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Everything posted by MrPwner

  1. Hello everybody! PakledHostage has asked me to make an antenna for Figaro. I'm still quite noob at modelling (and texturing), but so far I've made the model, added some materials and UV-mapped the thing. The model in it's current state looks like this, hope you like it: It's based on the antenna on the Block IIR GPS Satellites:
  2. Halfway around the sun for the 22nd time.
  3. I have the same problem with this picture. But that's because the Kerbal is really close to the camera. Also, some people can do it better than others for some reason. Normally it works incredible. Roving around, seeing everything in 3D is pretty cool. This one is better:
  4. Found this pic in my imgur album. It was a rover with two lazorcams side by side so you could see in 3D in realtime.You can see it in 3D by looking at the image crosseyed, until the two images form a new image in the middle, focus on that and voila, 3D!
  5. ^That Mimas first, Iapetus (the walnut moon) second, and Nix as third, because of the mutual tidal lock.
  6. Magic Boulder? Really love your work btw,incredibly awesome.
  7. No trouble at all here, good sir. No wait, I did have trouble.. thanks to my derpy self. I didn't rotate the new wheels correctly when adding them in the SPH.. so when I tested the rover it would'nt drive.. I also thought they steered rather strangely.. then it dawned on me.. I also always start with a fresh install/map, too. Adding mods when they're ready. That new cupola internal is great for Kerbin gazing on a station. Also, definitely faster, something my pc (and myself) are very happy with. It loads very fast, so I don't know, but has the old loading screen been totally removed? I really liked that one. Thanks, squad, for all the work you put into it. Very (very) much appreciated.
  8. The buttons on top of the forum seem kinda useful to do it.. Why isn't that an option? EDIT: Since when is spaceport removed from there?
  9. Jesus, Chobit, keep your panties on. He just said it LOOKS like it's not guided. "I don't think as a species we are ready to be an interstellar race for a long while" is certainly debatable. But that was a massive overreaction either way, seriously..
  10. Granted. He was poisoned. I wish for a better computer.
  11. I don't, Chobit, but maybe the PE forum can help you out.
  12. Hey guys, I just wanted to bring this game to your attention. Planet Explorers is a game where you're a stranded survivor of a human colonization effort on the planet Maria. To survive the many hostile and very deadly animals on the planet you have to mine, create and build, not unlike you would in Minecraft. Except the world doesn't consist of blocks, but is a regular 3D terrain. The Storymode is the 'campaign' of the game and follows the stranded survivor storyline on a pretty big gameworld with different biomes. Through the storyline you're eased into the game, learing it's aspects as you go along. It features NPC's that give you quests and from whom you can buy/receive the scripts to replicate items like food, medical items, tools, weapons (swords, bows and guns) and even automated turrets to defend from the animals. You can even freely design your own swords, guns and even vehicles with the editor. Those designs can then be crafted in the game. Many awesome designs have been created by the community (Like Zelda swords, real world weapons and cars etc). And the latest version is completely free! Closed alpha testing will start soon, though, and you'll have to pay to gain access to it ($10 minimum, $20 minimum for multiplayer alpha too). That will also be the first version with Multiplayer if I understand correctly. So if you liked minecraft, are into space exploration (if you're not, what are you doing here?!) and open sandbox games, I'd definitely recommend you try this game. The animals can be very tough, though. The only way to deal with those is to use technology to your advantage. Expect a fairly hard time fighting the larger animals (large can mean up to 30 meters high)
  13. He does not. The user below me will say false.
  14. Yeah, I guess you're right. If law and what not would be removed we'd go back to being a Darwinian society. It's kinda sad, really. If only we could disable those parts of our instincts, the world would be a much MUCH better place.
  15. Whatisthisidonteven, I have to disagree there. Compassion and altruism can naturally occur in people, just like it's opposites. Saying someone is going to hell for something bad they've done, doesn't really change their morals/ethics, it just scares them. And doing something good to get into heaven is doing good for the wrong reasons. It's still selfish in a certain way. Doing good for no other reason than to please/help other people is true altruism. But indeed, I like the fact that there's been no full on flamewar, this just goes to show that this really is the best internetcommunity I've seen. We'll just ignore the bad apples.
  16. Definitely not, I'm comfortable with not knowing everything, not having someone always looking over my shoulder to maybe protect me and seizing to exist when I die. That doesn't mean I don't think some all-powerful extradimensional creator could've had something to do with it, simply because we just don't know (yet). But that belief is purely scientific/logical. Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. But personally, I can't respect religious beliefs like bearded wizards in the sky. Certainly not when they come from a book that's highly contradicting and has made statements disproven by science. I also don't think science and religion can work together, simply because one will always have a god/deity at the base of it that somehow must be involved. @wolfedg also very curious about those sources, if it was (really) effectively disproven, it would've been big news.
  17. Check out Project CARS I'm not familiar with it myself, but a friend of mine is into the realistic racesimulators and said it's the best one he'd ever played.
  18. ^Jesus Christ Monkeyballs o_0 I like to keep debris on, my pc can handle some and I like the realism of it. But the selecting orbits is indeed an annoyance, but not too much for me personally that I'd want to turn it off. But with Harvester's neat mapfiltering I hope that won't be a problem in the future. I also tend to make 'smart' upper stages that can deorbit themselves to keep debris to a minimum. Deorbiting spent stages and watching them burn up (Deadly Reentry) is just awesome.
  19. Very nice! I've always loved Down Under. Especially the way the fairings worked, too bad they weighed 1 full tonne together.
  20. I'm currently working on getting a custom shader with transparency and emissive both in an animation working for the Reentry Heat plugin. After that, I'll pick this up again. Got vacation now, anyway. Gonna get me some 'inspiration' tonight I still need to do UV-mapping on most of the Atlas. Maybe redo some other UV's as I learned some handy tricks. Then, a lot of texturing, though most of it should be easy. I'm dreading texturing the capsule, though. I'm not good with GIMP. And after thát I need to balance the hell out of it. And again, the first release will still probably be an outline of what it should be, hope that's good enough for you. And won't contain Little Joe just yet.
  21. Hey everybody, Short intro/background: I'm from the Netherlands, we have the ESTEC (European Space Research and Technology Centre) in Noordwijk for the ESA. Not too long ago, there was a plan or something to cut back 30 million euro's from investments in space exploration. A lot of (knowledgeable) people warned against it, too much cutbacks and there was a real possibility ESTEC would move. Not unimportant: for every euro the dutch government contributes to ESA we get 2.2 to over 5 euro's back (different each year) in projects, assignments and what not. Luckily, the cutback was reversed. But now I see people whining (in the comments of the newspages) about "shooting money into space", "think of earth first", "we're in crisis" etc. (The same people that didn't want to lose the knowledge economy because of cutbacks, go figure) Telling these people, that usually only think about the money, that we get way more back for every investment, just doesn't get through. Or all the amazing spin-offs that came from space exploration allowing them to even use all the technology we take for granted. Or that mankind's future lies in space wether we like it or not. That when we NEED to go to space, we'll be lacking the technology if we hold back on it now. Now, I think some or maybe even most of you have gone into a discussion just like this. Do you have any good arguments for space exploration you'd like to share here?
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