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Everything posted by Claw

  1. That particular log isn't as handy as the outpot_log.txt file. However, it indicates that you only have 1GB of physical ram. Something appears very wrong with your setup if you say that you have 16GB. Is KSP also running horribly slow for you? -Claw
  2. You will get the undock option if you have docked two ports together in flight. You will get the decouple option when you've attached anything to the docking side stack node of the docking port in the VAB/SPH. That includes another docking port or any other stack capable part. If you surface attach to the docking port, you will not get this option for the surface attached parts. And yeah, if you stack attach to a docking port, it acts like a decoupler but without the explosive force. Cheers, -Claw
  3. If you are saying the message shows up on your flight screen (and not in the log) that sounds like it might be my mod. If you downloaded my chute quickload fixer (called ChuteQuickloadFixer.dll), it displays a message to the screen when it has finished. "Chute Reset : Complete" (This one: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-0-25-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules) Hmm. Maybe I'll remove that in the next release. I didn't think about it causing confusion. Cheers,
  4. You really do need to fix the read-only thing too (if you haven't already). You can copy-paste KSP out of it's steam install location to somewhere like C:/Games/KSP. You might need to also run down your save games if they aren't in your steam install. For the memory spikes that Kasper is talking about, the other thing you can do is change Texture Quality to Half or lower. This will reduce the memory requirements of KSP a bit. V0.25 seems more memory hungry than previous versions and seems to cause crashes for people even if they have 4GB of memory installed. Cheers, -Claw
  5. KSP v0.25 eats up more memory. If you only have 4GB of system memory, KSP crashes at the main menu because it spikes out on memory usage. 1. Open up your settings.cfg file. 2. Look for the line that says "TEXTURE_QUALITY = " 3. Make it say "TEXTURE_QUALITY = 1" (or you can also try 2, or even 3) 4. Restart KSP, and set your Texture Quality to no higher than half (in the settings page on the main menu). Cheers, ~Claw
  6. Crossfeed only affects fuel feed for resource consumption. And actually decouplers do allow crossfeed if the part connected to the ejection face is not a fuel tank. If it's a fuel tank, the game has special case logic that prevents fuel from being crossfed through the decoupler. That is all different from fuel transfers. You can ALT+LeftClick on any two tanks on the same vessel and transfer fuel, no matter what's between (crossfeed capable or not). Cheers, ~Claw
  7. I haven't tried it, but I think Chris uses a different module for controlling his parachute. In which case my module shouldn't affect his. I don't know if his chutes suffer from the same stock bug. Maybe I'll go look into this now. I'm curious to know what you find. Thanks, ~Claw
  8. There is a whole thread dedicated to space station pictures if you need some ideas. Many people even break down their ships to show how they build. Here is one of my larger stations: Cheers, ~Claw
  9. Yep. Kerbal launching seems to be a favorite past time in 0.25. If you're not opposed to adding mods (assuming you want the problem gone), I've created a module that fixes the problem. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-0-25-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules Link is also in my signature. Cheers! ~Claw Edit: Also see here for further discussion: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95766-EVA-Ejects-at-High-Velocity-25
  10. Hi SpaceMouse, Ion engines and chemical thrust rocket engines work very differently. Ion engines are highly efficient because they accelerate nearly all of the propellant, which extracts as much kinetic energy as possible from them. Chemical engines, on the other hand, spend a lot of energy accelerating the exhaust, plus they lose a lot of efficiency due to all the heat generated. Because Ion engines work by accelerating small particles, it's very difficult to make one large enough that pushes enough small particles to give a higher thrust output. Plus the energy (electricity) requirements for an Ion engine are fairly high. Especially considering that a chemical rocket pretty much only needs electricity to get started, then can generate electricity as it runs (through thermocuples). In some cases, a chemical engine might not even need electricity to get started. Anyway, both engines have tradeoffs. That's what forces you to decide what you need! Welcome to the forums! ~Claw
  11. Thank you again everyone for the fantastic feedback! Thanks dtoxic. If you have a convenient list of your mods that might help me when I get some time to track it down. If not, that's okay too. Thanks! ~Claw
  12. All very true, but there is also a newer problem in 0.25 where the kerbals are much more prone to flinging themselves off of nothing more than a Mk1 capsule. The flinging is because part of the kerbal animation while exiting the hatch intersects the capsule's collision mesh, imparting a force on the kerbal's helmet. The second problem is that the kerbal isn't always grabbing the ladder. Add the two together and the kerbal is launched fairly frequently when going EVA, even if nothing is attached to the pod. Cheers, -Claw
