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Everything posted by Rhidian

  1. The only possible problem I see is that such a list might be too spoilerish, given that the current ScienceDefs.cfg file has a huge spoiler warning at the top. I imagine it would be possible to do something like this by simply adding a really small amount of Science (0.00000001 or so) to all experiments of a certain type on the planet when that experiment is used the first time there. It would thereafter be listed on the RD Archives I think.
  2. Humanity may be irrelevant on the scale of the solar system, but Earth is of great importance to humanity, and I wanted a nice transition line into making a geocentric map. Thanks for mentioning epicycles though, I didn't realize that was the term used previously. Yes, this idea makes things much, much, harder, and isn't likely to be used since the heliocentric model is simpler. However, I thought it might be cool if something like this could be made. Starting off simple, I think it would be best to see what the brute force method would result in with a time limit of 1 year or 1 month of orbiting (since a complete map over infinite time would prob. just be an indecipherable mess of squiggles).
  3. Long ago it was thought that everything in the universe revolved around the Earth, then thought to be the center of the universe. Geocentric maps of the solar system depicted nice circular orbits of the other planets around the Earth. Since then, scientific advances and astronomical observations have shifted our model of the Solar system to a heliocentric model centered around the Sun. All of the planets orbit the Sun in a well defined elliptical pattern. That's all well and good, but completely disregards the importance of the Earth to humanity. Given that the origin of coordinate systems are relative, I think it would be interesting to translate the heliocentric model of the Solar System into an up-to-date Geocentric model. Instead of the nice circular orbits of past maps, there would be crazy loop-de-loops for all of the celestial bodies as they orbit around the Sun as (from the Earth's POV) the Sun 'orbits' around the Earth. I suppose that the brute force way of generating such a Geocentric map would just be to calculate all of the positions of the celestial bodies and transform them into a coordinate system with Earth as the center. But would there be a way to have some sort of mathematics associated with the new orbits to predict their position relative to the Earth at a given point of time?
  4. That pretty much sums it up. For point #4 the reason I said 100 days is because I tried to set the default value to be roughly 1% of the Science cap value for that area per day. So if the cap is 100 science for an experiment/area and you wait 7 days after depleting the available science to 0, you'll be able to collect up to 7 science again.
  5. 1) Make a giant planetary size mirror 2) Position mirror between their star and the planet (L1 Lagrange point maybe) so that all light from the star doesn't reach the planet 3) ??? 4) Profit
  6. Looking at the Steam trading card, that Kerbal has 3 fingers, 1 thumb, and only a single segment per each of those.
  7. Hrm, looks like Station Science makes its own extensions of the ModuleScienceExperiment and ModuleScienceContainer classes. From what I can tell the Station Science experiments (and parts which use Station Science experiments) will be mostly unaffected by my mod with two exceptions (that I can see): 1) The Mobile Lab's *Process Lab Data* action should be able to change any transmission values from Station Science experiments to 100% if the data is already stored, 2) Using a non-StationScience experiment (one changed by my mod) will cause changes to the 'current data collected' value of StationScience subjects like it does to the stock experiments, allowing more science to be collected if the cap had already been reached.
  8. Although I said there might be compatability issues with mods that change/extend the ModuleScienceExperiment etc classes (ie how science in general performs), I will point out that there should be no compatability issues with mods that only add experiment parts and/or change the ScienceDefs files.
  9. Wouldn't limiting the amount of science able to be generated by a time based experiment balance out the time-warp issue? Say the experiment depends upon some sort of new resource (Kerbtonium) being delivered to the probe. One unit of that resource could generate an amount of Science over in-game days, and once the resource is out, then no more science can be generated from it until more resource is supplied. The resource should be something not easily obtainable in space (like electricity).
  10. For what it's worth, a version of my mod that only makes changes to the Science Lab awesomeness can be found here (MIT License, Source Included in Zip). It still extends the three main science module classes, it only lets the lab boost all experiments to 100% (after lab processing) along with its passive data size boost, and the cfg file included only changes the stock parts to work with the plugin.
  11. I have recently released an updated version of my mod (found here), which addresses some of the points in the original post; specifically the Mobile lab applications, it's application to station science, probe usefulness via the ability to recollect data effectively over long periods of time, transmission efficiency (also removing diminishing returns), and some of the points raised about experiment type differentiation. Science can and should be better, and I have been surprised by what I see as a lack of mods geared towards 'core science' (ie not just changing ScienceDefs or cfg files or the tech tree).
  12. Sciene Redefined v1.0 (1/24/2014) Because Science is what Careers are based off of Author: Rhidian Science Redefined is my revamp of the Science system within Career mode. Simply put, it changes how much Science is collected by experiments, allows Science to be recollected over time, and makes the Mobile Science Lab much much better. Features: (Plugin) -Removes Science Decay. Science gained from successive experiments will not go down. -Allows Science to be recollected after a period of time. If, for example, you wait/warp through 100 in-game days, you can recollect all of the scientific data all over again from all experiments/biomes -Makes the Science Lab more awesome. As well as boosting the actual data amount of experiments collected with it in the Vessel, it's Data Processing allows 100% transmission of data for any experiment -Unlocking the Scientific tech nodes in RnD increases the Science cap for all experiments, reflecting the Kerbals' ability to better grasp what data they need (Config File - Requires ModuleManager) -Increases the Science Cap across the board for Stock experiments. In general the science cap tends to start at about 3x the base value -Provides a sharp distinction between the transmission values of sample-based experiments an data-based ones. Data-based can be transmitted at 100% naturally, while Sample-based experiments require the Lab module to transmit efficiently Download Link for Version 1.0 (Source in Zip) (License: MIT) Compatability This mod extends the ModuleScienceExperiment, ModuleScienceContainer, and ModuleScienceLab classes, so there may be a conflict with any other mods that extend those. However, other mods that simply add/modify experiments by changing the ScienceDefs file should work fine. Please let me know what you guys think
  13. The ExperimentResultsPage was a red herring; I wasn't able to find any way to make my own due to the fact that the ScienceSubject (or at least its ID) that the results page requires doesn't actually exist until after the results page shows up. That being said, I did manage to get one up on that results screen by manipulating what goes into it by removing Science Decay, which normally makes each successive experiment worth less and less.
