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Everything posted by ROFLCopter64bit

  1. False, Bubsy is all I need. The user below me wants me to ask a good question.
  2. 3/10 DISTURBING (Note: I drew my one myself! Rating it rates my drawing skills!
  3. I've had a gaming rig for about 2.5 years now, and I think it needs renewing rather than upgrading. Try this: http://au.pcpartpicker.com/user/ROFLCopter64bit/saved/1UvO (Ignore the graphics card and the OS, I have those already) Also, would adding a 128GB SSD be worth it?
  4. True, I can adapt if KSP has mods or not. The user below me wants me to stop wasting time playing games and actually update my programs.
  5. I buy 95¢ for 95¢. 95¢
  6. A picture of the SSTV signal would also be nice.
  7. "Where safety is the least of our concerns!"
  8. Short answer, it's missing a bracket at the end. Insert a bracket at the end of the file and that should fix it (hopefully). As for the persistence manager, it's broken, and I plan to overhaul the GUI to show more precisely what the error is and actually present the infomation in the format which anyone else but me can actually understand it.
  9. After 6 months of waiting, I get to again talk about my favourite game of all time. Wrong. Shown here and here is that Wheatley hacked into (what I believe is) the Sputnik which is in Earth orbit. In Portal Chell had leg implants to let her fall long distances without getting hurt (replaced by boots in Portal 2) so why wouldn't she have implants in her arms to make them stronger? I mean, I own an ASHPD replica and it is heavy to lug around, so some arm implants would be needed to hold it for a long time. Also, the "shoot the moon" ending was planned to be an easter egg and not be the true ending, where Chell would be sucked into space and die.
  10. Keep in mind that the save analyzer was a by-product of testing the save merger, and doesn't count values (unless someone gives me a list of what values are valid) Could you give me the exact error and persistance if possible?
  11. Don't blame the game, blame the publisher. Bioware actually cared for the players, while EA just cares about money. I never liked terraforming. I was never creative enough to come up with a good idea to terraform, so I just left it up to the generators. And I expected after 10 years a sequel to this game would be epic. Stick to games like Cities XL if you want an updated version of it.
  12. Melbourne is the only city in the world where the gravitational constant is exactly 9.81.
  13. If you run it with Parallels or something of the sort. I can look into creating a native Mac version of it.
  14. True, the latest DLC I got was the Gods and Kings DLC for Civ V. The user below me would rather me make Iridium v2 than finish Obsidian and RMI. Minecraft applications, just so you know.
  15. Could anyone redirect me to a list of pros and cons of hyperthreading? I'm not sure who to trust.
  16. Public Sub StartIridium() Console.WriteLine("Iridium Server v2 by ROFLCopter64bit") Console.WriteLine("Finding Persistence file....") For Each f As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory) If f.Contains(".sfs") Then PersistenceFile = f Exit For End If Next If PersistenceFile = "" Then MsgBox("No file was found in server directory with .sfs ending!" & vbCrLf.ToString & "Please place a .sfs file in the same directory as the server!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error") End End If Console.WriteLine("File found. Using " & """" & PersistenceFile & """") Console.WriteLine("Initializing Chat TCP listener on port " & ChatPort.ToString & "...") ChatServer = New TCPServer(ChatPort) Console.WriteLine("TCP Chat Listener started.") Console.WriteLine("Initializing File TCP listener on port " & FilePort.ToString & "...") FileServer = New TCPServer(FilePort) Console.WriteLine("TCP File Listener started.") Do Dim c As String() = Console.ReadLine.Split("|"c) Select Case c(0) Case "exit" : End Case "sendall" : ChatServer.SendToAll("message|Server - " & c(1)) End Select Loop End Sub
  17. Because chalk is white, not purple. Because I am back. That's right people, I am back. But I won't be that much active until Obsidian and RMI has a new base. Explain why I came back.
  18. I have decided with hours of thinking that I will resign from this forum for about a month. Exams are getting in the way of everything and I just don't want to do the same thing over and over again. The first thing you might be thinking is that I won't be working on Iridium for that timespan. That is true, same for all my other programs. In that timespan after the exams I have decided to work on reviving my applications from the Minecraft Forums. I plan to create new applications for that as well. Now this is the final goodbye. If you wish to contact me, send an email to [email protected] ora send me a PM on the Minecraft Forums. And if you desperately want me to come back and finish Iridium/any other program, don't hesitate to contact me through those means. Finally, goodbye. The end.
  19. That is obvious. But now I am ignoring you! How do you feel now?! HAHHHAHAHAHA *evil laugh*
  20. This raises the age old question; who actually owns the moon? No-one does. How would you determine this?
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