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Everything posted by fastbikkel

  1. Ok, i did manage to recover some active flights by using an SFS file, i just had to restart the game. I only lost one active flight, but i can live with that.
  2. Tried to use some of those SFS files in the backup directory, but they hold no flights that i look for. Weird, they do hold a flight from a very early stage, even though the time/date of the SDS file is from last night.
  3. Played KSP yesterday after installing the docking alignment mod. Had no issues during evening, did some dockings, launched a few rockets. Today however, when i loaded my savegame it came up with a load of messages saying i was missing parts. Now all my vessels in orbit are gone. I can still load them in the hangar though. I would like to get my orbital vessels back, is there any hope? The error struck me as odd, the only mod i had was the alignment mod, nothing else. I have a link to my logfile in case anyone would like to take a look. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bykd02gzixj9es1/output_log.txt?dl=0
  4. May be, but the eye wants something as well. And if it is entertaining, it can be very usefull.
  5. Thanks for the replies! At least i am not the only one. It can be really annoying for sure. After all this time, i am finally able to dock without any issues, it became routine. But then i found this bug lol.
  6. Dear readers, I keep on getting issues with maneuver nodes. I have made a little movie, check if you like. The blue indicator on the navball is drifting heavily and this happens quite a lot. The only thing that seems to help is to just wait till it stops. Quitting the game also does not always help. I am not sure this is a kerbal bug or my pc just acting up.
  7. Congratulations!! Very very well done.
  8. I have had the same amount of crashes before i started installing mods. Really, i have a round 150mb of crashreports since i bought KSP. I had removed the plugins before, but noticing no difference, i put them back into KSP. But i guess that is a different topic? KSP crashes on the most simple actions, screenshot, moving back to the space center. Even when i just load a rocket it crashes. After about 4 tries in an evening, i usually call it a day. Also noticed on one occassion a radio dish was gone from my station after restarting KSP. I noticed the dish floating at a distance after i logged in again.
  9. On the retry (after restarting the game) i did not get the same problem. Made an almost same maneuver again, but this time it worked again like i was used to, weird! Hope this does not happen too often. I did not even uninstall the lazer cam mod. (i love that camera by the way) KSP is still in development, i realise that. I notice a lot of problems with KSP, but mostly it is just crashing to desktop. I had never encountered this velocity issue before.
  10. Well when i reached the 940m/s i was staying between 4 and 5km distance. I did realise a 1000m/s diff is a lot, so i started to burn retro. In 5km distance i felt comfy i could burn off the diff, i had a big engine. The distance counter stopped when i reached 940m/s (or around this). WHen i was at around 800m/s, the target moved away from me again while i was still behind it. The only mods i have are "lazor docking tools (docking cam) and an alignment indicator", i think they are called plugins. I brought my vehicle back for reentry after 5 or 6 unsuccesful attempts, i was getting desperate. I have no screenshots, KSP crashes often when i press F1, i did not have the guts to do that. I though i had maybe pressed a button that caused this.
  11. I had a near perfect plane. Over time i have been improving on that, i can now take off on a 90 degree trajectory that will put me on a near level plane. I also checked it in the map view, i do not think that was gonna be a problem. At least, i had had worse "trajectories" in the past and my way of rendesvouz never was this troublesome.
  12. I will try and explain what i mean, hope it is clear. I am comfortable in making a rendesvouz and docking. Done at least 20 succesful attempts now. Now... I wanted to do another one, i made a beautiful maneuver node that would get me within 5.1km of the target (space station at 400km orbit) Once within range, the navball switched to "radar", as expected. Now came the trick. I was getting close to the target, i was overtaking it from a lower orbit. At around 5.3km i retroburned to neutralise the speed difference. But i was not able to. At the moment i started to burn i had a velocity diff of around 1000m/s. When i reached 900m/s the station was moving away from me again. This is the part i do not understand. I though the speed difference should be 0 if i am to move the same speed. I mean i am used to bring the difference to around 20m/s and then i will creep closer for the actual docking. So in my case, the neutralisation velocity seemed to be around 940m/s. But is that something wrong with me? DId i press a button that gives these values? I tried again to get a 20m/s difffernce, because that is easier. But when i tried that, the target, still in front of me, moved away from me again. I had to stay around 940 m/s the whole time, making maneuvering on the navball almost impossible. I could get close to the target, but i could not rely on the navball. I know the value on the navball is always positive, i have been using this for all those succesful attempts and i never ran into these high velocity values.
