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Everything posted by palioxis1248

  1. I ask Jebediah to pilot your hill. My crash site.
  2. Very true, although I do like said user's sig. The user below me knows where the picture in aforementioned sig comes from.
  3. Banned for providing two reasons for one ban.
  4. So far this discussion has mainly talked about the technical difficulties of building an asteroid colony. But there is one nail in the coffin for the independent asteroid colony: intolerance of stupidity and irregularity. As quoted from Atomic Rockets, If a planetary colony falls into barbarism, everybody reverts to a non-technological agrarian society. If an asteroid civilization falls into barbarism, everybody dies. And you wouldn't even need the way of life on the asteroid habitat to break down - one idiot opening an airlock will usually suffice. Unless we can find a way to make man-made systems as foolproof as Earth's biosphere, long-term asteroid habitats are a long way away.
  5. Hey Wooks, could you turn this into like a story kind of thing? I would very much like to see how the whole adventure unfolds from Lenvin's/your perspective!
  6. You could do one about the life and times of like a space debris junkman, who just goes around deorbiting pieces of debris. Then one day his luck runs out. Yes, like Planetes. I know.
  7. Albin Kerman. He's been behind the wheel everytime my Biome Exploration Rover wipes out, which kind of makes him endearing in a way. Also, everyone survives. So that's a plus for him.
  8. Well, it's basically a modern-day ATV to orbit. Since it was supposed to be dirt-cheap, I'm guessing that if a launch failed you could just send up another one.
  9. Words cannot describe the awesome in this video.
  10. Well, if you look carefully at the timewarp bar on the top left of the screen, Phys-Warp (the 4x warp) only has 4 arrows that can light up. Time-Warp (up to 100000x) has significantly more arrows.
  11. I usually clear the mountains west of KSC travelling at 1000+ m/s, so my landing technique may not apply for everyone. 1. Pull up ten degrees with throttle on full, until the point where your orbit touches the ground overshoots KSC and is in the sea. 2. Level off, cut power and glide towards KSC. Roll left and right as needed to adjust your prograde marker. Some bank-and-yank may also be required, depending on the plane. 3. When the KSC drops into visual range (a bunch of flickering pixels), begin lining up with the runway, which should be a more line-ish collection of pixels. Bank-and-yank conservatively. 4. All this while, keep the plane more or less level. It may be necessary to occasionally fire up the engines, if you've done some extreme maneuvering. 5. When you can finally see the landing lines, point your plane at the number on the runway (can't remember what it was, 06?) 6. Descend, slowly pitching up as needed to avoid losing too much altitude. This is generally just a matter of gut feeling. 7. When in close vicinity to runway, release gear (but not before, to reduce drag and increase glide time). Begin pulling up above the horizon, to decrease vertical speed. 8. Turn on landing lights (U as default). This helps gauge distance above the runway. You could also just use shadows, but lights are easier on the eyes. 9. Keep pulling up slightly until vertical speed is somewhere between -2.5m/s to -7.5m/s 10. Hold attitude until the wheels touch ground, then activate parking brakes. Landing speeds of less than 100m/s are usually fine. If your plane has any drogue chutes, deploy them a moment before the wheels hit ground. 11. If the plane veers, activate SAS and Yaw left and right to steer the landing gear. In a worst case scenario, i.e. something happens with plane while sliding along runway at unsafe speeds, JUMP!! (It works 50% of the time.)
  12. Starting with Kerbin, Duna and Kerbol in a straight line, how many transfer windows are there from Kerbin to Duna until the system returns to the same state? How about from Duna to Kerbin? Also, how about Kerbin to any other planet? Just something I would like to know. Can't say much more than that.
  13. Yes. All engines should be firing at once, or else you have way too many engines and should throw the non-firing ones away. That is, of course, unless your engines are not meant for this part of the launch. Thrust is another issue however. You generally don't want too much thrust while you're in thick atmosphere, because that wastes fuel due to drag.
  14. You can do a free return pretty easily by following these steps. 1. Place a maneuver node along your orbit somewhere where you're relatively certain it won't encounter the Mun. 2. Drag on the prograde arrow until the projected apoapsis is slightly above the Mun's orbit. (about 1000km does the trick, I think.) 3. Take the maneuver node and drag it to the area where the transfer window is. A free return trajectory is usually located somewhere near the end of the window. 4. Fiddle around with the node as necessary to get the periapse down to a dozen kilometers, to maximise Oberth effect at Munar periapse.
  15. So, KSP has 1.25m to multiple 1.25m couplers and 2.5m to multiple 1.25m couplers. I'm thinking we need 2.5m to multiple 2.5m couplers. You know, just because.
  16. Oh yeah, I forgot. Evenings on Eve. It's like this giant sickly green fog that just descends upon you as the terminator approaches. Beautiful to see from space, but terrifying on the ground.
  17. Well in a way yes, because I was saying that these multipliers were to be implemented on the original pressure dependent system. But it's okay.
  18. Granted, but because the wish-granter has no idea who or what kewl is, it is simply your name that is changed to Kewl. I wish I could understand what kewl means.
  19. One use for a refuelling station is exploiting the Oberth effect 1. Have a station scraping the edge of Kerbin's SOI in a circular orbit and keep it filled. 2. Have your vessel rendezvous with said station instead of burning to leave Kerbin. 3. Top up tanks, then burn to reduce periapsis to typical LKO altitudes. <-- This step works because orbital velocities at the edge of the Kerbin system are insanely low. 4. Exploit the Oberth effect at periapsis to go further than you could go just by boosting from LKO with a full ship. I haven't tried this out yet, but all theories indicate it should work. Possible delta-v equivalent variants of this are left as an exercise to the reader.
  20. Granted. Your desk catches fire and burns your house down. I wish for Kerbal plushies.
  21. Kerbin. No Kerbal of mine has ever died on Kerbin. But then again, that might just be my tendency to MOAR PARACHUTES! AND WINGS! AND PARACHUTES ON WINGS!
  22. So I was thinking... Why not make the different intakes' efficiency velocity dependent in addition to being pressure dependent? A qualitative example follows: Round Intake: Good for up to Mach 1, low-altitude flight (<15km?). Intake efficiency drops precipitously when these parameters exceeded.(On a side note, what is Mach 1 at Kerbin sea level anyway?) Ram Air Intake: Good for Mach 1 to 1.5 kps , High-altitude flight (15km - 23km). Intake efficiency severely compromised outside the operating envelope. Engine Nacelle: I don't really see how such a small intake provides enough air for anything, so if I had a say in this I would make it extend the Ram Air Intake's performance envelope and be completely useless on its own, much like the bleed inlet doors on the SR-71 engines. Radial Intake: Boy, I dunno. Performance crawls upward with velocity then peaks at around 2kps? Zero intake efficiency when stationary, just for laughs? The idea is that these "intake efficiency values" would be multipliers on the various pressure-dependent IntakeAir values for intakes. Or something. Someone explain to me what all those intake stats mean! Hopefully this will discourage airhogging by requiring ridiculous amounts and varieties of intakes for jets to be efficient at all altitudes and speeds. Something tells me that this feature has already been implemented in some form though... Please comment! And if anyone feels like drawing up graphs for it, your efforts are greatly appreciated!
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