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Posts posted by OtherBarry

  1. A bit of further testing on a different computer with another fresh install showed the same problem. The test rocket consisted of a PPSRM kick stage under the fairing, a kerlox stage under that, a large PPSRM under that, and another kerlox stage under that

    It took me far too long to realise that SRM meant Solid Rocket Motor. Do you use MJ for your SRM launchers? It doesn't seem to like mine at all, as it constantly stages them at the wrong time, or does weird things when my orbit gets close to my desired apoapsis.

  2. Sry, but I don't understand. Should we keep the different versions of KSPAPIExtensions.dll in their respective mod folder (the folder belonging to the mod they came with in the first place), or should we delete every version but the latest? Or should we do something else?

    Just put them wherever the mods in question suggest and leave them there. If there are any problems, it's most likely a problem from a different mod.

    Edit: Oh and is it possible to have the SRB nozzle diameter scale with SRB diameter like it does in stretchy tanks, instead of with thrust as it does now?

    Scaling with thrust is logical, as that's how SRBs work IRL, in that the narrowest point of the nozzle affects the exhaust velocity. It might be possible to revert it without a code rewrite, but I doubt it.

    Also, is anyone else experiencing a bug where you can't revert to launch/VAB or go to the space center from a vessel with this mod?

    Not that I know of. Are you sure it's PP related? If so, output logs and such from when you attempt to leave the flight scene would be helpful.

  3. that's weird: in real life, it's the design/testing/building cost + propellant which is a lot more high than the launching one, so the game will allow players to build things they can't launch ! Typically Harvester I might say ! (or "shoot first, ask question later")

    I see your point here, but you also have to think about how easy this is to implement in game, as well as how easy it would be for new players to pick up on. I suspect that with budgets implemented, researching parts may also come with a cost, as there is already a non-science 'cost' for researching each tech node.

    With on screen info, I personally think the current way is pretty good. While I couldn't play KSP without MJ data readouts, had they all been there when I booted up the game the first time, I would have just given up in confusion. This game already has a very steep learning curve, and i don't think squad wants to make it any steeper.

  4. is it stil working ?

    Theoretically, yes it still works, however, it's manifest hasn't been updated in about a month, so depending on where they've been hosted and how much they've been updated, some mods will work fine, some mods will download old versions, and some mods won't work at all.

    I'm in the process of updating it, but I've been fairly busy recently, so it might be a little while. If all goes to plan, it'll be ready by the scheduled forum downtime, and then I'll test it over those few days and then start a new thread once the forums are back up.

    However, I'll only be updating the manifest files, any work needing to be done to the bundler itself will probably not happen, or at least not for a while.

  5. Would you or anybody else care to share these? They seem to be out there but I couldn't seem locate them on this forum.

    Procedural batteries are easy. Just copy the rcs tank and replace Monoprop with electric charge, though you may want to play around with the density figures. Procedural KAS containers are harder, as they're a module rather than a resource. Will look into it though.

    Procedural kerbal is still in the works.... :D

  6. I hate to be complaining all the time, since this mod is really indispensable to me...

    It's not complaining when you post such useful bug reports. Plus if you didn't someone else would.

    PP 0.9.10 is still incompatible with Procedural Fairings 3.01. The stack nodes appear to work when I'm building the rocket, but parts are embedded into each other when the vehicle is launched, or when loading a saved vehicle in the VAB. I made certain to test with freshly downloaded versions of both mods immediately before posting this.

    Does this only occur with PF parts? Because a lot of people seem to be having general attachment node problems, which I suspect is a PP problem, not a multiple KSPAPIExtentions problem. Either way, swamp_ig is working on fixing both at the moment, as well as better RF integration for SRBs.

    In the interim, try playing around with deleting/reinstalling KSPAPIExtensions from either mod and let us know if that helps. Also if you could look through your log files and see if there are any blatant errors in there, that would be great.

    How did you get it to work, mine isn't working either ?

    I assume he either did a clean install of the game/mod or just rebooted KSP.

  7. Just downloaded the pack and installed it (put the folder in GameData and the .dll file in plugins). I don't see any new parts. What am I supposed to see? How to use this pack? Is there a tutorial for it?

    You should just copy the procedural parts folder into gamedata and leave it there. As is explained in the first post, if you right-click on the tank, a list of options for customising it will appear. From then on its very self explanatory.

  8. oh and just as a note to the original problem as well, after a reboot the load vessel dialogue box wouldnt open on click in the VAB until i deleted the saved craft file that was giving problems in the first place

    Very odd. Hopefully redownloading will fix it. Otherwise this'll require some looking into. It sounds like the game is only loading certain sections of each part, which makes no sense.

  9. I notice that the procedural heat shields have the same mass no matter how much or little ablative surface you select. I would think that the bulk of the mass of a heat shield is the ablation, and that cranking that down would lower the mass?

    They have the same 'dry' mass no matter how much ablative shielding you have, which is the same as the normal DRE heatshields. Without shielding, it should weigh 0.2t, then add on 1t for every 1000 units of ablative shielding.

  10. I'm quite busy at the moment, but if your willing to do some of the work, I'll make a config for you. Just fill out this (https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/blob/master/Source/CalcsAndModels/ModTanks.xlsx) spreadsheet with ECLSS data, and it'll be really easy to make one. PM me if you have any questions.

    If anyone else has a mcod they want me to add, feel free to do the same thing.

  11. Well you see I'm still juggling between this and stretchy, I've tried both but I regularly check this for updates until I find the benefits outweigh those of strechy's. I just figured it'd be a little faster easier if those updates/changes were displaced on OP :P

    Ah. Well in that case I understand. Bias as I may be, I think theres only one reason to use stretchy over this, and thats if you can't live without keyboard resizing. Otherwise, this has everything that stretchy has, plus more stuff, such as heatshields, mod tanks and tweakables.

  12. Hey, creator/maintainer could you post the changelogs on the OP?

    They've been pretty well documented on each release throughout the thread, but I suppose they ought to be brought together into a changelog. I'm happy to do it, or nag swamp_ig to do it, but either way we'll probably wait until the 1.0 release (coming soon...) and then start maintaining them for future versions.

    Do you need/want them for something? I probably remember what's happened in all the different versions.

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