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Everything posted by Trewor007

  1. Is there a way to produce oxidizer using modules from the US mod? I really like the way I can use a small and modular chemical plant to make my fuel on distant planets, but lack of method for making oxidizer forces me to use stock ore system witch I'm not the biggest fan. A way to make oxidizer just like you make Hydrogen peroxide would be very good in my opinion and profit many space programs of our brave kerbals.
  2. Hi. I'm looking for a mod (or just a modified stock part .cfg file) that will allow me to harvest Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere of Duna. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  3. Hi. Long story short: KSP v: kOS v: 0.18.1 I'm unable to use the "change name tag" button while in VAB/SPH (in simulation it works fine). Is this an issue on my side or I just need to wait for a new kOS release?
  4. Yup i'm planing a totally automated trip to Duna using kOS in 1.0 so I must practise with the new aerodynamic model before I start coding. Does anybody know if Squad is planing to realise something like a official pdf witch the math for the aerodynamics of 1.0?
  5. Can someone explain to my how I need to set up my parts to work with TAC LS i am doing something wrong and im burning thou my resource's;/ And i like to are if there are plans for new parts that will support Karbonite (small generator and maybe a converter)?
  6. As many (if not all) of You know, if You install TAC life support or a mod that base on its system You get a bunch of new resources including Waste. For the moment TAC does not give any penalty's if "bad" resources such as carbon dioxide, waste or waste water are full or even overflowing ("sadly" Kerbals don't get sick from to much CO2). As for waste water and CO2, we can filter and recycle them with provided parts. But not with waste, it can't be re used, all we can do is throw away it by decoupling a part of our ship or by dumping it with TAC Fuel Balancer. but maybe there is another way, in the film Apollo 13 there is a scene where they dump their "waste" to space, in The Empire Strikes Back we see a Imperial Star Destroyer dumping its garbage before going to lightspeed. What i want to do is to use one of the rcs models for throwing waste out in space. the problems i need to face is: a) proper ratios (i'm throwing mass out so Newtons 3 law is in motion, and i don't want the "garbage rsc system" be more effective than the normal one, how to set it so it don't behave like normal rcs (something more like "toggle dumping" in the RMC menu), Or maybe there is a mod that deals with this case. I'm open on opinions and ideas, how to tackle this micro management issue.
  7. is there a option in MM so it will permanently modify my .cfg files instead of rewriting them on every game load?
  8. Hi! I`m looking for a mod pack with chutes or a way to modify stock ones so they can open above 5000m. Real chutes is sadly not an option (it summons BSoD).
  9. Hi. I'm looking for a part or mod with can store my fuel underground, something like the fuel hatch from the ART mod, but working on planets and moons.
  10. im running 15.5 but just to be safe ill download kos again EDIT:now it works. Thanks! probably ive updated it without deleting the old folder first.
  11. Hi im goofing around with IR and i got a question about partmodule. id tagged all my IR parts, so each part has it one unique tag. And i set every tag to a unique name in kOS. the problem is that a was thinking i can call the part just like Parallax did when making His bipod walker. But kOS only lets me call a list and when i add a iteration (SET LEFT1 TO SHIP:PARTSTAGGED("LEFT1")[0]), kOS gives me an Can't iterate on an object of type kOS.Safe.Encapsulation.ListValue error. How can I correctly call a part (not the list where is the part) by its Set name?
  12. Yes that is a nice part, i will be still looking for something longer, but this is something i can work with. Thanks!
  13. You can write a script using Kos http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68089-0-90-kOS-Scriptable-Autopilot-System-v0-15-5-2015-1-3
  14. It needs to move before its going to be attached. its just to save space in the fairing. once connected it will never move again.
  15. I've done a version with uses 2 telescopic pistons, a fuselage part covering those pistons and a docking port on it. That kinda works but im worried about the part count because that's 3x piston + 3x fuselage part for each extending port (+1 docking port) so if my station core has those on 4 sides that is 24 parts just for extending (28 with docking ports) additional 2 farm modules that's another 28 parts not to mention drill units habitation modules and rest will sum that up to 160+ parts just for connecting. I heard of this mod that welds parts together lowering the part count but i don't know if it will work with IR.
  16. maybe i point it out a little bit wrong. i dont want to move stuff with that port, i want to find a part that behaves like these: so upon activating the part will extend (4m or so) and than the docking port will be active. J.Random flexotubes give me a strange physic glitch from time to time upon after i get back to the scene. (my base kinda fall under the surface)
  17. Hi. I'm looking for a extendible tube part (1.25m) for my Duna base project. Something like expanoTubes from the MKS mod but i need to be able to put a docking port on its far end. If someone knows where i can find such a thing i will be very grateful.
  18. I am very aware of the new documentation, i was used to the old one. And for the moment i have a little trouble finding myself with the new layout
  19. Hi. I need to rebuild from scratch my whole space program, is there some sort of kos exchange site where i can look up some functioning code? so i don't spam the forum every 5 min.
  20. That is the whole problem BDArmory has a fire button in a right click menu but its more of a place holder for some other peace of its code working in the background. And the button itself does not do anything even when click by user.
  21. kOS is more right click menu oriented. So this project goes to the freezer for the moment. maybe in a future update of BDArmory or kOS.
  22. Long story short: Im trying to force a cooperation between BDArmory and kOS. But there are some problems due the nature of BDArmory. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85209-0-25-BDArmory-v0-7-1-1-Dev-Thread-Dec-9?p=1635257&viewfull=1#post1635257 Armed with new knowledge i need to ask: What is the closes thing in kOS to pushing a button? is it toggling ligts, gears, breaks with will emulate( or not) pressing U,G,B. Or maybe action groups? pushing numbers. Or something else. BTW: Has anyone tried to transfer resources between tanks using kOS. I'm curios is that doable.
  23. im on the latest version. weapon manager lets me switch weapons but when i call the "fire" action i get nothing. there is some "strange" fact i don't know how to describe it, but when i assign the fire function to a action group and press the button for that group i also got nothing( even holding down the key didn't help). maybe BDArmory is build in such a way it only responses to left click when it comes to shooting. If You have BDArmory installed maybe You can help me check that theory, becouse as seen on pictures below: As You can see on the 1 photo the guns are firing properly and ammo is being used up. But on the 1 picture where i click the fire button from the menu We can see that the amount of bullets if not going down. the placement of the menu on the screen in no coincidence because I've noticed that when I click above the pink line i will not fire. i can even click and hold the mouse button above the line and when i get under it i start shooting. so im guessing that there is a additional layer placed on the screen and its controlling the firing options and the button in the menu is just a way KSP interpreters the code and its some kind of a place holder.
  24. There is this thing that bothers me with the partmodules: example: if i type: ship:parts[19]:modules[0]. i will get an answer: Bahaturret with is the 1 item on the list. so everything works. i get what i want. so why if i want to go deeper (by that i mean looking/interacting with the fields in that module) i can't use: print ship:parts[19]:getmodule[0]:allactions. and have to use it like this: print ship:parts[19]:getmodule("Bahaturret"):allactions. why in one case kOS lets me use the number from a list, and in the other it demands a name?
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