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NASI Director

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Everything posted by NASI Director

  1. Was the thrust the same? Were there different amounts of engines around? Anyway, I would think that in the early stages of development that the sun doesn't have heat yet, but instead the planets that you may or may not have been burning around.
  2. Unfortunately I'm not sure I get what you mean there... I wanna be in on the joke.
  3. All of you are banned for banning those who were in the process of banning the banned.
  4. Oh woe is me and my thread, For it was lost in the abyss of page two, Where no one has ever tread. I look at my lost thread and say boo hoo, For my thread is lost in the maw of page 2. Instructions For Reading 1. Read 2. Try not to cry 3. Get on the ground 4. Cry alot
  5. Inside the VAB when you look to the right, there is this giant room which you cannot see in nor enter and in there is where the Kerbals create more Kerbals. It makes sense: the Kerbals are made in the VAB where they grow and watch the rockets be made to learn about their (probable) inevitable doom. It also makes sense that the crates you see flying around the walls in the SPH hold unborn Kerbal fetuses along with rocket parts to give them the feel of their future job. It also makes sense why the Kerbals are so uneducated (dumb); the grown Kerbals don't have enough time to educate them but only enough time to get them familiar with spacecraft controls. "But what about the engineers and scientists?" The same thing: they're bred in the room, but since they don't die as often, they don't need to pump them out constantly, giving them enough time to educate them and teach them. The Devs don't want us to figure this out by keeping us from entering the Kerbal Breeding Room. Insert Bad Photoshop Skills Here ---> Don't ban me please?
  6. I was watching something about Minecraft environmentalists and in the comments it said something about them freaking out over Tekkit. Does that mean people hate Tekkit, because I kind of like it...
  7. On Windows it is alt+F12, so on Mac it should be Command+F12
  8. I've seen mods with asteroids and such, but can mod makers make a new planet that's on rails and has moons and has an atmosphere? It's not a request, but more of a curious question (great wording).
  9. Guys, we're putting off the obvious: KSP is set on a post-apocalypse Earth. Think about it. The Kerbals are green because before the apocalypse, humans genetically tampered themselves to live off solar energy. This payed off because as you can tell, there are no animals to eat, no grass to chew, nor apples to pick. They're green because of the chlorophyll in their skin cells to give them the nutrients they need. This also explains why the Kerbals can survive in a capsule with no oxygen tanks; they produce their own. "But what about the space industry? That surely can't exist in a post-apocalypse world, right?" Wrong. These humans-now-Kerbals preserved the only things that could give them salvation: the Human-Now-Kerbal Space Center. The only things preserved were the best candidate for human survival: space colonization which, unfortunately, was funded too late. The Kerbals, who are wanting to continue the legacy of mankind, kept aiming for space. My point for the apocalypse is also supported by the very large crater that shows there was a very devastating event in "Kearth's" past. However, in an attempt to cover up this conspiracy, the developers changed the appearance of the planets and moons slightly, and altered the size of everything to keep it from coming out. Insert bad photoshop skills here ---> The picture of Jeb I got from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/archive/index.php/t-120.html Don't ban me, please?
  10. So I launched my first satellite using this system and my payload + launch craft cost 28,170 Kerbits. Now it's time to the math... So of course it was sent around Kerbin: 10,000K It is Orbiting: 15,000K Multiple science equipment: 14,000K In a 468KM orbit: 46.8K Performed an atmospheric maneuver: 0.675K Unmanned: 14,085K Was my first craft (on this save): 42,255K And my parts landed back on Kerbin: 14,085K And for a grand-total of... 109,472.475 Kerbits!!! Man that was challenging...
  11. All I can say is wow, you actually did all this. Now just to do the math and see if I'm in budget!
  12. I present to you the "Kerbal Dropship-That-Doesn't-Really-Drop-Anything-But-It-Kinda-Looks-Like-It-Does-So-Why-Not?"! Using the most advanced theoretical physics to allow different items to clip each other, the Northern Administrative and Space Initiative is proud to have developed such an awesome item. Some pictures of the air-but-soon-to-be-space craft are there > http://imgur.com/a/LEoC6#fDZld3K The .craft file for said craft are here > http://www./view/2o6il252vlbwcrv/VTOL.craft Flight Controls: After deploying the landing legs, tap T and R to toggle ASAS and RCS. Slowly throttle up to gain altitude and then tilt forward to start moving forward. For landing there is a docking clamp on top to switch control to so it's kinda-but-not-so-much like a regular atmospheric lander. Unfortunately I cannot remember whose design it originally was so if it is yours, kindly tell me and I will edit it to give you credit. Also, it has fuel to fly to the small island with the airship. Enough to land, however, I am unsure.
  13. Just seeing the pictures of the hallways and bridge immediately make me think it's going to turn out to be a alien horror movie like Pandorum. >_>
  14. I have been lurking since around the 0.17 update, went through the Great Crash of '13, and am still here. One thing has occurred to me over these long months of lurking: The people here are insanely nice. Nowhere I looked have I found any source of spam, harsh criticism, or plain out trolling. Not only that, but a lurker also recently made it to the Community Spotlight on KSP Weekly on their first post. That inspired me to write this and say thanks to the community and to the moderators who keep it clean! THANK YOU!!!
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