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Kerbal Timeline

Whirligig Girl

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14,000,000,001 BSF: Universe born

12,0120,640,235 BSF: First Star

2,456,200,000 BSF: Kerbol ignites deuterium fusion, Kerbolar

System eccretion disk forms.

1,003,000,000 BSF: Kerbol ignites hydrogen fusion, Jool core


1,001,000,000 BSF: Jool system forms, Kerbin, Moho, Duna, Eve,

Hydres, Porgeeus, and Eeloo forms.

994,000,000 BSF: Porgeeus collides with Kerbin, forming Mun.

992,000,000 BSF: Kerbin cools down, Minmus is captured by the

Mun temporarily before being flung out further.

989,000,000 BSF: Hydres is broken by Jool into the asteroid

belt, including Dres, the solid core of Hydres.

970,070,000 BSF: Comets from beyond the orbit of Eeloo rain

down on the inner Kerbolar system, causing Laythe and Kerbin

to gain oceans.

780,020,124 BSF: Gilly is caught by Eve.

600,032,000 BSF: Life develops on Kerbin.

599,999,900 BSF: Kerbin Atmosphere is as oxygenated as it is


569,910,000 BSF: First Multicellular life on Kerbin.

530,090,000 BSF: First Land Plant Life.

200,340,000 BSF: First Reptile, Dinosaurs.

54,000,000 BSF: first Mammal.

45,000,000 BSF: Last Mammal.

12,000,000 BSF: First Kerbaloid Amphibian.

3,000,000 BSF: Kerbalynx Crater forms*, extincting Dinosaurs

and a single species of tree.

*incidentally, Kerbaloids discovered fire and explosions

shortly before then.

2,000,000 BSF: Kerbals evolve.

1,820,000 BSF: Kerbaloids go extinct.

900,000 BSF: Kerbals discover fire and explosives again.

900,001 BSF: Kerbals retreat into caves. for research at

first, but then they don't want to leave.

100,000 BSF: First Rocket

93,000 BSF: Panspermia from Kerbin arrives at Laythe.

81,000 BSF: Kerbin does nothing, but Moho goes into a volcanic


2,000 BSF: Kerbin starts civilisation.

1,945 BSF: Kerbals discover the 3.14(etc) Laws of motion.

240 BSF: Kerbal Astronomical Society is founded to study the

universe outside of Kerbin.

241 BSF: Minmus is discovered, considered to be a planet at

that time.

243 BSF: Duna is discovered.

214 BSF: Mun discovered, Minmus reclassified as a moon.

210 BSF: Kerbin is reclassified a planet.

198 BSF: Jool is discovered, Ike is discovered.

174 BSF: Konstantin Tsiolkerman writes the book: The Space

Ship, about a hypothetical rocket ship that could go around

the Kerbolar System, and he also finds that Dv=Ve*ln[R], as

well as the fact that Ike is perfectly positioned to sneakily

interfere with any object that presumes to come orbiting near


156 BSF: First closeup observations of Duna and Minmus due to

new telescope technology.

130 BSF: Robert Kerman is born.

122 BSF: Dres is discovered, along with several other minor


120 BSF: First spectograph

119 BSF: Eve, Moho are discovered, Kerbol is found to be a

star, and spectographic images of all of the known planets are


96 BSF: Robert Kerman launches the first LiquidFueled rocket,

and discovers that pendulum rockets are NOT a good idea.

76 BSF: Kerbin War One starts, leaving the Kerbal Astronomical

Society abandoned.

75 BSF: Wernher von Kerman is born.

64 BSF: Kerbal Astronomical Society is rediscovered, Kerbin

War One is over.

62 BSF: Eeloo is discovered, all-out brawls start all over

Kerbin about wether it is a dwarf planet or not.

60 BSF: Dres and Eeloo no loonger considered planets.

53 BSF: Kerbin War Two Starts.

52 BSF: Wernher von Kerman begins working on large rockets for

the Gomlonilian Guided Missle Program.

38 BSF: Kerbin War Two Ends.

35 BSF: Wernher von Kerman joins the Kerbal Astronomical


28 BSF: Bill Kerman is born.

27 BSF: Kerbal Rocketry Union established.

26 BSF: Jebediah Kerman is born.

22 BSF: Bob Kerman is born.

21 BSF: The scientifically illeterate United Federal People's

Democratic Kingdom of Omork drive KAS and KRU members to

revolt and start a civil war.

