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  1. Before I install this (awesome work by the way): Does this mod conflict with 'Universe Replacer' at all?
  2. FYI: A system like SAS using autogyro's is used on the International Space Station to keep it oriented correctly. See here: www.gyroscope.com/d.asp?product=CMG
  3. KSP won't load any of your boats. Seem's I'm missing 'strutConnectorHeavy' on my copy of KSP, anyone know which mod it's from?
  4. Also, reflecting lasers off of LRO: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_1768.html
  5. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LRO/news/apollo-sites.html
  6. It's because of the Kickstarter revolution. Devs have a way now to free themselves from the creative stranglehold of publishers, and make the games they want, for the fans. If a publisher says "No, you can't make that" they can simply choose to stick two fingers up to their publisher and do everything themselves, using digital distribution.
  7. An Elite clone? Awesome! I'm waiting for this to be released, it's an indie survival/Myst style game with amazing graphics: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=92915716
  8. Will you eat plankton/algae though? What about when meat becomes a luxury?
  9. I would agree with all of this. Once we run out of (cheap) oil, things are going to get very bad for our species, very quickly. The human tendency towards greed also makes our, (overall), future quite bleak.
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