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    Crazy dude from Dres

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  1. Still having this issue and I would love to be able to use AA. I've tried completely uinstalling and re-installing
  2. Turned them off, still didn't work Only turning off Anti-aliasing "fixes" the bug
  3. Build ID: 03173 KSP Version: 1.12.3 Mods / Add-Ons: All Stock This is a clean installation. What Happens: Changing scenes (main menu, KSC, Settings, VAB, etc) leaves weird black effect (see screenshots). Effect goes away once scene is loaded, and only happens when Anti-Aliasing is on. Steps to Replicate: 1) Launch KSP; 2) Go to settings; 3) Enable anti-aliasing; 4) Click accept. Result: Black/shadow effect on objects when changing scenes. Fixes/Workarounds: Turning off anti-aliasing Screenshots KSP.log player.log (was too long for pastebin) DxDiag.txt
  4. Makes me sad that I won't get free DLC because I was a little late to buy the game (mostly because, at the time, lack of support for international purchases in my country, I.E.: Buying a game via Steam). Well, I guess I will have to save a bit my gaming money to buy it. Definitely still hyped for it.
  5. Thank you. I'll test it later when I have time. I have no idea how that got there. (Blame Jebediah :v ) EDIT: Now it is working.
  6. I'll try again, but it was the only log that I could find. EDIT: Link with new log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6o5kpehk8xak3ya/output_log%20now%20is%20correct%20and%20has%20bunch%20of%20stuff.zip?dl=0
  7. 1-The launch pad stills intact after the explosions 2-I have recorded (with my phone) the bug (sorry for bad video quality, but stills watchable): 3-Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3sndqja6x0f8dhz/output_log.zip?dl=0 4-As far as I know, it coud be: a) KSP engine limitations; B9 mod fault; c)any other mod that I have fault; d)Deadly Reentry fault (since removing it prevents the instant explosion) I hope it helps.
  8. I'm having a bug when I create massive vessels (like, B9 cube parts) After building my craft, I click launch and it gets instanttly destroyed, when the games loads the launch pad, all I can see is explosions. (log says: Overheat for all parts). When I remove Deadly Reentry this no longer happens. Could you take a look why is that happening?
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