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Speed of light never changes. :P

(Ok, i'm not at all good at modern physics, so this statement might not be correct.)

that is correct


The speed of light is and will always be c...except when moving through a medium such as glass, water, or any other substances which can be noted by their index of refraction. The reason light bends in such a way to create a rainbow or through glass is due to light changing its speed through a changing medium.

To clarify for my own nitpicking. The speed of light through a vacuum is always c or 3e8. It can change when moving through a medium such as glass or water. The same way the speed of sound can change through its medium of travel(but sound and light are entirely different things so don't hold that similarity too close to heart)

Sorry for derailing the thread - Physics major here. Carry on


Edited by How2FoldSoup
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I understand that the speed of light in the real world is a constant. What I wasn't sure of was if it had been altered in RemoteTech2 to compensate for the 1/10th scale of the stock game, hence my asking if it needed to be changed for use with the Real Solar System mod.

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I understand that the speed of light in the real world is a constant. What I wasn't sure of was if it had been altered in RemoteTech2 to compensate for the 1/10th scale of the stock game, hence my asking if it needed to be changed for use with the Real Solar System mod.

A misunderstanding then :P I have no idea if it was so I am no help there.

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No worries, I'm a bit of an idiot: the RT2 config file has the speed of light set to 3E+08 and I wasn't sure what units that was in... until I looked up the speed of light in m/s: 299,792,458. I'm assuming RT2 rounded up so light only moves 275km/s faster in KerbalLand. Close enough, I suppose. :)

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You should watch out on the units, last time I looked at RT2's config c is 10 times lower than the real one 3e7 not 3e8. Make sure it's 8, this is easily tested by going to the moon's distance. If you get like 5 seconds, you have a smaller c.

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I've got some issues with the newest version. Frequently when I return to Space Port, all the Buildings are gone and I have a void display as if I was flying over Kerbin. I can recover my save if I install the old version given in the link below:

I got the copy I use at <http://epsilonzero.nl/downloads/RemoteTech2_2013.> though I couldn't tell you HOW I found that link.

The Space Port then works again with the "corrupted" save file. When I check the flights in progress I see that one craft got duplicated multiple times (same name). I can delete the duplicates and proceed as nothing would've happened and install the newest RT2 version again. I can not reproduce the issue deterministically, but it happends rather frequently. I was deploying 4 CommSats and it happened twice. Anyone with similar issues or a suggestion what the problem might be?

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I've got some issues with the newest version. Frequently when I return to Space Port, all the Buildings are gone and I have a void display as if I was flying over Kerbin. I can recover my save if I install the old version given in the link below:

The Space Port then works again with the "corrupted" save file. When I check the flights in progress I see that one craft got duplicated multiple times (same name). I can delete the duplicates and proceed as nothing would've happened and install the newest RT2 version again. I can not reproduce the issue deterministically, but it happends rather frequently. I was deploying 4 CommSats and it happened twice. Anyone with similar issues or a suggestion what the problem might be?

having the same issue

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Possible issue;

When going up with a manned capsule containing a Kerbal astronaut and a probe core with an antenna, I loose functionality of the manned craft when I detach the probe core.

All buttons are gone (decouple, activate, ...) from the manned one.

I suspect that when the active probe is detached, way of transferring control does not in fact default to a manned capsule.

Setup is: mk1 capsule, + 3 probe cores each with a 2.5Gm antenna. Error occurs after I detach the first core (which had an active antenna) and the rest no longer has an active antenna, even though as I said, the Kerbal should be able to at least mash buttons in angry, scared rage.

Fix is to active all antennas before detaching, which would most likely leave the manned capsule unusable, which would be fixable by adding an antenna there, which seems a lil' silly.

Still loving this mod for immersion sake :D

EDIT: tl;dr:

It looks like that when you enable and then disable a connection, even though the craft is manned is becomes unusable.

Edited by RHodeidra
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Happy Holidays to all....

I have just installed the 'Christmas Patch' and most seems to be working ok, but..... There are no 'lines' being displayed in map view. Is there some switch or something 'new' that I am missing. If this has been covered, sorry i missed it. Not enough coffee yet, but will browse back through anyway....

again, thanks.

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The connection lines are messed up for me as well sometimes plus the other issues I described.

I've fallen back to the version I mentioned in my last post for now. Didn't encounter any problems with that version yet.

If it's helpful I could try to recreate the bug and provide a safe file for the new version of RT2.

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Happy Holidays to all....

I have just installed the 'Christmas Patch' and most seems to be working ok, but..... There are no 'lines' being displayed in map view. Is there some switch or something 'new' that I am missing. If this has been covered, sorry i missed it. Not enough coffee yet, but will browse back through anyway....

again, thanks.

Icons at the bottom right hand corner of map view let you toggle those.

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The connection lines are messed up for me as well sometimes plus the other issues I described.

I've fallen back to the version I mentioned in my last post for now. Didn't encounter any problems with that version yet.

If it's helpful I could try to recreate the bug and provide a safe file for the new version of RT2.

I've had the lines ghost when changing view in the map view and other issues, but they've largely been resolved by just restarting KSP. You need to do things like this because some problems are intermittent.

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I seem to have another problem, all the remote tech compatible antennae seem to have three "Activate/Deactivate buttons" and the targeted ones seem to also have three "Target" buttons. Also, no antenna animation works, whenever I click the activate buttons (one of the three buttons or all of them) nothing changes. I want to point out that I also have 3 of each values for the antennae (like electric charge, target, status, etc.). I am currently using some mods: FAR, KW rocketry, Space shuttle engines, B9, Mechjeb, Aviationlights, EditorExtensions, Kethane, KSPX and Interstellar.

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Ok, let's try again. Not sure what explanation you're looking for here, but here's my try: in the default range model, two nodes are in range if and only if both have antennae (whether omni or dish-and-targeting-the-other-or-nearby-planet) that have range > the distance between the nodes.

In my range model, what determines whether two nodes are in range is whether (range_of_weaker_antenna + squareroot(range_of_weaker_antenna times range_of_stronger_antenna)) > distance between the nodes

*sigh* I get that it changes the method used to determine range. I said that right in the message you replied to.

So, I'll try again. What does this mean? How does it effect the game? Why should I choose or not choose to use this method? Why is it so hard to get an answer to such a simple question?

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Icons at the bottom right hand corner of map view let you toggle those.

Yup, that is what is 'supposed' to happen, but alas it is not..

Edit: Well sometimes yes, sometimes no and sometimes the line comes but is not attached to any sats.. Like it is lost in 3D space....

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