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    The Krakens little bro
  1. Link to PC Part Picker (doesn't inlcude monitors! or discounts ) This beauty. Sorry about the size. I can't seem to re-size it. Notes: I purchased the octa-core AMD FX-8320 at $120 from Microcenter. A "bundle" deal with the ASRock 970 Extreme 3 at $10. ($80 regular priced. Mines $40 for bundle. Price - $40. Minus a $10 for in-store purchase. Price: $30. Minus $20 because of mail-in rebate from ASRock! Yeah. $10!) Current build price - $~825. Plus two monitors, Monitors! So build price PLUS two monitors at a great price (btw 1ms response, 23.6" display, WITH stereo speakers!, just look at those specs.) Final Price, (running Kali Linux btw, so free OS.) : $1165. About. Octa-Core gaming processor by AMD FX-8320 2 x 4Gb G.Skill sniper series Ram (two out of the four slots used. 2 more left I'll add 2 x 8gb) 1TB Western Digital black edition (gaming series!) EVGA Superclocked GTX 970 4GB dedicated gaming graphics card NZXT Case. Great air flow. DO. NOT. WATER. COOL. Air cooling is cheaper, last longer, works better, quieter (remember liquid cooling also has fans ) So. Yeah. Air cool it. EVGA Supernova 750w 80+ GOLD! Fully Modular. Plenty of power and room for upgrades & OC! I'd also switch the stock fan from the processor for a 212 Evo. about $30 Yeah. Enjoy that nerdyness. I hope I stayed within post procedures. I added spoiler tags to help prevent the post from being too long. Any thoughts are more than welcome
  2. Wait so does Firespitter work with v 0.25? and Snjo - where did you find what is coming with v 0.26?
  3. I'm not trying to disable the engine itself, just it's ElectricCharge output. I'll take a look at the youtube link, thank you. It seems good. As for the forum link, i do not get it.
  4. 1/10 Heard of you, can't remember where or from who. Yeah I said I didn't talk much on forums
  5. 0/10 But then again I don't talk much on forums
  6. Hello, I'm new to KSP modding. I do know code, Java, C#, and some Python. Similar languages really. But I wanted to ask - where do i code? With java, I could use Dr. Java, Python uses it's own console, c# uses microsoft visual, so on. As for the actual mod. I wanted to build on Bahamuto Dynamics Armory (BD Armory) and create non-lethal military weapons. Namely EMP that explodes when it gets 100m from the ship. This way it doesn't directly damage it (other wise I can tell it's going to be crazy on the code needed to make the part not harm any vessel directly) but rather once it explodes, it sets ElectricCharge to 0, and disables solar panels, rtg's and any form of energy production. The thing is though, I only want to temporarily disable this, maybe for a few seconds, and then let the energy be produced again (if the vessel is capable of making anymore ). The other thing is - I know engines can also produce EC, and I want to disable that, but not the engines themselves. I guess what I'm asking is, could this be viably possible? I think it'd be pretty cool to see non-lethal sort of weapons. Maybe a bomb with a longer range but a smaller time, and a missile with the opposite, time over range. Thanks in advance, -Outride
  7. Hey guys, I was just wondering if submissions were still being accepted. Thanks. From ~No-Company-Name~
  8. Where you able to get the Thrustmaster T-flight Hotas w/ ksp? As for the windows calibration if i remember: Do you still need help finding the "Set up USB controllers"?
  9. Hey guys! Totally new. Figured I'd make an account in forums. I love ksp so much freedom.. And from what ive read the Devs made it so the game was highly compatible with mods (which are really add-ons I think). Ive been poking around ans have already done some stuff. I have a couple mods at the moment, H.O.M.E., Firespitter, KAS, and others I can't remember at the moment. I have tried making a space-carrier to first carry rovers (gave up) then to carry spaceplanes (didnt even get far into that one) and some stuff like moon bases and space stations. Now for the reason I made this: 1. Any good mods or missions or ideas? Anything goes! Let your mind go anywhere. 2. I'm having a problem with KSP interstellar & Welding. Interstellar only loads like 2 parts and the welding button doesn't show up. They are both unzipped onto the KSP directory but won't work I thought eve online was the sole best space game.. But for ksps price, addiction & ability to mod (and all the updates it gets) it seems it has some competition Happy new year all & thanks. -Outride
  10. Hey I'm kind of new to ksp and I did what it says, downloaded and unzipped the file to ksp directory. But it won't show me the button in the game please help! Some mods aren't working either. For example KSP interstellar it only loads like 2-3 parts out of the entire thing.. Any help is appreciated!
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