  13. I believe I have finally cracked this one. I've just uploaded a new radial decoupler fix module to my Add-on thread. As far as I can tell, it seems to restore the radial decoupler's functionality. I think I've also fixed the problem where struts were stealing all of the decoupler's momentum. Give it a try. If you have problems still, please post me some pictures! Cheers, ~Claw
  14. Excellent news everone! (I hope.) If you are using my AnchoredDecouplerFix module, I highly recommend you download the latest version. I believe I have solved the original radial decoupler bug (where the boosters tip inward) as well as the strut bug (where struts steal all the momentum from the decouplers). As far as I can tell, radial decouplers now act as they did pre-KSP v0.24.2. Cheers! ~CLaw
  15. Hey dtoxic, I did download ECLSS (most recent version off of kerbalstuff) and the two mods worked just fine together. I didn't see any evidence of ECLSS messing with the kerbal parts that I use. I did see there are some old versions of ECLSS floating around, so make sure you don't have that. I did add some extra error checking so it shouldn't lock up people's kerbals should they run into something similar. Other than that, we would have to narrow down the mods more. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to go through all the mods in your log. Truthfully though, if you aren't having Ejection problems, then you probably don't need that particular module anyways. I do want to make it work for you, but I spent most of my time on the decoupler problem tonight (with good results). Thanks again for the logs, I'll keep trying when I can. Thank you kind sir, that means a lot! Cheers, ~Claw
  16. There is a mod, although I forget the name. I believe you can attach self destruct devices to parts either in the VAB/SPH or via Kerbal on EVA. Wish I could remember the name for you. Cheers, ~Claw
  17. Personally I have also used KSP to teach the basics of aero such as "what happens if I put control fins on top, versus the bottom of a rocket" to 6 to 8 year olds. Some of them understand well enough that a weather vane, arrow, or dart flies into the wind, but they have no idea why. Being able to do something like move fins around in game and press go is both exciting and provides instant feedback to them. (Plus the explosions are always fun.) At this age they generally seem to grasp the idea of slapping together and launching a rocket, but the getting to orbit part certainly takes a LOT more hands on teaching. The amount of realism you need probably depends on the educational goals and how far you need to carry on in the game. The current state of the game's aerodynamics model needs more work, but the basics of orbital mechanics are pretty descent if you're able to explain the concept of a patched conics model vs. n-body gravity. Cheers, ~Claw
  18. I don't know if there is one that does this already. I was saying that a mod that simulated tidal locking could also simulate being a star tracker in stable orbits. (At least the way I'm imaging it to be built.) Maybe I'll look into this when I have time. If there's any interest. Cheers, -Claw
  19. Sure, that sounds easy enough to fix. Although I'm not exactly familiar with what bug you are referring to. Is it that the internal number isn't matching what's in the .cfg? I'll have to look at that later tonight. The decoupler problem is strange since it's tied to speed, and I believe it'll still happen above the atmosphere. Good to know that FAR input helps with it too. I'm glad the EVA ejection fix is working for you! Yeah, I ask about the other mods because the log snippet you gave me looks like something is modifying an internal piece of the stock kerbal that my mod relies on. When I went back and looked, I had already removed my cheatery code in the release version so it wasn't that. If you haven't seen the bug, then maybe whatever mods you are using that modify behaviour already happen to fix the problem (in which case you can skip mine). Thanks for the logs, I won't be able to look at them till later. I think I can stop the log spam and kerbal lockups, but untill I know what mod is changing things it won't be a proper fix. So maybe it won't be 100% compatible, but it shouldn't freeze up either. Thanks everyone! Cheers, -Claw
  20. This happens from time to time but has so far been impossible to duplicate. I've seen people run into the runway from 2km away and others hit the launch pad while in orbit. If you can find a way to make it happen repeatably (after restarting) then please share! Cheers, -Claw
  21. Sorry, I edited my post and didn't see that you had already replied... So I downloaded the cockpits and didn't have any problems. In fact, the ejection bug is present with them but the posted module fixes it. Are you using other mods, and maybe some of them modify kerbal EVA behavior? Thanks, ~Claw
  22. That's good feedback. I don't know for sure if they turned them down, but they may have. There were also people complaining of the opposite. Too many "test part XX" contracts. ~Claw
  23. Unfortunately Unity is really bad at handling joysticks. Some joystick in particular are bad, and the throttle controls are broken on many. Hopefully they will fix it soon, although I recall someone putting up a semi fix somewhere on the forums. Unfortunately I don't have a link. Probably not what you were hoping to hear... ~Claw
  24. The fix is far from perfect because the problem is a bit deeper than I can reach into the code. If you guys can provide some pictures so I can see what to test against that would help me refine the code. Pictures of the craft before decoupling and at the collision are the best. This is how stock KSP is meched, and I'm not planning on doing any changes to this piece. Thanks for he help fixing it. ~Claw
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