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Everything posted by epicfacecanada

  1. I have found a way to use the radio's to fly multiple planes at once and even land them all
  2. Good point Will it only engage romfarer's missiles or will It engage rockets heading towards it. Also it would be nice to have some static explosives that you can strap on to rockets or planes and has an explosive effect when you crash it.
  3. How will the ciws handle targets without an iff will it engage it or not?
  4. Hey ID could you make a static explosive to strap on to rockets as explosive warheads or for kamikaze planes. This is what I found missing in stock ICBM's
  5. ID how do you plan on implementing the weapons into the career mode tech tree
  6. thanks a lot ID and I must say this mod is amazing!!
  7. whenever I load boat parts r4 in ksp and I open the SPH or VAB I the only parts that come up are the minsub command pod, the mines and the center part to the mini sub not even stock parts are showing up. I realy want to use boat parts but I can't use it like this.
  8. even though it isn't released could I somehow download what you have so far
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