  13. :-) I am determined to prevent that from happening, hence my lenghty space program. Yesterday finally brought the unmanned lander down, came down very soft, but pressed "full throttle" instead of "close throttle" in all the excitement. So up it went, then over, then bang! I will have to try that again. I was so damn proud i made a beautiful descent, only to mess up LOL
  14. Thanks all guys, great hints again. I did manage to bring a new ship in munar orbit and i "coupled" with the lander again. Now it has fuel. I will try and land the little bugger tonight. I was pleasantly surprised i was able to almost visually couple with the lander, i get better at that rendesvouz'ing every day. Quick save/launch? Never heard of that lol. Thanks, i will try and remember that.
  15. Great tips guys! Thanks. I just wanted to spill my story here. :-) The amateurism comes from the fact i do not use checklists, of course no pay for me, but the fact i do everything from the "mind" ensures mistakes. LOL I love KSP!
  16. So i was lifting off a small munar lander, an unmanned type. This was done to prepare for a manned munar landing, I needed to get a “feel†for a landing, so I had built a small lander. I constructed it with a dockingnode on top, I had flipped it upside down and put it on top of a rocket using another docking node. So off i went, up into the kerbin sky. Launch was uneventful, got into orbit fine and set course for the mun. Upon arriving, i settled into a 28/32km orbit. Everything clear for decoupling of the lander. Decouple! *imagine me whistling, i felt comfy and relaxed. I was now a solid 50m from the orbital vehicle when I noticed the engine would not come on. I needed to retrograde for landing, so why would the engine not come on?? I have learned the hard way to take it easy in analyzing the little details in KSP, make no quick judgements. Noticed eventually that the lander was out of fuel. (crossfeed is wonderful when you don’t need it). Now i realised i should have made a checklist, here is the amateur part I was talking about. Obviously during the later part of the takeoff, my orbital vehicle had been drinking fuel from the top, the lander. SO by the time I arrived in munar orbit, it was completely empty. I need to make sure I disable crossfeed before take off, sigh. I desperately tried to use the orbital vehicle to redock with the lander, but having no RCS thrusters/monopropellant, it was a futile action. So now i have a munar lander in munar orbit, without fuel, waiting for rescue. I have a new challenge at hand now, to launch another rocket and get it to dock with the lander in the hopes of supplying it with a load of fuel so I can still go ahead with the landing. Could work out, but i need to rethink my checklist. Any suggestions?
  17. I guess the key thing in all docking is "patience", especially for us newcomers. Now i feel comfy in docking, it feels very very rewarding to do a good steady docking. Yes it was a surprise when i selected "control from here" on a docking port on top of my ship. The controls "flipped". I realised it, but it took a few seconds. WIth some "common sense" and "calmness" i finished the job. That is my personal advice, pretend it is real, so you will be taking it easy.
  18. I did it too the first time, but you do not see me bragging about it like that. Everyone is different. What are you really trying to say?
  19. ? Why? Maybe i misunderstood you? I regularly use an off center docking port and i do not notice other problems.
  20. What is LIN and ROT mode? I never use docking mode btw, i didn't know it worked, i always use : hnjkli and that works like a charm. Only thing i do not see work is the "fine control" by using "caps lock", it seems nothing happens, at least i do not see the famous "puffs" nor do i see movement.
  21. Is there a difference between docking adapters when it comes to the camera? The camera was not coming on yesterday and rightclicking did not show the option. I tried both docking adapters, but i did not see the option. So i thought maybe this docking adapter does not have that option. It was that docking adapter you have to toggle to open up, it sits inside a tube shaped fuselage part. I could only select "toggle", "control from here" and something else that i forgot, but nothing with the camera option. The day before i did use the camera, but on another docking adapter. I can still see the lazer control panel in the screen where one can select VAB or space centre. EDIT: Let me make it easier. Can i activate the camera in another way? With a key?
  22. Hell, even include a big machine to create a lasershow in space. Ooh and add a smokegenerator as well then, for extra effect :-)
  23. Or just A dramatic alarm, just for fun :-) Anyone seen that southpark episode with the "inception" theme? That guy that screams his ass off when trying to get the group to sleep.
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