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KSP Store is now available!


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Preordered the game a few minutes ago. I usualy don\'t preorder games, especially in alpha state, but I think you guys deserve it. KSP is a great game, and has so much potential. I hope that you\'ll be able to finish the game, and it\'ll be both a financial and a critical succes.

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if i buy it on this computer will i be able to dl it on other computers? im sure this has been answered but im too stupid to find it

Yes, you\'ll be able to do that, but only in your personal computers.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I was trying to pre-order KSP. And aargh.

First and foremost: only four fields are marked as required (*) : first name, last name, e-mail, country. However, trying to proceed with just those filled in gets you a whole bunch of 'Enter $FIELD' popups. If all fields are required, then mark all fields as required. As the saying goes: 'incorrect documentation is worse than no documentation'.

Then there\'s the whole issue of why I have to fill in shipping information in the first place (I\'m not buying a physical product - and if it\'s for the payment provider, why am I filling it in here rather than at their site?), and the fact that some of the fields aren\'t even applicable ('Province/State', for example)...

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So, any idea when 1.40 will be up? The wait is driving me crazy...

You mean v0.14, that\'s the next planned version. No official announcement has been made yet, but I suspect we may see something by the end of the month. An announcement will be posted when more information is available.

But I digress, this really isn\'t the thread for this discussion.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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We apparently have a user trying to buy for two months with only one response.



It\'s a bit of a long shot, but could someone find out what\'s on line 9 of /home/kerbalsp/public_html/kspstore/include/checkoutConfirmation.php ?

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