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Buy the game normal or on steam?


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I don't know of any special things you get, with this particular game. It is nice to have all the updates auto download without thinking about it. I do have several friends who refuse to use steam. Honestly I think it makes very little difference.

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The difference isn't that big, but if you (plan to) use a lot of mods I would suggest hitting the buy button on the store since Steam usually updates games automatically and mods and such can break between versions. Ofcourse disabling automatic updating in Steam is also possible. In the end it's a matter of preference.

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a friend purchase it for me, and gave me the game as a Priz, so I have a folder on my desktop with I use. at the moment it is asking me to update to the lastest version, but it looks like I have to purchase the game again, :-( so i have ask my friend to look into this.

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Sounds like you want to hear reasons not to use Steam. I am not using Steam myself but I hear it will keep track of how long you have played your Steam games (?). I don't know if it does this for alpha-stage games like KSP as well. This may or may not be something you are interested in. Also, some people prefer to deal with a 'trusted' outlet with regards to their online payments, in this case Steam.

I have not heard anyone say that there's anything extra you would get with Steam... (Certainly hope not.)

As to chrischambers' present - your friend must have opened a KSP store account, in which case he'd need to transfer the credentials to you so you can continue to receive the latest updates. That'd better be legal to do, or otherwise gifting this game to others would be very unattractive.

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Buy it "normal" as Steam robs SQUAD of a larger chunk of the money that would be used to develop the game.

I don't suppose you have proof of this? Didn't think so.

Obviously some portion of the sale goes to Steam, but if you've been checking out the 'top sellers' since KSP was released on Steam, I'd bet SQUAD have sold at least ten times the amount they did on their site, in the short time its been available on Steam. I don't know about you, but I'd rather sell 200,000 copies at $18, instead of 50,000 copies at $20. And, have the added bonus of Steam handling downloads and updates... Steam + KSP is a win/win.

As to where to buy it, I always favor Steam versions, because all my games are in one place, auto-updated, and the amount of AAA titles I've bought For $5 or less is pretty staggering.

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Buy it "normal" as Steam robs SQUAD of a larger chunk of the money that would be used to develop the game.

I beg your pardon ?

I would be interested to know how many copy of KSP were sold because it launched on Steam ?

We are talking about Valve here, not EA or any others publishers which took around 75% of revenues. ;)

See, this is todays Steam stats :


KSP is the 33th most played game today, not bad for an Indie, "sand box ready" state and early access game if you ask me. :)

Back on topic :

Get KSP on whatever you like.

I switched to Steam because I already have 80% of my games there and lots of friends.

And I always turn off auto update on games I use Mods on.

If for any reason you don't want Steam stay away from it.

But honestly I see no reason to do so, DRM always online requirement and other spyware stories are just totally wrong.

Steam is a gaming/community platform nothing more, nothing less.

Hope this helps.

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I don't suppose you have proof of this? Didn't think so.

Will take a while, but yes I do. One of SQUAD dev's DID MENTION Steam takes a bigger cut.

To answer the OP; There really isn't much difference other than the Steam version using it's system for distribution vs. ours. The biggest difference is that we get a larger profit off store sales since Steam doesn't get it's small piece of the pie.

But you're confusing ADVERTISING with DISTRIBUTION, which is bad. Steam might ADVERTISE the game, but you can better support the developers by buying it from the store.

Edited by Fel
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