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Everything posted by palioxis1248

  1. Granted. You can't switch to blue portals though. I wish for giant space lasers.
  2. Continents can be created by selective cooling of the crust. Artificial accelerated continental crust formation can be stimulated by seeding the selected molten crust area with CNT cooling towers that efficiently disperse heat ex-atmosphere. Don't ask...
  3. To scale, real deal, 10m wide 110m tall Saturn V
  4. Albin: Erm, dude, we've been like, parked here in our Mobile Base for, like, a year now... Albin: Move us, maybe? Albin: Helloo?? <Seen 15:42> Albin: Screw you very much.
  5. If you need that added kick in the pants on liftoff, add some LV-N Motors for extra thrust!
  6. Granted. Didn't say how smart it had to be, so you're the AI behind a Grunt. Have fun getting repeatedly slaughtered. I wish I lived on Kerbin.
  7. False, although a sunburnt me gets close. The user below me has watched 2001.
  8. Banned for including a quote in your sig that censors the word "***". [EDIT: Well I'll be a monkey's uncle...]
  9. Granted. The world descends into chaos and you're the first to be killed. I wish for visible ISS passes every day.
  10. Just because someone is round doesn't mean he/she's a pie. The user below me is round.
  11. <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/BOH4y/embed"></iframe> Testing of the S-IC proceeds as unplanned.
  12. Testing of the S-IC proceeds as planned.
  13. Thank you good sirs (and ma'ams, don't kill me!)! Wish there was a way to give you all rep at one go!
  14. 1st stage smashed into the ocean at ~Mach 1. Not survivable, methinks. 2nd stage probably burned up in the atmosphere, since it was going 6.8kps at engine burnout. Whatever pieces survived probably didn't have parachutes, and impacted the ground/sea at ~Mach 1. 3rd stage was generally intentionally crashed into the Moon to obtain seismometer readings. So yeah. None of the stages really gently splashed down. You must have been thinking of the SRBs from the Shuttle.
  15. I dunno, computer stuff isn't exactly my thing. So is that^ what they did? Also, how do you record something on film w/o a camera? (sorry if this is a really stupid question)
  16. It does. In fact it infinites (I'll just make up my own verb here) everything except RCS.
  17. From what I've seen of Apollo footage, the launch sequence footage (staging, release of interstage adapters) seems to be recorded on film. My question is, since these stages were either pulverised by the Atlantic Ocean, incinerated by the atmosphere or left drifting in space, how the heck did NASA recover the film rolls? Or did they use film at all??
  18. Hey Brotoro, I realised you keep wishing there was a way to delay parachute openings. As a matter of fact, there is. Setting the MinPressure tweakable for parachutes to 0.25 stops parachutes from deploying at all until they hit below 7km (at least on Kerbin). Experimenting with lower values could probably give you prox 10km deployment altitude. Hope this helps!
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