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[1.2.x] Rocket Factory 1.2x - LeBeau Space Industries


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On 1.11.2016 at 4:53 PM, Sangrias said:

Please check your downloadlink on the first page,

Linked to https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/rocket-factory-1-1-3 (don´t exists)







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  • 3 weeks later...

hi all,

the 'rocket factory' series will be completely updated for the latest version of KSP as soon as I have finished the project AVALON.

- The good thing about it :

Many parts of the Aikos project (which I no longer follow) will be part of the new "Rocket Factory".
New Lifterstage Setup for Rocket Factory, the Service Modules for the Sigma, Solid Rocket Boosters etc.

so much of the Parts from project Aikos will merge with Rocket Factory.














- The less good thing about it  :

Because I mostly work alone it will take a while until I get to it.

cheers !


Edited by RaendyLeBeau
the 'rocket factory' series will be completely updated
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  • 1 month later...

Your mod is phenomenal and I love your capsules. The engines are 100% broken though. With the biggest 11 kerbal capsule with only monoprop, 1 mrs 2.5 meter decoupler I made 3.75 with tweakscale, 1 S3-14400 tank (the big stock 3.75), and one 2800 kn Skywipe, I point straight up (relative to ksc and center of kerbin) and achieved an escape trajectory.


This seems like it should be fixed

Edited by levibass5
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4.1.2017 at 3:19 PM, levibass5 said:

Your mod is phenomenal and I love your capsules. The engines are 100% broken though. With the biggest 11 kerbal capsule with only monoprop, 1 mrs 2.5 meter decoupler I made 3.75 with tweakscale, 1 S3-14400 tank (the big stock 3.75), and one 2800 kn Skywipe, I point straight up (relative to ksc and center of kerbin) and achieved an escape trajectory.


This seems like it should be fixed

Thank you for your advice, will examine this.
As described above in a previous thread, I can start the next Rocket Factory release only after the AVALON project is finished.

- but here a little preview of the new  mod. .. AVALON


picture description:

ATS (Avalon Transferstage) on LEO with Standart habitat Formation, and two Upperstage configured SS-AVALON

plus one single Ship SS-AVALON (upper right) docked on ATS.


here some other pictures ATS Formation on LEO : http://imgur.com/gallery/9zQkf

cheers, raendy


Edited by RaendyLeBeau
here some other pictures ATS Formation on LEO
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...

Hi. Sorry for reviving but I wanted to share how this mod looks like nowadays. It's been over 3 years since the mod died but I like the models (especially the solar panels and the 3.75m pod), so I tested it in KSP 1.10.

I conclude that it's 100% playable in 1.10.1, except for a few small bugs, visual problems and overpowered (some brokenly overpowered) parts, most of which must have been there originally.

Rocket Factory/Lebeau Space Industries has some unique parts - a non-standard 2m command pod, a 3.75m command pod, really nice fuel tanks and animated solar panels, to name a few. Unfortunately, the mod is based on some cheaty, some overpowered and some unbalanced parts - especially fuel replicators and... energy replicators (remember the Taurusfecalium resource from the KSP mod Space Opera? that's basically what these generators/replicators use, but it has a different name and is noncorporeal.) Not only those.

Notably: some command pods hold more fuel and monopropellant than could fit in their total volume. All of them have insane batteries. The radial engines have 11 times more thrust than the stock Twitch, while having the same size. This trend continues to a smaller extent, skipping only the somewhat balanced (but still OP) top engine. There are 2 monopropellant-based LFO engine copies with the same Isp. There's an LFO-powered RCS thruster copied from a normal one. And finally, the solar panels are bugged and measure the sun from the attachment point, while the stock panels measure it from the top (his leads to a constantly blocked line of sight.) The only balanced parts are... the structural ones.

The models, especially the animated solar panels look great but I think that the problems should be fixed with a new release, if that happens.

Here are all the problems, if anyone's interested in rebalancing and fixing this mod:




  • 2m stack separator weighs less than the 2.5m stack separator
  • 2.5m stack separator weighs 8 times more than the 1.25m one.
  • The 5m fairing base weighs too little compared to the stock 3.75m one? Nothing too big, but it looks heavier.


  • 2m stack separator's name starts with LBSI which places it after the 5m one in the parts list
  • Some part names have hyphens, some don't, in the same categories, despite having the same naming conventions - esp. the fuel tanks - see below vvv

Hitboxes (radial attachment... radii):

  • Radial mounting hitboxes/radial attachments of 3 fuel tanks are either significantly bigger or smaller than the models:
    • LBSI-SRV-FLTB-220 K Fuel Tank (way too big attachment radius)
    • LBSI FLAD SRV 500 Fuel-Tank (also too big)
    • LBSI-SRV-FLT-1200 Fuel Tank (too small - clips)


  • ALL the custom engines (except for the booster) have their plumes significantly too far away from the bells.
  • The monopropellant engines use LFO plumes
  • All 5 RCS parts have hugely oversized plumes (3 integrated in pods, 2 mountable RCS blocks)


  • Radial engines have impossibly high thrust - notice that their stats were mostly copied from the bigger stackable engines - Twitch(16kN)-sized engines have 180kN of thrust!
  • Monopropellant copies of LFO engines have the same Isp (I'd suggest removing them altogether)
  • The smallest engines still look like they couldn't handle 180kN of thrust for their sizes - compare them to the stock Swivel or Valiant from RS+
  • Custom RCS thrusters are smaller than the stock ones but have twice the power (I'd upsize the models or reduce the stats) - this could be possible if they're high-tech RCS thrusters, but I'm not sure
  • Liquid fuel RCS thruster - that's impossible, it couldn't exist. Also, it defeats the purpose of monopropellant
  • All the engines have too high thrust/size ratio (yes) and cost a bit too little
  • All the command pods have more or less insane fuel&power capacities
  • Fuel tanks hold from approx 1.5x to 2.5x (depending on the tank) more fuel for the same volume as stock ones. The fuel is denser so the tanks have the appropriate mass, but they're still OP size-wise.

Bugs when using the mod Filter Extensions:

  • 4 engines are both in Engines and Adapter
  • 2 docking ports are both in Coupling and Utility
  • 5m stack separator (not the rest) is both in Coupling and Utility
  • The "Bootleg" command pod is also in the Landing Legs category
  • FLAD200 NG-Adapter 2m to 2.5m is also in the structural category

Solar panel bug: the sun visibility line is drawn somewhere from the attachment point. In stock panels, it's drawn from the highest point or the middle point. All the panels are very long, so it's vital.

And finally: the fuel&power replicators (as KottabosGames calls them) ...


... I dunno about them. They use a minimum amount of power to produce 50 times more power from blue antimatter, Krypton. Fuel is from green antimatter - Kryptonite. These resources don't exist, they're only in the descriptions of the parts. They're not very expensive either.


I'd rather see the AVALON mod finished - the biggest fuel tanks have 20m in diameter!

*insert "That's an academy record!" meme here*

Edited by Krzeszny
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