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Infernal robotics and docking ports.


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Any way to use them together? Makes infernal a bit pointless imo if not. Iv seen a post about a way to use them by not going through the parent part or somthing but it was confusing and can't find it again. Maybe I'm missing somthing but doesn't seem to be a big talking point? Cheers for any help :)

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Welcome to the forums! :)

I'll be moving this over to General Add-on Affairs, since it's an issue specific to a particular mod. I'm afraid I can't help you directly, but hopefully someone with more experience with Infernal Robotics will be able to answer you shortly!

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Any way to use them together? Makes infernal a bit pointless imo if not. Iv seen a post about a way to use them by not going through the parent part or somthing but it was confusing and can't find it again. Maybe I'm missing somthing but doesn't seem to be a big talking point? Cheers for any help :)

I suspect it's not a big talking point because many people have just come to accept that it causes problems, so have stopped asking about it.

The general issue with docking ports and IR is that they change the hierarchy of the vessel when the dock/undock occurs. This means that IR can end up with its robot arm (for example) being mounted backwards, which it doesn't like. As such we advise to avoid having docking ports at the end of anything robotic. Having them elsewhere on your craft is fine, as this won't affect the hierarchy.

It's interesting that you post this today though. I was watching a stream last night and this piece of information came to my attention about the rules that govern docking (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79594). Maybe there's a set of rules that can be followed that will allow for docking/undocking of vessels without the hierarchy being altered for the areas IR is used.

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Thank you zodius and an interesting link. Yh I had given up using infernal really, iv been away from the game for a while and mainly wondered if any new info was around. (Thinking now iv only not been played for a week, man it seems a long time after however many years :). ) and sorry specialist for wrong section …honestly I'm not a ......

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I use often docking ports at the end of some robotic arms, and I had not teriible issues. Just put a structural part between the robotic part and the docking port. If you have some troubles, usually a quicksave/quickload solve the issue.

^ This. I typically use a procedural tank (Flattened and set to a width slightly smaller than my port with no resources in it) for this purpose.

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