17 BSF: The country of Kelpogart is created.

16 BSF: Omork-Kelpogart War ends.

12 BSF: Jebediah Kerman begins his buisness: Jebediah Kerman

Junkyard and Spaceship Parts, Inc.

10 BSF: Bill and Bob work for Jeb.

9 BSF: Kelpogart allies with several countries and creates the

Kerbal Space Program.

7 BSF: Ussari forms the Ussarian Space Commission.

5 BSF: Wernher von Kerman becomes head engineer for KSP.

3 BSF: Jebediah Kerman begins making new rocket parts for

contractors at KSP, and signs up for the Astronaut Corps.

2 BSF: Vehicle Assembly Building is completed.



1 BSF: First KSP rocket launch: A Kerbal-controlled Solid

Rocket Booster piloted by Jebediah Kerman. Several months

later, Bill Kerman explores the upper atmosphere in a liquid

Fueled Rocket.

1 ASF: Ussarian rocket puts a Kerbal in space, KSP develops

decouplers for staging. The Space Age Begins.

2 ASF: First orbital space ship launched by KSP.

3 ASF: Ussari Space Commission launches a communications


4 ASF: First heavier-than-air unpowered aircraft.

5 ASF: Jet Engines and better wings.

7 ASF: Kerbal Astronomical Society discovers Jool's Moons.

10 ASF: Kelpogart lands Kerbals on the Mun.

11 ASF: KSP rescues Kerbals from the Mun, and sends a probe to


19 ASF: First probe to Eve.

24 ASF: first probe to Duna.

33 ASF: KSP and USC alliance is formed, and plans are

developing to go on a grand tour, then bring a colony of

Kerbals to Laythe and explore the Jool system.

46 ASF: Munoliths are discovered by mapping satellites.

47 ASF: Munoliths point towards Jool, speeding up the Jool

ship development.

48 ASF: A black saucer is discovered on Kerbin's North Pole.

51 ASF: Orbital construction of Yrevocsid Jool ship begins.

52 ASF: the black saucer is cracked open, revealing the

propulsion system inside.

56 ASF: the saucer's propulsion system is replicated in an

Abvonovichatkaderivokistinian laboratory.

57 ASF: Abvonovichatkaderivokistan Space Program is founded,

first Kraken-Drive is built and launched into orbit.

58 ASF: Kraken Drive perfected.

61 ASF: Yrevocsid is completed, Kerbals depart on the grand

tour to Eve.

62 ASF: Yrevocsid arrives at Eve, landing party is sent, and

the outpost is deployed.

63 ASF: Yrevoscid slingshots past Kerbin on it's way to Duna.

65 ASF: Yrevoscid arrives at Duna, outpost is deployed, and

Ike probes are sent out.

67 ASF: Kraken-Drive proppelled ship Esirpretne is launched to

a nearby star in hopes of finding intellignet life.

Yrevoscid flies by Dres, and drops off probes.

69 ASF: KSP begins to commercialize space.

71 ASF: Yrevoscid drops off probes at Moho, makes dangerously

close encounter with Kerbol.

72 ASF: Yrevoscid flies by Eve to correct course for Jool


76 ASF: Arrival at Jool, exploration of Joolian system

commenses. Laythe colony is deployed, and outposts are set up

in orbit and on the surface of Tylo, Vall, Laythe, and in

orbit around Jool.

78 ASF: Yrevoscid completes Joolian exploration, deorbits into

Jool uncrewed.

1 AWT: KSP and USC complete their own Kraken drives, and 10-

day ferries commonly travel with cargo and tourists to the

Jool colonies, outposts around the Kerbolar system stgart


2 AWT: A floating colony over Jool is deployed.

4 AWT: multicellular ecosystems are found on Laythe.

10 AWT: Esirpretne arrives at Sol.

11 AWT: Esirpretne aerobrakes into Low Earth Orbit, and

studies the surface. Esirpretne nearly collides with the

International Space Station.

12 AWT: First contact with Humans.

13 AWT: News of Human First Contact reaches Kerbolar System.

14 AWT: FTL communications is developed.

16 AWT: Aibmuloc starship is completed, with a new 25,100c

Kraken Drive, designed to explore the galaxy, and will drop

off the Asible FTL comms at Earth.

