Well, my station crew ferry just got cancelled. KSO looks better, flies better, and holds more crew. The KSO flies like a dream. I only had time for one test flight this morning, but it was almost as smooth as flying a normal rocket. It even takes early-launch rolls easily. Re-entry from 100 km orbit was relatively accurate, started flying her myself at about 27 km out from KSC, and, as always....I landed next to the runway, not on it. Oops. I have yet to fly with any payload to speak of, but I imagine dtobi's plugin should help take care of it. My only complaint/bug report: KSO and Kerbal Engineer don't play nice together. I get no mass, DV, or TWR readouts in the VAB. In flight I do get mass, but I only get DV and TWR for the final stage (the OMS). Probably has something to do with the fuel line built in to the external tank, but that's just a guess. EDIT: This appears to be a (known) issue with Engineer. It doesn't like the decoupler module on the EFT.