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Everything posted by AngusJimiKeith

  1. That's the wet mass. The Saturn V S-1C massed 138,000 kg with no fuel. Source: http://history.msfc.nasa.gov/saturn_apollo/documents/First_Stage.pdf Which could be landed by four of these theoretical chutes. EDIT: Not quite 4. Probably 5, to be safe. Still: THe stage "could" be recovered with chutes. (There are other issues, such as the stage hitting the water, which are not so easily dealt with.)
  2. That would've been what, 8:00 PM Squad time, roughly? They really were working late to fix whatever they found...a less dedicated team would've said "screw it, we'll fix it tomorrow" and pushed back release even further.
  3. I'm still confident that there's a chance today If it isn't today, though, you're right. It'll be next week. For logistical reasons, really. Thursday or Friday releases means the devs have to work the weekend in case of bugs.
  4. They could, but it's bad practice. Can you imagine the backlash if the community found out that they purposely released bugged software? And it only makes the workload worse if/when the community finds /other/ bugs that need to be dealt with ASAP. The reason other companies do this is because they've sent the "final" version of the game off to be burned onto disc or approved by Steam, etc, usually a couple weeks in advance (called "going gold"). They may find new bugs in the time between going gold and release. That's where day 1 patches usually come from. But Squad doesn't follow that release model.
  5. At this point, I'm thinking my original guess was accurate. FAQ in place of devnotes tonight, with release tomorrow.
  6. No MechJeb here, so I'll just fly a bunch of test flights and see what works best. I can report back findings when I have some for people who fly without MJ.
  7. I thought the same, but if 64 bit had been merged with this commit, we'd see a size increase in the normal PC build. Instead we see that one byte change. The OSX size change is interesting though. Mac specific bug?
  8. What's more interesting is that they seem to have skipped the windows 64 bit build. They've been doing win32-win64-linux-mac. Probably just an accident, though.
  9. Well, you can still pull relevant info from those entries. The latest one has a diff of one byte. A single byte. Just one character, roughly. The one before that was just 1.82 KB. We're close. I'd guess tomorrow.
  10. That's not going to stop people from F5'ing like crazy, which is probably the big issue right now...
  11. A younger, less mature version of myself once had over 1,000 posts in a 27,000 post long thread. I think that thread alone would crash the KSP forums...
  12. Awesome, I can actually use a realistic flight profile now!
  13. No. This is more like a code revision or change. SteamDB catalogues all of that. If you want to know if it's out, pay more attention to the forums and the steam client itself. SteamDB is more of a progress checker.
  14. Under "changed depot" hover over the number. 220201 is PC 32 bit, for example.
  15. They were yesterday. They're on only the first set of builds today (note that Windows 32 bit, 64 bit, Linux, and OSX each update independently, which makes it look like a whole lot more is going on.)
  16. You and me both. I confused steamdb with my workplace's git repository for a minute and was furiously searching for my latest code updates! EDIT: win32, win64, *nix are all up for this batch...just waiting on OSX.
  17. That doesn't match the "history" tab on steamdb, which indicates that each branch has been recieving regular updates. When one updates. they all do spaced out by about 20 minutes or so to an hour or so. (compile time?)
  18. KSP on linux works the same way. I don't see where 750 extra MB on windows 64 bit would come from. EDIT: Woo, steamdb update! Now we wait for linux, OSX, and win64 to update as well Interestingly, the forum's window for downtime has come...and gone. Did it actually happen?
  19. I doubt it. After all, linux has a 64 bit executable which isn't that much larger. IIRC, it's actually packaged in the same download as 32 bit and the user chooses which to launch. My guess is, since 64 bit isn't the priority or the main dev branch, it's a stripped-down version for testing, and the full version will be identical to 32- bit except for the executable and a few assorted other files. But that's only a guess, and I could be totally wrong.
  20. This is in line with reality, if nothing else. NASA, for example, will research or design something (Say, a Saturn V stage) and then contract it out to a company for testing and production. Not all things work that way, of course, but there are examples.
  21. The FAQ will probably come when devnotes usually do, which is still not for several hours at best. Which doesn't bode too well for a .24 release today
  22. Annnd I apologize for my apology! Buried in a post about the forum 502 errors: From the media release thread. EDIT: Double ninja'd.
  23. Rowsdower confirmed yesterday that this is, in fact, media release. As of yesterday, 0.24 was "not hours away, but not weeks away either." EDIT: Not sure where I pulled that line from, but it's either been removed, or I made up what I wanted to see. I apologize.
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