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Everything posted by Nick7892

  1. Just flip this switch to the off position and sleep! How do I shower?
  2. This is a thread about Space Stations! Show off you amazing space stations. I couldn't find another thread about this so I'm going to make this thread.
  3. Ever since Bill went "Missing in Action" Barely Kerman was my test pilot. I like his name and he has been on a lot of different missions.
  4. While taking off in space plane.. Don't lean over.. No, the wings are gone. *Everything explodes*
  5. 6/10 It looks like something from MsPaint.
  6. Ehh, I've never seen you. 0/10.
  7. 754 The space program is in debt, GMV repairs have been stopped.
  8. I undocked my Soyuz from the space station when the Soyuz suddenly exploded into bits and pieces.
  9. I only use space shuttles for launching big things or assembling the space station.
  10. I made a 2 new modules for my space station. Scheduled to be docked soon.
  11. No, all my rockets already fly perfectly.
  12. Definitely! I like rockets. If you press this button you will become dictator of the world. But there is a 30% the people of the world will overpower you and sentence you to death.
  13. Why do I have this? Poor Kerbal:(
  14. Of course! Anyways I like North Korea. Press the button to be able to spawn in anything you like. But there is a 20% chance you will be turned into a Soyuz solar panel and be enslaved for your masters devious uses. "Reference to soviet packs solar panel."
  15. Seen you before 7/10. You probably don't know me.
  16. 550 Radio communication is invented when Barely Kerman attached a phone on a metal pole.
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