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CoMac Aerospace

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Not completely related, but there was another feature on IGN the other day, was some of its team doing a lets play. Had a picture of a kerbal on the video icon on the main page for all to see. Always cool to get an idea of just how much this is spreading!
  2. Just read an article on CNET about a Q&A session with the Curiosity Rover team. One bit of Trivia they revealed was that a few of the team love playing KSP, nice one dev team ;-) Also sorry I don't have the link I am on my phone. I am sure someone can find it if people want it.
  3. Well in 2001 the monolith is orbiting Jupiter and since we are only getting one gas planet this update, I think it is that
  4. Love this mod, but I was wondering if you would consider adding a little something to it (should hopefully be just changing a little code)? It would be awesome if you could add a varient of the mun lasers that when used on the mun (or minmus) will very slowly replenish your fuel tanks (over about a day or two so you would have to time warp or change ships). This would be similar to plans to extract rocket fuel by splitting water ice into oxygen and hydrogen. This could work regardless of ZO2 tanks etc and be usable on unmanned probe missions. Sorry, don\'t like to make requests haha, I know it can be annoying. If you point me in the right direction (how to get into plugin files for a start) I should be able to figure out a hack myself for my game. Kind Regards,
  5. I love how KSP is full of easter eggs to search out and I actually created a whole Mun base around on of the Easter Eggs in the last patch. As there was a 0.14 Easter Eggs patch I thought I may as well whip one up for the new patch to see what people find. As it stands I know there is one large new, unique easter egg on the Mun, and a returning egg to be found on Minmus. Please post pics in spoiler tags of any Easter eggs you find. DO NOT post the locations of any of these, perhaps give hints if people really want them. Happy exploration!
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