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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Anyone else ctd if having the custom cloud layers installed? (my installation is clean, kopernikus is installed, no other mods, 64bit-mode)
  2. Yes both. Opengl lets me run ksp but causes lag when having big structures.
  3. Is it possible to (manually) remove some planets/moons? It´s barely possible to run any other mods as well than this without crashing.
  4. If those would work i´d be happy: Pimp My Kerbals texture pack 1.1 (updated 23.1.2014). Extension of Sylith's Kerbal heads pack (updated 22.1.2014). Endraxiel's planet textures. Oinker's skybox.
  5. Can someone give me an absolutly idiot-proven instruction how to get this working? All I get is a crash if I do it according to me understanding. (I have sweetfx and that environment mod successfully running)
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