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  1. It's accessed from the WBT button on the main KSC view toolbar. Yes, sorry, got a bit confused myself there. CRP mode uses equipment. It's USI that makes use of machinery (and material kits), not WBI. I'd just been reading a post about someone setting up a USI based munbase and got the two mixed up in my head. Didn't help that they were using USI's inflatable modules. And one of my saves in the past used a USI playmode that doesn't seem to be available anymore.
  2. Get the latest here. Mirror: SpaceDock Pathfinder Wiki Source (Pathfinder), Source (WildBlueTools) BARIS Wiki CKAN? Why not look and see? After planting the flag, taking the group photo op and getting a good night's rest, Bill got to the real work of the Duna One Expedition's post-landing ops: building the Pathfinder base. Grabbing a powered screwdriver and a Saddle from the Buckboard 2000, Bill detached the Ponderosa from the cargo lander and bolted the Saddle into the surveyed ground. He then attached the Ponderosa module to the Saddle. "Get the Doc next," Bob encouraged Bill. As the engineer walked over to the Buckboard, Val and Jeb hooked up the Saddle to the cargo lander's equipment storage tank. Bill supervised the Ponderosa's assembly, while Bob outfitted the module as a Pathfinder geology lab. Once the engineer attached the Doc Science Lab to the back of the Ponderosa, Bob immediately got to work again. "Uh oh," Val said. "The Sombrero didn't survive the drop. The solar panels are broken. Can you fix it, Bill?" Bill looked at the solar array and shook his head. "No, but I can rig up a generator from one of the Buckboards, and use the Gold Diggers to dig up some ore." "But, I need those drills to take core samples," Bob protested. "Without those core samples we can't tweak production efficiency!" "Don't worry," Bill responded, "we can convert the spare Casa into a workshop and print some more using the material kits in the lander." "Ok, let's get that done after we set up the Telegraph. We need more relays back to Kerbin." An engineer's work is never done, Bill thought to himself... See The Sights You've done your flags and footprints, now comes the time to do some geology to find the best place to plunk down your more permanent base. Establish a basecamp, stay awhile, and survey the land to see if you can find a better concentration of resources (or perhaps a worse concentration, maybe those orbital scans weren't accurate). If you've found the right spot, then it's time to bring in the bigger stuff. If not, then it's time to pack up your Buffalo Modular Space Exploration Vehicle and look elsewhere. Space Camping Pathfinders have KIS/KAS friendly, portable equipment to go “space camping" with. Just convert a few Buckboard or Conestoga multipurpose containers into storage units, pack your gear, and head out. Temporary Bases Want to build a sprawling temporary base? Pathfinder offers a number of different parts for temporary base building, with optional support for mods like OSE Workshop, Extraplanetary Launchpads, TAC Life Support, Snacks, USI-LS, kOS, and more. Travel in Style Pathfinders are always on the go, and you can travel in style with the Buffalo Modular Space Exploration Vehicle (MSEV), based on NASA's real-world MMSEV. Whether driving or making sub-orbital hops, the Buffalo has you covered. As if that's not enough, you also have a personal flying wing known as the JetWing, and the Outback EVA Support System, which can hold a small amount of a lot of different resources. Your Game, Your Choice Don't like how the mod is configured? Simply press <mod key, which defaults to Alt on Windows> and P simultaneously to bring up the Pathfinder Settings window. It's not cheating if the default configuration for the mod simply doesn't match your play style. Additionally, Pathfinder is easily customizable using ModuleManager patches. Want to create a new template? Here's a wiki page on how. Requires Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) and Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) by KospY & Winn78. ---ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- Module Manager by Sarbian Icons by icons8: https://icons8.com/license/ --- LICENSE --- Recommended Mods Featured on Kottabos Space Program, here is an early look at Pathfinder. Thanks Kottabos!
