Hmm, strange, i don't get intersection markers when i target a landed craft. I wonder if i don't have it switched on somewhere... Mystique - Yeah, each time i get a little better at judging how soon to burn or stop burning, and getting the retro into the up position. I'm not sure how you'd judge your TWR against your velocity without burning, stopping, burning stopping, you know, kind of stuttering. I suppose if i'm going the perfect direction to the target and watching the distance from it tick down it'll get easier each time to hit it spot on after a few tries. Thanks for replies guys Ahhhh, i actually just worked it out i think. I haven't yet done it, i'm about to on the game but i rough orbit to circular 20k alt, created a movement to be completely stopped directly above the site, so it's like a 90' angle. But i wont actually do the movement as planned, i'll the burn meter to judge how much horizontal speed i still need to kill and ill also start to kill the vertical speed together. I'll edit this when it's done. Wow. you guys are AWESOME It just kind of clicked in my mind, after reading over and over what you all said and right now my game is paused but im just about to land right next to Jeb to rescue him. This is the first time i've had the target and the retro indicator both on the Up dot on my navball! Woop!