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GetPotentialTorque : what is the output ?

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Hi all !

I'm trying to get the actual pitch, roll and yaw available torque of some ModuleRCS, to have values that I can compare to ModuleReactionWheel.(pitch/roll/yaw)Torque values.

Seems that ITorqueProvider.GetPotentialTorque(out Vector3 pos, out Vector3 neg) can get get me here. They obviously aren't torque vectors and looking at the output for reaction wheels, they seems to represent the final available torque in the six control directions : pos = ( positive pitch, positive roll, positive yaw), neg = ( negative pitch, negative roll, negative yaw).

However, for the RCS modules, the output of GetPotentialTorque seems to be in relation to the part orientation (or something else ?). My understanding of 3d geometry/maths is not great so maybe I missed something, but I can't find a way to retrieve back the available pitch/roll/yaw torque from the function output.


Seems that there is a bug in 1.2.x with ModuleRCS.GetPotentialTorque, the values returned are wrong according to @djungelorm in https://github.com/krpc/krpc/issues/354

Can someone confirm ? Is there a workaround (beside recalculating everything using the thrust transforms and thrust power...) ?


Edited by Gotmachine
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I can't answer your question directly but you might look at the source for RCS Build aid:

m4v's doing it somehow and you might be able to find the answer in the code....

Edited by wasml
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Yup, I already tough of looking at how RCS Build Aid do it, and it does find the torque output by doing all the calculations from the rcs module base info. I want to avoid doing that if possible because that's a bit heavy and complex for me.

RCS Build Aid do not have access to the game physics calculations because they don't exist in the editor, so it has no other choice. Its results also doesn't account for some parameters, like the atmospheric ISP curve.

But thanks anyway :)

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