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Everything posted by Unteknikal

  1. Nice mod I love it thanks for your nice work Mr Iannic-ann-od. Have a questing maybe is answered somewhere, is there any way to put the green cheatterer button in the toolbar?
  2. This mod is pure gold, this mod + TextureReplacer can do wonders with your memory usage. Many thanks Mr rbray89.
  3. Nice mod downloading, it offers a lot in a tiny package.
  4. Mr Yogui87 your work is really impressive I'm having really good fun with it and toke the freedom of add to some parts extra functionality lastly I added http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/40667-0-23-WIP-TAC-Life-Support-0-8-22Dec TAClife support to the ATV in order to be able to do what it was designed for. Thanks and looking forward to coming mods.
  5. Mr TaranisElsu this mod is really nice one I'm using it and really like it, also added this functionality to the ATV from http://www./?op4bwsjbz1i1ca2 and is working really nice to resupply my station. Ill be adding the function to some other mods and I will let you know how it works, and if there is demand I'll upload a packet with all the modifications. Many thanks for your work.
  6. But there is a workaround, I have some females just creating a custom kerbal name and giving it the suits and head desired, actually have 6 females in the roster and if one dies only have to change the name of the custom kerbal folder with another of your like, hope that helps.
  7. Hello, this is my first post in the forums, Joined mostly to thank people for their mods and came here to this thread because Mr shaw you did a magnificent work here this mod is so awesome that I don't have enough words to describe it, I'm running a heavily modded game and was having big troubles with memory, I discovered this mod looking for a remedy with my memory problems and found that changing all textures (I mean all EVERYTHING in ksp folder) to png + this mod I can play the game I like without any problem I'm running more than 60 mods + lot of parts and the thing that I like most of this mode is looking at resource monitor and see how the blue bar gets bigger and bigger while loading I mean IS CRAZY how this thing works. For those sceptic or reticent to use it I really invite them to test is, this mod is a wonder. Thank Mr shaw. Mr Proot your mod is really nice looking I'm going to use it but as shaw say Ill going to convert everything to png 1st thanks.
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