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Designs for deploying a rover from a lander?

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It\'s easy to make your rover the final stage on a vessel, but... what kinds of designs would allow a lander to deploy a rover (or rovers) and then take off? Strapping rovers to the sides of a lander seems like a good way to make the lander fall over and explode. Stock solutions for the lander itself would be preferred, though the rover doesn\'t need to be. Ideas?

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Ideally, you\'d use a sky-crane design as used with Curiosity. This would just be a manned lander, hovering a few M above the surface, with the rover attatched to a decoupler on the bottom. For the rover, you should use Tosh\'s mun rover, controlled with a 1m Mechjeb module. To decouple, you\'d hover, decouple the rover, translate to the side, land, and switch to the rover via the map screen.

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You could try something like this skycrane, with a mechjeb attatched to the rover you simply land the skycrane, decouple the rover and fly away to control the rover whenever you feel like it. It\'s an easy design to copy, and most parts are in NP pack

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Here is what I used last night. The truck had a little problem extricating itself, but it all ended well, thanks to the arm (goes up in this picture, is 2 cylinders and 4 hinges long). Next time I am hanging it under the rack I think.

P.S. The tanks decouple after landing, the whole frame drops down a bit more.

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A rover shouldn\'t need to take off. It is better (and more fun) to design each craft for a specific task: a spacecraft (a lander or a transit vehicle) has very different requirements than a rover or an atmospheric vehicle.

Building a rover that has to carry along engine and fuel to return to Kerbin would be silly. It would also be silly to design a Munar lander with wings or a return vehicle that has to carry wheels and suspension.

With crew transfer made possible with EVAs, you would land your rover unmanned, then transfer your crew over to it, like Apollo. Ideally, a rover would be part of the Mun base and reusable.

I have a design that lands an unmanned lunar base, with a rover attached to the bottom. Before landing, it hovers 10m above the ground and drops the rover, then drifts a couple of meters away, lands on its legs (MechJeb required for this sort of manoeuver), and extends its solar panels. A later mission delivers the crew on a small lander capable of returning.



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After trying many methods, I eventually settled on putting the rover at the top of the stack.

The lander lands, the rover disconnects, hovers, lands next to the lander, and jettisons its low-powered rockets.



This line of thinking eventually led me to the last rover I built. A lightweight, low-powered, low altitude 'HoveRover,' with wheels only because it makes landing quite a bit easier.


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I\'ll see your double launcher and raise it by 2 more. The QUAD launcher. Unfortunately my computer can\'t handle the pace and i haven\'t had a successful mun landing YET. Too much LAG. Sorry no craft (too many parts and too lazy)but feel free to copy it.

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If you want a stock solution, heres my rocket and rover. You can either attempt to land the whole second stage if you manage to get it over there with fuel, or just blow it off and land with the rover. Also, dont press 'G' with your second stage on ;D You might have a problem. Oh and by second stage... Not the actual second stage, but there is 3 main parts to the rocket, the lander, the 4 rows of fuel tanks and engines under that, and then the 10 rows of fuel tanks and areospike engines under that, my 3 stages. Also its a new version of my craft im working on, so its not 100% great just yet.

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Myself, I like to do the hanging style as well for my rovers. I have the basic launch module on top of the rover, and mount the landing engines around the side. By having the rover hang just a little above the bottoms of the lander legs, when you de-couple, it is just a short drop to the ground. Just launching command module isn\'t too hard, doesnt take much of an engine to do the final get away.

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I don\'t seem to have the screenshots anymore, but I like to hang rovers under a Novapunch fairing plate with the fuel on top and radial engines on the plate. The legs by captain slug give you enough clearance if you want to land the whole assembly. Otherwise just drop off the rover and the weight loss will cause the sky crane setup to fly away.

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Uses RCS and a tiny squirt from the small rocket engine to hop off the lander. the lander and rover both have mechjeb modules so either can be 'deleted' easily. Its not my own design though, i copied parts of it from other screenshots i\'ve seen on this forum.

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