  3. I tried all 3 play modes. I'm wondering if there's a way to play CRP mode with no MKS and use ores instead. I have all of Nertea's near/far future mods. They brought in Community Resources Pack as a dependency. But he seems to be taking a more easy going attitude more like Wild Blue's Simplified mode than MKS/USI. He patched all the stock converters to drill for all resources and convert from ore to LH2, LCH4, and even end game resources like enriched uranium, fission pellet, nuclear saltwater, etc. https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/CryoTanks/blob/master/GameData/CryoTanks/Patches/CryoTanksISRU_patch.cfg https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/NearFutureElectrical/blob/master/GameData/NearFutureElectrical/Parts/Resources/nuclear-recycler-25.cfg https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/FarFutureTechnologies/blob/master/GameData/FarFutureTechnologies/Parts/Resources/fft-nuclear-smelter-375-1.cfg But he did revert it to the MKS production chain if MKS is detected. https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/NearFutureElectrical/blob/master/GameData/NearFutureElectrical/Patches/NFElectricalUSIResources.cfg I also have OSE Workshop where they just patch all the stock drills to drill for dirt and let their converter convert dirt to rare metals and exotic minerals. They also patched the stock drill to drill for these directly. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Workshop/blob/master/GameData/Workshop/MM_Patches/MM_Workshop.cfg https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Workshop/blob/master/GameData/Workshop/Parts/OSE_Converter/Converter.cfg Pathfinder seems to assume CRP means MKS/USI. Even essentials like Konkrete requires resources like Minerals which can only be obtained with the MKS specific drill. SCANSat wouldn't even show the resource without the MKS drill. It's not just about bringing in the drill. Every mod seems to switch to hard mode and require the entire MKS production chain for everything when they detect the presence of MKS. I thought about Classic Stock. It's a bit more involved than I'd like but close enough. Problem is mods like outer planets seems to be dropping support for it. https://github.com/Poodmund/Outer-Planets-Mod/releases/tag/2.2.6 So the best match for me is probably Simplified mode. But I noticed that templates defined in the "Common" directory such as green house and sandcastle still requires Equipment. So are templates introduced in patches for things like TAC-LS. Also, some boxed parts like the drilling rig requires Equipment and Konkrete to unpack. But with only the simple ISRU template, there's no way to make Konkrete and Equipment. I can't even have a workshop for OSE workshop. I can help code up a fix. I can: 1. Set payToRemodel = false in Simplified.cfg just like in Pristine.cfg and keep Simplified mode dead simple. Add the LCH4, RareMetal refining and Workshop functionality to the Simplified ISRU. 2. Add the appropriate production chain for Equipment and Konkrete to Simplified mode from ClassicStock and adapt accordingly. Still need to enhance the ISRU with new refining and Workshop. 3. Or change our CRP code so that we substitute every raw material with Ore if MKS is not present. Still need to add refining to the appropriate template to match the functionality these mods added to stock drill/converters. What do you think?
  4. Assuming you have the USI config at this path (GitHub) in your GameData, simply edit the value of KerbalMonths or HabMultiplier. By this I assume only two Pathfinder parts provide USI hab effects. You will need to study this config and write your own to cover the other parts that you feel are necessary. If you have a config that provides USI hab effects to several WBI parts already then save this config anywhere in GameData and raise the values here. Note that the *= means to multiply and will scale the values in all applicable parts. @PART:HAS[#manufacturer[Wild?Blue?Industries],@MODULE[ModuleHabitation]]:AFTER[USILifeSupport] { @MODULE[ModuleHabitation] { @KerbalMonths *= 1 @HabMultiplier *= 1 } } You need the mod itself and the play mode component (CRP).
  5. I don't have a sure answer but I can suggest that perhaps the SandCastle modules aren't happy with being dynamically handled. The question is "How can I link their ratio when they're both present in a given Buckboard as is the case with LiquidFuel + Oxidizer?" I have the answer but does that player still care to know? EL having its own non-CRP resources is not the strange bit. EL and MKS have different perspectives of the particular resources, and came to exist at different times, and saw no need to be super friendly to each other due to having very different gameplay goals (or paths to those goals). The actual strange bit is that the "USI" play mode, which Angel-125 did not create, doesn't take care of EL for you. Ask the author of the USI play mode to handle it, or, you could easily write OmniConverter options. Angel stopped supporting CRP a long time ago. Notice that he only does his own Classic Stock Resources now. That is why Pathfinder hasn't changed from using EL's non-CRP resources. Pathfinder definitely is a great mod.
