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    This is my member title.
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    The post is coming from inside your house!
  • Interests
    Sloth, lethargy, torpor.

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  1. The ship itself was a single launch. Then I docked cargoes to it.
  2. Hello back. You will be able to customize your avatar once the forum software is sure you are not a spambot. Probably now.
  3. This person has not been around for quite some time. The things are likely no longer available.
  4. Welcome to the forum. Maybe uninstall those mods for the moment so you can still play while waiting for an answer? I myself am not good at troubleshooting.
  5. Congratulations on your successes.
  6. Put their helmets on! Hurry! The atmosphere of Laythe has no oxygen!
  7. I do not know but I have moved your post to the sub where someone else might. Good luck.
  8. The technically inclined members of the team are tinkering with stuff. We're being very cautious because we only have partial access to some of these settings and we don't want to mess anything up. So may be more changes or may not, depending on how the tinkering goes. If you like what we've done so far, thank @adsii1970, @Deddly, and @Anth.
  9. Don't use the insert image with these. Just copy the link right into the post.
  10. All the recent posts which are not about boycotting or not boycotting TT have been removed. Stick to the subject, please.
  11. Congratulations on your mission. Still can't get the Imgur links to show? You should be able to copy the BBCode version straight into your posts here.
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