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Found 2 results

  1. I am working on a mod for the Neutron Rocket made by Rocket Lab. It is still WIP I am currently working on the second stage and fairings.For some reason the colliders got completely shifted and the same with the node and the fairings don't decouple. I am open to any and all ideas. I am gonna take A LOT of creative liberty since we barely know anything about this rocket. Also I need someone to help me out with the nodes and modules for the fairings.Here a few development pics: The part will be temporarily placed in the thermal section just to make them easy to find in development These are the upper stage pics:
  2. This is my new RO mod for the Neutron Rocket. This is my first "fully functional" (WIP) mod. This is the download link: https://github.com/Suyash-Jevaria/Neutron_Rocket There aren't any images cause I got kinda lazy lol
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