  6. So I am not fully sure this is the correct place for it, but in my current game I have EL, USI MKS + LS and obviously Pathfinder installed. I have the usi playmode as well installed. One thing that is strange is EL introduces Metal, MKS introduces Metals. MKS patches EL so that Metals are produced/required but Pathfinder stays at EL standards. And these 2 Metals aren't interchangeable. Same goes for the Rocketparts, MKS patches EL to use MaterialKits and Specialised parts instead of Rocketparts, so the production of Metal, ScrapMetal and Rocketparts is basically obsolete and with that the whole iron foundry has only one purpose: to produce equipment. I believe one could make a patch to fix these "issues", probably in the wbi playmode, but that is out of my capabilities. Maybe one could even add a functionality to be able to produce these Specialised parts in some fashion, so that one could use the Pathfinder parts as substitute for the less visual appealing MKS parts. Pathfinder overall is a great mod just like every other wbi mod ^^
  7. For the most part they should not be incompatible but don't expect actual support (configs or plugin interaction) to exist. Try them together and find out. Then the next person who asks will have their answer. Pathfinder bases are meant to be low-maintenance, portable research facilities, and not permanent, sprawling, industrial settlements like MKS. Like the thread title says, you're "space camping." Ideally, you can carry your whole base as deflated pieces in a large KIS container on a rover; take them out, assemble and do your work; deflate and put the pieces back in the container and continue trekking. But there's nothing to stop you from making a sprawling industrial settlement as if it was MKS. Pathfinder doesn't have a maintenance mechanic like whatever revolves around the Machinery resource, but it can have the requirement on WBI's Equipment resource in order to inflate something or change what it can do. WBI's OmniConverter system is a godsend. Each part that is an OmniConverter can have any number of slots and each slot can have a value that scales the throughput of the converter module that you slip into it, and there's a tagging system to restrict what converter modules can be equipped. I've never used USI swap bays so I can't contrast the two well, but I'm quite confident you'll have equal or more options with WBI. There are easily a few parts that have more than 1 OmniConverter slot. Pathfinder also provides OmniStorage which lets you set any supporting tank to have any fractions or any number of resources, even including KIS volume and stock inventory volume all at once. If a resource exists in your game, you can search its name and tank it...unless it's blacklisted. If you're looking for part wear and failure, check out Angel's EVA Repairs mod. Anything that contains these stock modules (engine, converter, harvester, reaction wheel) can wear down, fail, and will require stock Repair Kits in order to be restored, and can optionally permanently wear down and need to be replaced. About "space camping" ...Pathfinder happens to include some very large boxed parts which require Equipment + Konkrete resources (so they're really expensive to deploy) but they have great capacities and several OmniConverter slots so it's really rewarding. They are the "Arcology"-ish permanent WBI settlement. Among these parts is a fusion reactor which requires FusionPellets and possibly a downpayment on ElectricCharge (see: FFT reactors). Pathfinder includes its own rover mod, Buffalo. It tramples USI's Malemute with tank space, battery capacity and cargo space options. I'm comparing these two as they're in the same size class... But I bet USI's Karibou tramples back on Buffalo because it's bigger while having several of the same features.
  8. Ack. So I'm halfway through a career game (after restarting due to an instability in another mod) using this and USI-LS, and I've just discovered USI-LS support was dropped from this absolutely ages ago. FML. Because I hate the idea of starting again (again), I'm gathering information to put together an MM patch to get Pathfinder working with USI-LS . I have the guide on supporting MKS in a mod, the balance guidelines spreadsheet, and the converter module updates (that I may or may not need, I've not checked yet). I also have an old patch from Pathfinder 1.6.2 that added USI-LS support that I was hoping to use as a template. Before I start - was there a specific reason why USI-LS support was dropped? It still seems to work - but I thought I should check as I have a feeling that smarter people than me have already tried this and I could be wasting my time...
