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Everything posted by ShyzyIndustries

  1. Galera, galera. Me chamem de louco. Estou traduzindo, melhorando , E COMPLETAMENTE REESCREVENDO o MechJeb.
  2. Oh, droga. Tou sem Illustrator. De um jeito ou de outro, eu digo dane-se a atmosfera. Estações espaciais móveis? FTW!
  3. FTL drives require "1 TRILLION SVEET KILNUWTUNS!"
  4. B9 Aerospace, DSM Pack, KW Rocketry, e Dammed Robotics. Ferram Aerospace Research, MechJeb.
  5. Wow, you is still online! I'm going to PM you. It's about plugins? So, I'm in.
  6. Yeah, IK. I can pack the mod if you guys want, but it is pretty noobish. And, kids (and jebs) do NOT abuse the antimatter warpdrives! And, hey, Mekan. I cant seem to get your frameshift drives to work, and i want to make Frameshiftdrive-shaped antimatter drives! Those can accelerate you to 100km/s BEFORE the mun!
  7. Very very VERY black gray.
  8. WUAHUAHAUAHUAHAU What?! "One trillion, pesos!
  9. I was playing with some of the engines I made for personal use, then I ejected my capsule and parachuted down to kerbin, 500 meters above the ground, when my parachutes deployed, kerbin said "NO! You bastard!" to me and accelerated me 11355299,615365 times the speed of light. Now, I'm at 10 thousand petameters.
  10. Sim.. Olhe a velocidade! 11355299,615365 vezes a velocidade da luz! Transdobra jebedial! Estou a quase 10 mil petametros!
  11. Thanks Nova. Nice story. EDIT : Uuh! 50th post!
  12. nuqneH jIH 'oH Shyzy, jIH jatlh tlhIngan. Vam copst 'oH abuta pouling tlhIngan! ghaj fun! Translation : Hello, I'm Shyzy, and I speak klingon. This post is all about speaking klingon. Have Fun! Useful links : http://www.kli.org/ http://www.mrklingon.org/
  13. "Endeavours" Passando por Ike vendo Duna no fundo.. Ike na camera Night Vision do Lazor System pelo Romfarer. "Helm, maximum warp. Engage." Capitão Jean-Luc Picard
  14. Muito obrigado. Agora, é só circularizar minha órbita e ir até a localização do depósito kethanistico.
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