  14. There aren't any colons within the code tags. That being said, what specifically do you want us to comment on? From what I can tell from the code above, I only see one function (OnStart() ), so I am wondering when the bottom half of the code will be called to print messages to the screen since OnStart is only called at the beginning of the scenes.
  15. Updated to version 0.5. The big change? No more Science Decay. Each successive report will be worth just as much as the last, as the two pictures in the original post can attest.
  16. I believe I have just found the Holy Grail of Science Reports, the ExperimentResultDialogPage class, whose constructor requires everything necessary to display that popup that shows after collecting any sort of data. So the question is, how would I go about constructing one correctly? At the moment I'm stumped by what subjectID I am needing. The ones I have tried don't seem to be actual ScienceSubjects (like "crewReport", etc).
  17. Maybe instead of Staging.CreateIcon,try Staging.AddToSelection instead? Staging.CreateIcon seems to return a StackIcon, leading me to guess that it simply returns the part's StackIcon rather than setting it in the staging area. Edit: And maybe Staging.DisableIcon instead of RemoveIcon. I'm not sure if there will be a difference, but that would be the other thing I would try.
  18. My guess would be because while you remove the StackIcon from the Part, Staging still has the icon registered, so when you go to the launchpad it shows that icon. And in the VAB, because you changed the part's PartIcon directly to be removed, it will be blank. So I would try using something like: Staging.RemoveIcon(Staging.FindIcon(this.part)); instead of this.part.stackIcon.RemoveIcon() like you're trying now.
  19. [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.MainMenu, true)] public class DoingStuff : MonoBehaviour { public void Start() { GameEvents.onVesselChange.Add(somethingOnVesselChange); } public void OnDestroy() { GameEvents.onVesselChange.Remove(somethingOnVesselChange); } public void somethingOnVesselChange(Vessel v) { Debug.Log("Assuming Direct Control"); } } Something like that.
  20. It sounds like you would be best served by looking at GameEvents. You can add a void function to GameEvents.onVesselChanged and whatever the docking Event is to be called whenever that event happens.
  21. Try iterating through all of the ScienceExperiments that you can get from ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperiment(experimentID) when the player visits the Space Center the first time. I suspect injection there will work without going through partmodules.
  22. It might be too late for results at that point (for the first flight anyways). Here is a general workflow of what happens with Science Data from what I have seen: 1) ScienceExperiments are presumably loaded in sometime during the big loading process (without RnD) 2) When ModuleScienceExperiment part modules are loaded in the flight scene, they obtain a copy of the ScienceExperiment (from RnD? RnD and when MSE gets its experiment occur at roughly the same time window I think) 3) When DeployExperiment is called on the experiment, the ScienceData that is made by the Window that pops up uses the values (and more importantly, the Results) from the stored ScienceExperiment. Additionally, it's the experiment values that help determine whether the experiment can be done in the first place Basically ResearchAndDevelopment is left out of most of the process towards getting the Results to the user. The only time RnD might have any impact on the Results used for the first flight would be very shortly after its initialization when the experiment is loaded into the module. All other times before the ScienceData is submitted to RnD uses the module's ScienceExperiment itself (which, if modified, changes the ScienceExperiment that RnD returns). Now that I think about it, you could probably just iterate through ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperiment("experimentID") which I think is static and modify the experiments there
  23. Today in KSP I finally got the mod I am making to do what I wanted it to do without breaking stuff. It's my first mod too
  24. It might be possible to inject the Results without going through RnD. When I was working in my plugin, I manually changed the ModuleScienceExperiment's ScienceExperiment (ModuleScienceExperiment.experiment variable), which unintentionally (for me) changed the version RnD uses when determining stuff so that it applies to all experiments with that ScienceExperiment (and not just that specific part module). I believe you can change/add to the Results dictionary for each experiment through that, if you've already gotten the actual Biome determination to work.
  25. Experiments are still One-time deals (unless you use the Mobile Science Lab of course) per recovery. What I mean by the limitation is the value "science cap" that all experiments have, which says how much data you can ultimately collect. For example, normally you collect 100% of the science cap value (5 Mbits) when doing a crew report and earn the full science value. However, subsequent crew reports, even though they collect 5 Mbits, don't provide any Science, since the cap has already been reached. Increasing the cap lets you repeat the experiment more in the long run is what I meant. Additionally, my mod should be increasing the Cap further depending on what Science nodes you have researched up to, giving even more of a reason to go back to locations previously visited to obtain more science. That, and my plugin boosts the awesomeness of the Science Lab, making it worthwhile to lug up into orbit and use when collecting experiment data (note: the passive data boost only applies when the experiment is and the Lab are on the same vessel; you can't process the data later to increase the data size... Unless I add that in).
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