  9. I'm obviously doing a fairly heavy WildBlue playthrough at the moment. Starting to get into real Pathfinder use, not just deployment. Some notes on things that may bug me: I'm using USI-LS. The Pigpen converts Mulch into Fertilizer. This basically breaks the resource chain for USI-LS - Fertilizer is conceptually 'what's missing from Mulch to grow food' in the USI-LS system, and the official parts basically will convert Mulch+Fertilizer into an equivalent mass of Supplies. (Which then turns into an equal mass of Mulch.) Turning Mulch into Fertilizer means you're going to run out of food - no matter what. UKS uses Gypsum to generate Fertilizer; if you don't want to add more resources, Ore wouldn't be a horrible choice. Or just require it to be shipped in from home, like base USI-LS. Also with USI-LS: Mulch (like Supplies) is 80-90% water, by USI-LS lore. Needing both Mulch and Water to grow food is somewhat redundant. It would be nice to have some sort of indicator on the greenhouses to know how far along the production cycle they are - if the next crop is in 15 days and I have 20 days of supplies, no problem. If the next crop is in 40 days and I have 15 days of supplies I need to start planning a rescue mission. I had an issue where my Old Faithful nearly overheated when I switched to my base recently. What it appears had happened is that the fusion plant was partially deactivated - it was producing heat but no electricity. When I re-activated it, there was enough EC for heat rejection and things started to cool down again. I'm not sure where the bug was and it hasn't recurred - but I thought I should mention it for troubleshooting purposes. Related to the above: What uses Coolant? Old Faithful appears to use water in it's open-cycle mode (which saved it for me in the above...), and it was what I thought was using it. I'm afraid I'm going to stumble into needing it at some point without having any. The Doc Science lab surprised me by being less powerful than the MPL. I'd expected it to be equal or better; inflated it's near the same size. Not a major issue, just a moment of surprise. What's your reasoning there? Might there be a way to get a more powerful version? I've mentioned elsewhere that the CLS support is somewhat lacking at the moment. In particular, the Mineshafts, Switchbacks, and Tunnel Extenders don't count as passable. Since that's their primary purpose, it's a bit odd. Switchbacks and Tunnel Extenders are an easy fix - I'm not sure how to get Mineshafts working. The pack could use a large solar array of some sort, or some small-scale generator. At the moment it's hard to generate enough power for a base without going into a full fusion plant. The Poncho looks nice, but it would take a lot of them to generate enough power to run even one of the modules. Part of this for me may be that I'm using it with both USI-LS and UKS - the efficiency multipliers we discussed in the MOLE thread are in operation here as well, and USI-LS needs EC as well. But at the moment I'm ignoring the Poncho as 'not worth the effort' - scaled up 5 or 10 times it might be. An RTG or a fuel cell module would also be potentially interesting; something a bit less exotic than going full Fusion. (Though I still haven't gotten the Powerpack on the Buffalo to work - I have no indication anywhere in-game that it has a generator besides the solar panel.) Anyway - I’m having fun. I like being able to re-config on the fly; I shipped up modules in a lot of different configs so I wouldn't have to, but inevitably I needed to redesign and it allowed me to do so. Setting things up is easy, and I was able to get a working base together fairly quickly. I'm a bit concerned long-term about the Supplies situation, but I'll be dealing with that as it comes up; I don't have USI-LS set on anything permanent. I've retrieved my original four from Minmus, so next up is to get the orbital construction station operating - I have it in place, it just needs to be staffed and tested out, and I need to start getting a supply line running for it. (Anyone have some good tools for planning intercepts to complicated for MechJeb? Ideally I'd like to be able to launch directly from Minmus to the spacedock - but figuring transfer windows and the like isn't something I want to do by hand.) I'll probably post pics here as I get it going.
  10. sir,could you tell me how to edit the habbit time in usi-ls for pathfinder base please? the default time is too short to me for rss.
  11. WBI Logistics is built-in and is necessary to WBI for the same reasons USI has its own. WBI's own is far easier/less weird (I agree with @shdwlrd) in that in WBI you don't need parts to be manned for logistics to kick in, and you get the following toggles, per resource: Share (of course) Consume/Pull/Hoard Share through vessel (particularly important for sharing EC around) Ignore If you're up to it, you could use the following WBI mods to substitute USI entirely: (shameless promotion) Snacks! for life support BARIS (but tone it down a lot. It's vicious by default) for part wear and failure Pathfinder itself for base building And these non-WBI mods Station Parts Redux by Nertea (ask me for unreleased total Classic Stock conversion patch for that) Kerbal Health for habitation and space radiation. Objectively, WBI and USI are very alike in feature-sets and purpose. Pathfinder is geared towards keeping your base mobile while small, and easy to bring along, physically rearrange, pack up, and carry along. They're not mutually exclusive like Kerbalism and MKS, or any two life support mods. They can easily work together, however, Angel is not a fan of RoverDude, has as much to maintain as him, and nobody who wants USI support in WBI is willing or able to provide that support.
