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VAB Building Glitch

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NOTE: This is in 1.1

While building in the VAB, I realized I couldn't alt+click to place parts, shift+click to move the whole vessel, and eventually I couldn't actually even move parts by clicking on them. I literally ended up rage-quitting because I physically couldn't build.

I have no conceivable idea why this is so broken, can anyone help?

I have the following mods installed:

  1. Capcom
  2. Community Resource Pack
  3. Community Tech Tree
  4. Connected Living Space
  5. Contract Configurator
  6. Contract Parser
  7. Contract Reward Modifier
  8. Contracts WIndow +
  9. Custom Barn Kit
  10. DeepFreeze Continued
  11. DMagic Orbital Science
  12. EVAManager
  13. Firespitter Core
  14. Graphic Memory Monitor
  15. Interstellar Fuel Switch Core
  16. Kerbal Inventory System
  17. Lithobrake Exploration Technologies
  18. MakeItSmall
  19. Modular Rocket Systems
  20. Module Manager
  21. NavBalls To You
  22. Precise Node
  23. Procedural Fairings
  24. Procedural Parts
  25. Procedural Parts - MainSailor's Gamma Textures | Essential Textures And Flag | Historic Textures
  26. Procedural Parts - Saturn/Nova Texture Pack
  27. Procedural Parts - Ven's Revamp Style Textures
  28. Progress Parser
  29. RCS Sounds
  30. RemoteTech
  31. REPOSoft Tech-Agencies
  32. RLA Stockalike
  33. SCANsat
  34. Ship Manifest
  35. Show FPS
  36. SpaceY Extended | Heavy Lifters
  37. Strategia
  38. Toadicus Tools
  39. Toolbar
  40. Tweakable Everything
  41. TweakScale
  42. Universal Storage
  43. USI Core | Exploration Pack | Kolonization Core | Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS) | Life Support | Survival Pack | Tools
Edited by ShmikeTP
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