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    This is my member title.
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    The post is coming from inside your house!
  • Interests
    Sloth, lethargy, torpor.

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  1. No ranks in this version of the software. Some challenges offer an image as a trophy for challenges, but that's not a formal thing.
  2. Resetting to a town, which according to the rules, is a valid response.
  3. The tail planes are backwards. I don't know if that makes a difference but switching them around might help. It also seems kind of heavy for the amount of wing it has, but that's just an impression.
  4. That's a cool little aircraft. How does it land?
  5. The plane looks interesting. Can you post some bigger pictures?
  6. Resetting the game to "Europe," which is a continent and therefore valid under the rules in the first post. Is this stuff really worth fighting over, people?
  7. Sure, you can ask. But if the person being pinged doesn't like it you'll need to stop and not do it again with that person.
  8. You can't submit pictures directly to the forum. They need to be posted somewhere else and linked here.
  9. I can't see your pics, @anis. Could you upload them to a sharing service and copy their links into your post? Imgur is free and easy to use.
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