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Everything posted by Liowen

  1. I did some tweaking on the Zipper, my turbo jet/RCS SSTO jet. It had some balance issues (still does while holding a node), as well as the turbo jet engine having a gap between the engine and tank. The second issue was fixed with the new offset tool and pulling it back into the fuel tank. It should do well on the coming mission to Laythe as part of a package.
  2. Grab a screenshot of the contract in question, there might be an easy explanation as to why it is not completing. It could be that you need to stage the part in normal staging rather than using the run test, and if you used the part in staging before the parameters are complete it will show as everything is right but it is not because it still needs to be staged.
  3. I remember being in school, cannot remember the grade I was in, and watching it on the tv to watch the launch. Shortly after the explosion our school decided to send everyone home so the kids could talk with their parents, in someways I do not believe the counselors could handle that many students at once. I too was a big fan of the shuttle program and was hit kind of hard, I was also left wondering if we would return back into space after such an event. It also made me very fearful of flying for some reason after that point, I was 7 at the time, because I had this irrational thought that the plane would explode randomly in the air, I now know better of course but still seeing something like that live at a young age most likely didn't help.
  4. Not sure what I made this for, but on my save both halves have been sitting in orbit for 8 years LOL Sending to Mun for now to do some surveillance for and anomaly.
  5. So far today I downloaded SpaceY and Fuel Tanks Plus, now its time to build my Jool 5 ship so it looks good. It should now have the hefty lander that has been missing.
  6. LOL I don't have the patience most days, and I am 15+ . Especially for ion engines....it is like watching paint grow.
  7. Well depends you could make your nosecones have a very practical use by making them have fuel in them. I really hope that there will be a way to keep this mod working with the new model.
  8. Hmm I have a Tim Hortons about 20 minutes from my house, so it is not exclusively a Canadian thing
  9. Yet there is someone who is part of the media team and under the age of 18, and also promoted on the forums. So there is some choosing involved when this rule is enforced and when it is not. I am sure I will get a warning for this as well.... As for the age of the players it shouldn't be restricted to a certain age group, unless their parents (if young enough to have them be responsible) feel the game is not suited for them.
  10. I am 2 hours, give or take, from Detroit, not that is a good thing LOL.
  11. Like with anything that has the word game attached to it it is immediately thought to be something for children, and honestly a lot of games are not intended for children. However this game I feel is one that kids as young as 10 could get into, much like Minecraft it as many things they can learn to do and accomplish. Partner this up with their parents also playing, or in some cases helping them to understand something, could from a stronger bond between parents and children, something that has fallen from the wayside is a "family game night". I remember playing Space Shuttle Project on the NES back in 1991 and I was 13 at the time, it was a blast for what it was. Here is a sample of the kind of game play it had....And yes it had reentry heat damage
  12. Ok downloading the tanks mod now too....sheesh I am going to have some many tank I won't know what to do. Oh wait I will make bigger rockets!
  13. I went back to the Kerbal Tour Bus and made a chute landing system and also a launch stage, the launch stage was semi successful but may need some tweeks. After getting into orbit I had a ton of fuel left so I decided to go to Mun for a low passby. After a lockup of controls, and a quick reload, I decided I would venture out to Minmus as well.... Still having a lot of fuel I headed back to Kerbin, because I had forgotten I had not tested the parachute system yet. Happy to report the chutes were over kill, and I also landed just north of KSC as well. Next up is landing this beast on Mun or Minmus and returning.....or maybe Duna LOL
  14. Today I started up the Kerbal Tour bus company again, but I wanted something lighter than I had before but still able to carry nearly 40 Kerbals to space. I give to you the prototype of the Kerbal Tour Bus MkII.... using the MK3 parts It currently can reach an 80km orbit with about 200m/s left in the tank, and it is a SSTO rocket. Currently I do not have it configured for landing so its SSTO nature might change some, but I think it shouldn't effect it too much. I was also thinking of adding a dockable "economy class" section as well, and if this ever goes to Mun or Minmus only those in the "first class" section would be allowed to land on its surface. Hey at least they would get to say they went to space .
  15. elevenity billion? I did just crash on the runway due to too much speed, and not paying attention. As for actually numbers I honestly have no idea
  16. Ahem GTA V is being re-released, at full price, for the next gen systems and for pc (why it took so long to get it to the pc is beyond me since they built it on them....but I digress). So no a game can be released more than once or even have things added onto it after its release, which, after watching the Squadcast, is what they are planning on doing. So I would not get sand in uncomfortable places, like the back of VW, and take a pill and relax a bit. I will do out on a limb and say that what has been released is far from all that is coming.
  17. For the main reason I play any game, for the fun. It doesn't have to be overly realistic I play enough of a realistic game called IRL everyday without a choice, and trust me it is not all that fun with all of its micro managing and rules (don't get me started on the permadeath and only one character thing). For me it is an escape from the ever day much like games were when I was young, no real end game to them just new challenges. I think of it like going to a movie, you go for enjoyment of the experience.
  18. Today I started debating on reformatting my hard drive in order to fix some nagging issues I have been having with the computer as of late. My hopes are that I can move my Steam folder, with all the games, to an external drive in order to save me the hassle of redownloading them again. I did mess around with my jet the Zipper some more and it flies with very little input from me, so I am guessing that is a good thing.
  19. Or just make a Youtube page and upload them to that, it would make life so much easier to watch and find. I know crazy talk though....
  20. For me it is some sort of cloud detailing, even if it is only seen from orbit, to give the planets some life, rather than relying on a mod that is now 2 updates behind. I would be happy with most of these ideas, but for me I would love some life given to the what we have right now.
  21. Did a bit of tweaking to my RCS-SSTO and got into a 140km by 140km orbit. Best of all the apoapsis was done by the turbo jet alone and the RCS throttled engines rounded it out. Now I just wish I could narrow down why the EVE mod is causing my system to explode so often, I do miss the clouds but do not like random crashes either.
  22. Honestly weather does not need to be in the game, but clouds do to give the planets some life once in space. It doesn't have to be EvE style at all, but it also should not be something that is overly complex as weather patterns. For people to be more focused on the barn, something they look at for about a minute or 2, vs what they see from orbit for longer periods of time makes no sense at all.
  23. So the "Barn" is too unrealistic but not having clouds is fine?? Personally it could be an outhouse that the rockets come out of if that meant clouds over Kerbin, Laythe, Duna, Eve, and Jool. With the new launch effects it seems like there is a base model for them to be generated, hopefully this will happen but wasn't listed (It would be a nice surprise).
  24. I just uninstalled EvE ......I feel dirty
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