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Russian Energia Rocket


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Energia Replica


Sorry for the small hiatus, real life happened. :rolleyes: I've been sitting on this replica a while, trying to make it stop exploding. You'll never meet a more quirky rocket! (Offerings to whatever god you pray to may be needed before launch.) The Russian Energia was designed as a heavy lifter, and made two flights- an orbital test flight of the Buran shuttle, and the Polyus military satellite, which failed to inject into orbit correctly. This download comes without a payload, but if you bug me enough I may make one. Hope you enjoy!

Craft Info: 204 parts, 1,377 tons. (!)

Craft Download: (Mediafire) Link

Flight Manual:

Like any rocket, straight up til 10k, then gravity turn. This rocket has plenty of dV, although KER calculates it weirdly. Don't use physical timewarp until the booster sep, at which point the core can handle two or three times warp.

And now, beauty shots!







Thanks for viewing, and leave some rep if you enjoyed!

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Great design sir +rep to you
Me likes weird rockets.
Very nice, as usual! Love the boosters. Have some rep!

Thank you all very much! This has been 2 weeks in the making at least, half of it troubleshooting.

Interesting. Do you know, that Energia had asymmetric first stage boosters placement?

I was aware! I made it symmetrical to simplify my building, other's flying, and the fact that I based it on the vertical-mounted payload version. Neat diagram, though!

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