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RCS Joystick, where to buy parts?


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Hi all, I am building a custom control panel for KSP and want to add a RCS controller, what I need is two 3-axis joysticks but there is a difference between them:


The right joystick is easy to find, it's third axis is rotation, there is a lot of components like this used in camera control and it is realatively easy to find.

The left one is tricky, the third axis is a pull/push button and I just cant find one like this, there are a few joysticks with buttons on top but this is not what I am looking for, if I were to do something different than the real RCS controll I'd preffer to use another rotation axis so I could keep the analog feel.

Any ideas where I can find this? Thanks all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some time ago i was planning to do the same thing, the only solution i was able to put togheter was to place the entire joystick on a "sliding" chassis bonded with a rotary potentiometer to simulate a 4°axis, as soon as i can i'll post to you some more explanatory drawnings, warn: it requires some DIY skills!

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I also settled for a solution with two separate joysticks (actually switches) for translation control. This has two reasons. No. 1 is that in reality RCS has no throttle, so you don't need analog input for translation. Second reason is I can't handle rotation and translation at once, it just puts too much stress on me. You can see my joysticks in my hardware thread.

At first I had two full joysticks where I used one twist rudder as up/down control.

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