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  1. I am dealing with onVesselRecoveryProcessing(ProtoVessel pv, MissionRecoveryDialog dialog, float recoveryFraction) event method. What I need is a List<> of Parts that the recovered vessel contains. Problem is the pv object which is of type ProtoVessel for some reason doesn't contain any Parts: all possible lists are empty. ProtoVessel.vesselRef didn't help either. In the method which is called before this one - OnVesselRecoveryRequested(Vessel v) - Vessel type object AND ProtoVessel type objects cointain Parts normally. However, when recovering from SpaceCenter or TrackingStation that method is not called. What I managed to do was find the ConfigNode of the VESSEL from FLIGHTSTATE node which contains all the parts. Problem with that is that it contains very different values and converting manually (with a wrapper function) seems rather unreasonable. So, my question is, is there are a way to sanely (not manually) convert a PART from FLIGHTSTATE to "normal" PART? I have added a comparison below. OR alternatively is there a way to force the ProtoVessel object or it's related Vessel object to repopulate their Part Lists<> in the onVesselRecoveryProcessing() method? Any help will be very appreciated! [table=width: 100%] [tr] [td]PART saved by editor[/td] [td]Same PART from FLIGHTSTATE after flight scene was loaded[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] PART { part = mk1pod_4294814930 partName = Part pos = 0,15,0 attPos = 0,0,0 attPos0 = 0,15,0 rot = 0,0,0,1 attRot = 0,0,0,1 attRot0 = 0,0,0,1 mir = 1,1,1 symMethod = Radial istg = 0 dstg = 0 sidx = -1 sqor = -1 sepI = 0 attm = 0 modCost = 0 modMass = 0 modSize = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)[/td] [td] PART { name = mk1pod cid = 4294814930 uid = 3259493640 mid = 859288275 launchID = 50 parent = 0 position = 0,0,0 rotation = 0,0,0,1 mirror = 1,1,1 symMethod = Radial istg = 0 dstg = 0 sqor = -1 sepI = 0 sidx = -1 attm = 0 srfN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 attN = None, -1 mass = 0.8 temp = 287.799555698255 expt = 0.5 state = 0 connected = True attached = True flag = Squad/Flags/default rTrf = mk1pod modCost = 0 crew = Jebediah Kerman[/td] [/tr] [/table]
  2. A fun feature would be loss of signal due to gas ionization during reentry.
  3. If you are short on deltaV go with Laie's approach. However, if you have a surplus of deltaV and the target orbit is not heavily inclined, simply launch into an equatorial orbit (west or east), create a maneuver node right below the AN or DN of the target orbit and adjust the inclination to match the target. It's easy to eyeball it. After burning this node you will have a nearly identical LON of AN and Inclination. This allows to launch any time you want and in the "easiest" direction (unless it's a retrograde orbit) but costs more fuel due to plane change burn.
  4. Exactly the reason I ask Awesome, thanks, I downloaded both and will try once I get back home.
  5. Wanderfound, what is the mod you are using that displays orbital and flight data around the navball?
  6. Same here. But it's very rewarding fund-wise, so I'm not giving up
  7. Not that I use many myself but I think mods that don't in any way affect performance of any part should be allowed. That would probably calm some of the people down
  8. Best I got so far is 296 Kr/t with a reusable spaceplane, so I suspect that should be the cheapest approach. Think of it this way. If the craft is 100% reusable, then only cost is the fuel. Cheapest dV by burning fuel can only achieved by air-breathing engine (1200 Isp!) and beathing for as long as possible during the ascent. Rather low TWR is the issue however, so I failed to produce reliable heavy lifters that takeoff using jets. I suppose someone must have succeeded, so would like to see it.
  9. Aw snap, how could I miss that! In theory it can take off horizontally, however few times I tried only one succeeded, so, yeah, I withdraw my entry
  10. Reducing thrust on the off-center engines is one way to do it but another way (maybe there are more but that's all I know) is to borrow the idea from NASA and mount the orbiter engines slightly at an angle, so that the thrust vector points to the center of mass. Of course, due to fuel burn the center of mass will move but not too much if done right and standard engine gimbal should fix that. Those who designed a staged NASA-like shuttle could probably tell you more.
  11. Nice idea for a challenge! Diverse, complex, not easy - I like it. On to the drawing board with my Omega Shuttle.
  12. Get a plugin that calculates dV (I use Kerbal Engineer Redux), google a "KSP deltaV map" and never make fuel underestimations again. From my experience, I always put too much fuel when relying on the deltaV map, so after every mission I write down the exact deltaV used for a specific maneuver and use that for future missions
  13. But the challenge is not about getting X amount of payload to orbit it's about getting the payload cost-effectively.
  14. A recipe for the best challenges! Otherwise it's just a showcase of ridiculous and useless (not necessarily easy however) achievements.
  15. Yeah, it's either cheating the game or the realism of physics Although in essence, in both cases what you get is infinite fuel. Only "get out and push" method takes a bit of work sometimes Personally, since I'm a realism junkie after 100 failed attempts I would launch a rescue mission from Kerbin P.S. Yeah, I know saving/reloading is against realism but I'm planning on dropping that too
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