by that time they drifted apart and are obviously a lot less easy to see with naked eye right now. They're still relatively close, at least some parts of the "train". https://heavens-above.com/StarLink.aspx Post your observations here.
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