  12. Forgive the noob questions but I'm trying to make some patches to get some basic USI-LS functionality into some Pathfinder parts and I can't figure out how to modify an existing template correctly. For example, I want to make the ponderosa habitat function exactly like a hitchhiker can does in USI-LS using this chunk of code copied directly from Roverdude's patch for the hitchhiker (other than the top line obviously): in the VAB, this seems to work properly. The USI-LS panel shows the extra habitation time like it should when the ponderosa is in habitat mode. But if I try actually deploying the thing in the world, there is a toggle in the "manage operations" window but it doesn't do anything, and the start/stop habitation controls are missing from the PAW. If I use this same code at the part level instead of just one template, it works properly. What am I doing wrong?
  13. I have been trying to get this to work with some additional modules for the ponderosa. At first I had a mod pack with too much stuff in it including MKS, LLL, all the Near parts, KPBS, etc. It was super laggy, but the ponderosa could be configured to do basically everything! It was pretty cool. I started a new mod pack and wanted to just use Pathfinder with USI Life Support. But now it can't do very much. I can't even make food. I switched to USI LS but it also cannot make supplies. I tried in Classic Stock and CRP mode. The only modules I see are: Pigpen Recycler (does this do anything?) Ponderosa Habitat (does this do anything?) Pathfinder Geology Lab (appears to work) Oxide Processing Automated Lab (appears to work) The modules I know I am missing are the Blacksmith 3d Print Shop and the Omnishop but maybe more. The Chuckwagon also has a lot of modules that seem to be broken / not implemented like the POTATO greenhouse. What am I missing? Is there some hidden dependencies? Is there a way to see what mods unlock what modules? It's hard to know how to get this mod to fully work. I'm not sure if I'm just missing research or what
  14. My current line of thought is to use WBI in early game, and transition to USI late game. WBI is easier to deploy and set up, and has lower resource requirements, but is more awkward to use - even if it's often more flexible. USI's mechanics (most of them, not all) feel a bit smoother and less awkward - in a way that feels like more advanced tech, not in 'better designed mod' - so later bases tend to be more USI. (By awkward/not awkward, I mean things like supply production: WBI has a mechanic for harvesting batches, with variable production. USI's are just continuous production. I can easily see early deployments being closer to WBI, but later methods tweaking out the timing so that there's always something ready for harvest.)
  15. Was away for 8 months or so, came back to find Angel-125 has been seriously busy with a cloud of cool new parts. I particularly like the Clydesdales, the mini rotating habs, and the giant mongo heat shield making them recoverable. They were exactly what I needed to build a crew transport vehicle of absurd capacity to serve a station of absurderer capacity while using USI/LS, so I'd have to rotate them periodically or spend all my team refreshing them in med bays. The station as you see it is only about half done, but two of the main habs were up so I decided to send up crew, this flight was carrying 40 something. The crew transport has a capacity of 77 and was perfectly launchable as a unit. Which means anyone who wants habs for a space station can have tons of hab space with a very easy single launch. If I could send this 77 version up no probs with a 7.5m launcher, 5m should be fine for a smaller version. Anyway, very nice work Angel, some more very useful parts and I haven't even tried all the new ground hab parts. Unfortunately this game is MKS/USI and they wouldn't really be compatible without lots of config surgery.
