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How to Update Mod to 1.2.0?

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Hey I'm trying to figure out what broke in my mod during the update to KSP 1.2.0 but I'm running into a wall.  None of my part plugins seem to be loading.  I've just downloaded the current version from GitHub (version 0.0.4) that I know works with 1.1.3.  The only changes I've made are to the GameData/CivilianPopulationRevamp/CivilianPopulationRevamp.version and CRP.version files.  In both, I've changed it to:

     "NAME":"Civilian Population Revamp",

Example of an error for a part (both are present in the part's .cfg file):

[LOG 18:56:17.097] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'CivilianPopulationRevamp/Parts/DockingPorts/CivieDockingPort/civieDockingPort/civieDock'
[ERR 18:56:17.102] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'CivilianDockGrowth'
[ERR 18:56:17.103] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'KerbalRecruitment'

Is this normal operation at this point (mods disabled for 1.2), or am I seeing something unique to my mod?  Otherwise, does anyone have any ideas why this would happen?

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I am actually the author.  I just happen to be a very inexperienced author. :)

I'll try recompiling when I get home tonight.  I didn't see anything about .NET changing from 3.5, so to recompile for the latest KSP version, would there be anything else I need to do other than reference KSP 1.2's dll's (e.g. KSPUtil, KSP.UI, cSharpFirstPass, UnityEngine...)?

Edited by Tralfagar
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1 minute ago, Tralfagar said:


I am actually the author.  I just happen to be a very inexperienced author. :)

I'll try recompiling when I get home tonight.  I didn't see anything about .NET changing from 3.5, so to recompile for the latest KSP version, would there be anything else I need to do other than reference KSP 1.2's dll's (e.g. KSPUtil, KSP.UI, cSharpFirstPass, UnityEngine...)?

ah ok. sorry. Um, yes change your references and then deal with all the errors you get. :wink:
This might help.

any other help for 1.2 go to the forum that post is in for the prerelease.

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Errors?  What errors.  My code is perfectly functional the first time, every time.  It just tends to have some bonus, unexpected features that the compiler can't comprehend.

Thank you!  I didn't realize there was a version 1.2 forum.  Time to do some reading on my lunch break!

Edited by Tralfagar
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