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Everything posted by longbaugh01

  1. So far so good, with no Chatterer-related crashes/issues, so I thank you very much for providing this recompile. I'll continue to keep an eye on it, but I'm hopeful it'll no longer be an issue.
  2. I'm posting solely to draw attention to this post since I feel it has been ignored, and I am also having crashes on scene changes (Flight to whatever) where the crash log is ONLY listing Chatterer, and indeed in the normal flow of the log the last thing to show up is Chatterer: In my instances I do not have any reference to Scatterer being an issue (though I do have it installed). I've been using Chatterer since at least 2013-14 so I'm very sad that I've had to pull it out of my normal install. I'm on KSP v 1.7.3, running 109 mods or so (95% installed using CKAN), and kept getting these crashes on scene change from flight to where ever until I narrowed it down to Chatterer, and then pulled it temporarily. Crashes stopped. Now ever since I once in a while try to put it back in, and the crashes start again. Every time the crash log lists Chatterer and nothing else and is very similar to the one above except no mention of Scatterer. I would post/link one, but this issue started more than a month ago and I've pulled Chatterer from my install that long ago as well (crashes stopped), and when I saw someone had already brought up a similar issue I just waited for them to get a substantial response, and that never happened. Ultimately, I'm hoping to get some attention drawn to this potential (though I think evident) issue, and hopefully inspire anyone else with the same issue to come forward as well. Thanks.
  3. I'm having this very same issue, with the very same stuff outputted to the log. Other mods I have installed: Fusebox, Action Group Manager, Crew Manifest, Kethane, Interstellar, Module Mgr, RemoteTech, Tarsier Telescope, Texture Compressor, Enhanced Navball, Haystack, Navyfish Docking Indicator, Engineer, KAS, Alarm Clock, Joint Reinforcement, KW, MJ, Proc Fairings, Protractor, and Station Science. So anyone else having this issue, and/or know of a fix until the author hopefully tackles it?
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