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Found 4 results

  1. An accurate ARCAspace EcoRocket mod for KSP I have been slowly working on this mod for KSP over the past week, which introduces the EcoRocket, ARCAspaces steam powered Green Rocket from Romania. So far the mod features all of the parts to construct the current EcoRocket design on the ARCAspace website, and is accurately scaled to real life (although I would not recommend actually using this on RSS or something similar, it will not reach orbit no matter how hard you try) Current features include: All of the parts needed for One EcoRocket Interchangeable Tank variants so you can choose between Flags, Logo, or Plain Custom fuels "Heated Water", "RP-1" and "High Test Peroxide" to adhere to the goal of realism Custom Waterfall plumes for maximum visual satisfaction There is a lot of jank sadly with this mod, as it is my first time ever modding for KSP, so if you have any suggestions, bugs to report, or just words to get across to me, you can contact me through twitter, which is linked on my github page. Download Links GitHub: https://github.com/cmdrads/kspEcoRocket SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3050/EcoRocket Also available through CKAN! License: GNU-GPL 3.0 Dependencies: Waterfall is an absolute requirement, while ReScale and Conformal Decals are highly recommended!
  2. Hello, just logged on to the forums and this caught my eye: Wasn't it green before? Or am I just seeing things...
  3. Hello KSP Forum, so I was bored and the awfully badly color-choiced "Your content will need to be approved by a moderator" was starting to bug me~ So I made a dark/blue theme for the entire forum in the old (probably abandoned) Stylebot extension in chrome for anyone who wants to use it. I know it's kind of an odd thing to post for my, third post on here- but I like things to look nice. lol I also added dividers between posts, made the profile look on the left of posts look a bit nicer/organized, and made some other minor tweaks using it aside from colors as it allows for adding borders to things which gives quite a bit of possibilities. To apply just paste this code into the Import Styles option in stylebot to get the theme to work- I am, seriously hoping that the spoiler box on here is a dropdown as that is a rather lot of text; maybe code would have been better.. By the way, hides the "Your content must be reviewed by a moderator" so keep that in mind, your content probably still will be needing reviewing even after coloring your browser. Screenshots If you find any problems; which I wouldn't be surprised if there are some as each main area needs to be modified significantly, and changing objects like these text boxes are really picky- just leave a reply and I'll see to fixing them.
  4. #Magic boulder in van this is awesome #done with haks *vab not van
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