17 AWT: Aibmuloc returns Esirpretne to Kerbin for a 10,000c

refit, with permission of the Abvonovichatkaderivokistan Space


18 AWT: Kerbin unifies under the United Federal Kerbal's

Democratic Kingdom of Kerbin.

25 AWT: Kerbin makes first contact with The Grox, goes to war.

32 AWT: Kerbin builds an Orion Nuclear Pulse+K-Drive Warship

named Nognilk.

35 AWT: Nognilk rushes through The Grox territory, in an

attempt to reach the Grox homeworld.

45 AWT: Nognilk is destroyed in battle.

59 AWT: Earth and Kerbin unite in The Interstellar

Confederation of Kerbin, Laythe, Duna, Earth, and Mars.

73 AWT: Joolian colonies revolt and break free of the

Interstellar Confederation, Laythe remains neutral.

94 AWT: Kerbal-Human marriage is made legal.

98 AWT: Eve's moon Gilly disappears after a new military

project is announced.

Nognilk II, a gigantic dreadnaught the size of Gilly is

launched to The Grox's homeworld.

102 AWT: The Grox's homeworld is completely plasmated by

Nognilk II's barage of relatavistic anti-matter warheads.

104 AWT: Nognilk II continues to destroy Grox worlds and

colonize them. The assumed dead hulk of Nognilk I's ship is

found, with the crew having survived and thrived underneath a

lush world. It is discovered that Grox only colonize dead

worlds, and lush worlds are toxic.

108 AWT: Nognilk II and Nognilk I, now re-christened Bojckaw,

split up.

112 AWT: Aibmuloc returns from it's exploration of the Galaxy,

towing the dead hulk of the Esirpretne with it. It is revealed

that when Aibmuloc and Esirpretne discovered a civilisation

called "Creater" that was under attack by a mysterious cyborg

race, Edirpretne was badly damaged, and a replacement K-Drive

could not be fabricated.

118 AWT: New exploration ships a built as a collaboration

between Human and Kerbal engineers, Scientists, and

Astronauts. "Fleet One" as they are called, untilize a new

785,360c K-Drive to get places much quicker than before.

Among the fleet are:

-Nognilk III: The Protector

-Esirpretne II: The Workhorse Twin

-Aibmuloc II: The Workhorse Twin

-Adnarim: The Freighter

-Namrekloist: The Explorer

-Jebediah: The Leader

-Bill: The Ambassador

-Bob: The Scientist

126 AWT: Formal First Contact with the Creaters is made, and

Solid Rocket Boosters, Liquid Fueled Rockets, and the concepts

of spaceflight are given to the Creater, so that they may one

day explore the stars much like Kerbals have.

145 AWT: Fleet One discovers the dead homeworld of The Drake,

creators of the Munoliths, the Black Saucers, and the Mun


164 AWT: Fleet One is attacked and destroyed by a new and

devastating Grox Fleet of over 4 million warships.

173 AWT: The Grox Fleet reaches Kerbin, Nognilk II is brought

back to Kerbin to protect it. Kerbin is devastated.

189 AWT: The Grox reach Earth, and obliterate it completely.

203 AWT: The Grox continue their rampage on The Interstellar

Confederation. Kerbin becomes completely dead. Only a few

small interstellar space stations survive with the last of the

Kerbals and the Humans. The Populations of Humans and Kerbals

are so small, that Kerbal-Human interbreeding starts. THese

Reptiliammals are much more like Humans than Kerbals.

1 PKE: Kerbals and Humans are both extinct, although both live

on the the Hubals. There is only one Kerbal left in the world,

the 314 year old Bob Kerman. Rumor has it that one human is

left in the galaxy, hiding inside Groxian space.

259 PKE: A small Creater warship destroys all of The Grox, and

finds the Hubal Interstellar Colonies. Hubals are transported

to the planet Drakania, the lush planet the Drake lived on

countless millenia ago. Hubals start building.

589 PKE: Hubals have spanned the entire globe of Drakania.

631 PKE: Hubals have established the Hubal Astronomical Union.

701 PKE: the dead hulk of the ancient Fleet One space ship

"Aibmuloc" crash lands on Drakania.

804 PKE: In a tragic K-Drive test, Drakania is coverted into



,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ASF: The heat death of

the Universe.


,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 ASF: Bob Kerman dies.

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