  16. This is actually pretty perfect for fitting in with USI since the USI-LS mod adds Ore to Fertilizer (as mentioned above), and UKS's Regolith Sifter allows Gypsum to Fertilizer and Minerals to Fertilizer conversions. Of course, the smaller Extractor allows Gypsum to Fertilizer since I think that is USI's "preferred" route to sustainable life support (with Minerals being the secondary. That option was actually just added in the most recent UKS update). On the topic of conversion rates, those are somewhat up to interpretation (based on how advanced you want to claim the Pigpen is). The basic UKS Mk-V extractor converts Gypsum to Fertilizer at a 100:1 ratio, the more advanced Mk-III Sifter converts either Gypsum or Minerals to Fertilizer at a 10:1 ratio. The stock 1.25m ISRU converts Ore to Fertilizer at a whopping 1000:1 ratio. (I think this is mostly so that people just using USI-LS have SOME option for self-sufficiency, though I think that leaves the door open for better technology than a basic ISRU to conceivably be more efficient.) Not that any of this REALLY matters, but I appreciate that you tend to try to balance your mods with others, so I thought I'd offer some background.
  17. It really depends on what you're looking to get out of the mods. My opinion is that Pathfinder is easier to transport and setup ground bases. MKS is better at orbital stations, but can be used for ground bases. The WildBlue and USI mods have different resources and converters, but play ok together. The two mods don't share converters, but you can store CRP resources with Pathfinder in CRP play mode. Both mods have a different philosophies on resource management and distribution. I find that WildBlue resource management makes more sense than USI. Be aware that Pathfinder is heavily dependent on KIS. Any changes to KIS can present as bugs in Pathfinder until it's updated.
  18. will this be better than USI or closer too it i love usi mod and this mod
  19. Howdy, X. The "BARIS Bridge" is only a vital component needed by the other WBI mods to function. It does not contain BARIS itself, so you're free to stick with ScrapYard + Oh scrap. But if you choose BARIS, be sure to read its wiki. It has a lot of Difficulty Settings to play with if you find it's too hard..................or not hard enough, or you're hoping for certain things to behave differently. CRP support should be decent enough as Pathfinder has been around a very long time. The only, if not main advantage CRP has over Classic Stock mode is that CRP has every resource under the Sun in case you prefer these, and the most popular mods like the USI or NF suites, where Classic Stock has a pretty narrow selection (which is fine for Angel-125 and myself). Pathfinder works very well with EL. You're welcome to install EL normally and delete all of its parts except the micro pads and recycle bins (I don't think Pathfinder has alternatives to these). I don't see a problem with SimpleConstruction being installed as well so try these mods together.
  20. It's been a while since I touched USI Logistics, and haven't played with WBI Logistics at all yet. Why the preference for WBI? I remember the USI Logistics was a little weird, is WBI logistics easier? Noted, thanks. I suspect the hardest part will be balancing the parts, rather than writing the actual patches. I'll just try to match up parts between mods and tweak from there.
  21. Mostly it was that USI-LS went through a major balance change (and Pathfinder went through a parts revamp), Angel-125 wasn't using USI-LS, and no one's stepped up to write patches. There's no technical reason it was dropped, other than it was out of date.
  22. I can't speak for Angel, but Roverdude likes to break his mods without warning or explanation. I've used MKS for a while and stopped because I got sick of the updates blinking out or breaking my bases and stations. I still use USI:LS but I use the parts and converters from the mod along side of Pathfinder. The only thing you will have to do is create a patch to add habitation time and supplies to the Pathfinder parts. If you want to use MKS, build the two bases separately and use WBI distribution for resource transfers. (You may want to do the same thing with supplies creation for ground bases too. Plus USI resource distribution doesn't really make sense.) That way if the bases gets blinked out of existence, your only real loss is some buckboards or tundra modules. PS. You may have to remove the dependency for the MKS parts to be manned.
  23. The primary reason I've stopped trying to patch stuff for use with USI. I just use whatever pieces from USI I need along side WBI. (Separate bases, within the physics bubble using WBI distribution for resource transfers between them.)
  24. @Cruzo Converter controls will not appear in the PAW, they will appear in the Ops UI (PAW --> click Manage Operations --> Converters tab). Once you know how to use MM and you know the location and the contents of the file containing what needs to be patched, it's straightforward. Edit: Oh right. You've already seen them but they don't work. Perhaps you're missing some of the new USI modules released with the recent game-breaking mega-update to USI? I can't imagine why those modules don't want to work in flight.
  25. USI support was dropped awhile ago; I didn’t use it and it changed too much to upkeep. So there is no USI support out of the box.
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