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Everything posted by acrain116

  1. @Nuke, AHHH!! I just finished a class about controllers and now you're bringing me back in! But yeah, a controller/feedback loop sounds like exactly what you need since that is what real reaction wheels use. As for the equation you want, it would be a function equating those input lateral forces ([force of gravity and/or drag]*[cos(angle of deviation from vertical, theta)]) to the centrifugal force created by the reaction wheel, or (g+F(drag))*cos(theta)=F(centrifugal). Theta will change over time which is why you need a controller. Drag and centrifugal/centripetal forces depend on the rocket but equations can be found online. This should hopefully at least get you started. Or I could be a big idiot who didn't learn anything in my class
  2. I agree. If there were ever to be a new standard for the save icon, the cloud may be the best bet. A lot of services are starting to implement cloud storage. I'd expect the floppy to remain the standard icon for many years because of the reasons stated earlier, but I also expect someone in the future is going to try to change that.
  3. If you send up a cockroach, it'll be a free project since they ae impossible to kill On a serious note, this experiment sounds awesome and I would love to see how the little guys enjoy their flight
  4. Yes, yes, and more yes. TS2 was and still is fantastic to play. Fighting off hordes of monkeys in multiplayer was one of my past-times. Also as the OP mentioned, the original RCT was the first game I really got addicted to
  5. The wiki shows that Kerbin has a density of 58x10^3 kg/m^3, not 5.8. I don't know if a meterial exists yet that is that dense. So I'm going to go with it's either made of the newly discovered Kerbonium, or the more improbable/impossible chance that there is a very small black hole in Kerbin's core that somehow doesn't affect the planet's structure at all .
  6. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if those 25% didn't take the question seriously at all and instead answered "the Earth revolves around me" or something dumb like that. I'll admit that when I get a random survey that I don't feel like actually doing, I write in a couple stupid answers
  7. I really like the clouds and city lights mod. I forget what it's called exactly but it's somewhere in the spaceport. Kerbin looks really cool at night.
  8. I just happened to walk in on a friend playing it. I asked him what it was and he said it was a space flight simulator; to which I replied: "I'll tell you right now that I will become obsessed with this game". A few days later, I went on a 24-hour straight drive of attempting to land on the Mun and I haven't looked back since
  9. Depends on what you want to do in the future. For me, I knew I wanted to be an aerospace engineer for as long as I can remember. I also didn't get involved with too many extracurricular activities, but I made up for that with a lot of engineering classes. Fortunately, my school was part of a project that inteded to provide more engineering classes to students so I took as many as I could. I like to think that this really helped me get into my current school(Now a 4th year junior at Drexel University in Philadelphia).
  10. Target: Saturn's ring system Propulsion: N2O4/N2H4 bipropellant main engine, ion thrusters for smaller maneuvers and RCS Goals: Orbit Saturn among several ring layers to gain visual scans of non-frozen-water-ice bodies in the ring system Other: I realize this would be a very pointlessly risky mission and would require an extremely advanced controls system, but then again, I'm not planning a real flight
  11. Living across the street from a small airport for almost all my life certainly did it's toll on me. It's cool watching small craft take off and land right from my front yard, especially when they go up for skydiving sessions. As soon as I'm done with college next year (and as soon as I get my horrible vision corrected ) I certainly plan on getting my PPL as soon as possible. I've already had about a year and a half of experience interning at an aerospace engineering contractor and I hope to turn that into my future career .
  12. So I was bored one day and decided to create a full scale model of the Kerbol System in my CAD software (with accurate orbital characteristics given by the wiki). I didn't texture anything so they're all just solid color. I also started on a model of the actual solar sytem, but with the extra bodies, inclinations, and eccentricities, it may take a while. Does anyone else have any KSP CAD models? Overview of the system with orbits shown. Can't see any bodies since it's in perspective view mode and zoomed out real far. Kerbin system with Kerbol in the background Jool system. You can see how much smaller Bop and Pol are than the other three moons.
  13. I now regularly use the terms "prograde/retrograde", "delta-v", "apogee/perigee", and "moar boosters" in regular conversation with people who never played the game
  14. I usually send up several small parts just to avoid the lag of launching giant launch systems. I'm currently working on putting together a large hexagonal station with refueler stations on every leg. It floats around near Minmus' orbit for interplanetary refueling. Still in the middle of construction because it takes forever :/
  15. When I first started playing, I think Jeb died at least 20 times because I was just goofing around without any real purpose for about a week. Since I started my career mode, I haven't lost anyone. Jeb is now the full-time new rocket model test pilot. He is growing quite fond of parachutes now.
  16. 389: Ask an employee to help you sneakily steal some products
  17. Truly an exhilarating series. Makes me excited for my own in-depth interplanetary misisons
  18. I've been cruising the forums for about a year now but never got around to making an account until now. I guess I've just been busy exploring space (or I'm just lazy). So anyway... howdy
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