So I was foolish enough to not pay attention to the way my docking ports are oriented and i'm too far along in the building of my massive ship to redo them with the correctly oriented docking ports. So I figured I'd go into my save file and change it there. However, I don't quite understand how the rotation coordinates work These are some examples I encountered name = dockingPortLarge uid = 4166428604 mid = 1609767404 parent = 0 position = 0,0.190000534057617,0 rotation = 0,0,0,1 mirror = 1,1,1 name = dockingPortLarge uid = 847882949 mid = 3803078805 parent = 234 position = -0.000184585573151708,7.42258644104004,-0.000642582890577614 rotation = 0.6668333,7.284768E-05,0.745207,3.523691E-05 mirror = 1,1,1 So I have several of these kind of parts in my quicksave file. My guess would be to change the rotation value of 0,0,0,1 to 0,0,0,-1 but i'm not quite sure. What is the last coordinate anyway? XYZ and what? In the last block I haven o idea how to flip it.. Any help would be welcome!