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Everything posted by wallawallaman

  1. Awesome Lo-fi! I eagerly await the next release, almost as much as I want the kopernicus mod....... Hopefully I helped in some small way.
  2. Actually, it is not the icon bug thats "bugging" me. (haha!) I uploaded a screen shot that hopefully shows what I mean. The red circle is where my mouse is, which didn't show up on the screen shot. See how the tracks are still selected? The issue, is that the bounds of that part, the medium track, seem to be larger than the visual model, at least on the up-down axis. This wouldn't be a big deal, if putting batteries and structural panels too close to the tracks didn't periodically cause them to vibrate the craft to bits. It seems to me that when that happens, there is an invisible chunk clipping with the rest off the structure, causing issues. Sorry for not explaining better earlier, I was at work... Still one of my favorite mods, and it's not even done! http://imgur.com/yvsDC68
  3. Dumb question, but I noticed with the tracks, that in the VAB, the "box" that the medium tracks occupies when you mouse over the craft is much bigger than the tracks themselves. Other than that, I can't wait for little tracks for tiny rovers, and i love the massive tracks for making "portable" launchpads!
  4. It exploded ONLY after leaving high time warp, as in LEO, or anywhere else. Fancy lander, or basic RTG probe, the only thing left was the root part with a few non structural parts remaining. NOT flung at kraken velocity. I was using the latest spaceport version I downloaded yesterday. I will try and clean up the cfg file, as I believe the warp issues are causing most of the problems. BTW, FAR is incredible, and you should be proud!
  5. For your first question, I am using Mechjeb, Stretchy Tanks, FAR, procedural Fairings, KW Rocketry for the engines, and the Planet Factory extention to RSS. Regarding question 2, I should clarify. It explodes as in pieces come apart, and the craft root goes into a heavy spin. NOT lithobrake style explosion. Also, what is KJR?
  6. Hiya all- I have been playing KSP for 270+ hours now, and I would figure that this gives motre challenge. I have just encountered 2 rather severe bugs that I was wondering if anyone had any data on. The first is whenever I leave "Earth's" SOI, my craft immediately accelerates to 27000ms, is on a solar system escape trajectory, and engines no longer affect the speed. The second is that when I use the highest 2 warp settings that were added by RSS, when I turn then down, my craft immediately explodes, and even if I go back to a quick save, it still explodes after the quick save is loaded. Anyone have any tips?
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