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Everything posted by Torraqe

  1. Sure, that's what this thread is about. But technically it's a new part. I wanted an ship purely powered by xenon, but it needed too many parts. So I made this, it has 50 times the power of a regular engine and it's 50 times heavier. Same with the tank and the solar panel. I could have made a new model and UV map it, but it would have been too different, I wanted it to be easily recognizable, and the retexturing in itself was bloody long and hard too.
  2. As you can see the texture of the gigantron model have large transparent areas. But whenever I edit and save the file (or even just save it without editing), every transparent turns into black. I use Gimp, paintDOTnet, and infranview. To my knowledge Gimp can save alpha channels. Also if the rest of the texture for the Gigantron is not in this png file, then where does KSP store it? You can also see how I used a painful manual method to locate the missing texture places on another part: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68174-ION-engine-modification?p=943553#post943553
  3. I took me a month to make the texture job, especialy, because the xenon container only showed the central part's texture, and everything else was black, so I had to find it manually. Progress is over here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68174-ION-engine-modification?p=943553#post943553 I will upload the parts if anybody is interested, but I still need to retexture the solar panel. I also have some multi layered files, so it is easy to change the bump mapping (the one I used is: paintDOTnet -> black-white grid -> fill -> Gaussian blur -> infranview -> emboss -> brightness -127), or the yellow color of the central part (simply select the layer containing the colored strip under the shadow layer, and fill it).
  4. Hey guys, could some of you help me raplce the xenon container texture, whever I try to edit it, it all goes black, despite having a trasparent background. And some textures are not even present, where are they come from. It seems to me you are rathers knowledgeable on this. Please check out this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68174-ION-engine-modification?p=943553#post943553
  5. Yeah I know that, but it gets a bit tedious to do that all the time, I also had an accident when orbiting the sun I targeted a flag instead of the space station, because they were too close to each other. What I am thinking about, if normal display state of the debris is offline, and everything else is online, there must be a way for the program to know this. Maybe some boolean value.
  6. Hello. My problem is that after marking every biome I have been to, it becomes increasingly annoying to have my mission list filled with them. I also don't like it that the save says 17 flights, while I only have 3 flights. Is it possible to hide flags, on the mapscreen automatically, like space debris (but not counting them into debris category)? And is it possible for the game to not recognize flags as flights?
  7. 1. I had stumbled upon a rather peculiar minecraft server (creative mode). When I started to remove the swastikas, ustaša symbols, and sentences made from blocks like "God hates fa*s". I got permabanned. 2. Killing the admin in CoD2 in the first round of SD, with the bash of my pistol. Permaban (no big loss though since there are thousands of CoD2 servers). ----- 3. Impersonating a bad griefer in Minecraft who was banned, to cause drama. No ban at all. Admin said at least I stirred up his boring server a bit. 4. Using wallhack, aimbot, etc. in CoD2. No ban at all. People acknowledged my expert skills, and invited me into their clan. Lol.
  8. Something like this already exist then: Also NASA tested inflatable heatshields (but that more of a dream in KSP than solid heat shields), though on guy already did this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29334-Inflatable-Heat-Shield-Test-(pic-heavy) So I think in this light my suggestion is nothing new.
  9. .Strange, the forums I have been on, never used title, only , you couldn't even put a title there even if you wanted to. I know a very helpful community that never had this problem, should I ask them for specifics on how they avoided this kind of attack?
  10. Thanks, I didn't know it existed. And no, you didn't misinterpreted my post. I wanted to just make a part out of the bottom of the pod, that looked like a heat shield.
  11. What kind of security leak came from it? Spam? If so then, there could be a simple rule, that only those who have been on the forum for more than a month can use it (spammers obviously wont last that long).
  12. Not sure if this have been suggested before, but a spoiler tag would be really useful. I have seen this on numerous forums, and it's just basically a hide function, where you can put stuff like large images into it, so only those people has to load to pictures or long text who want to see or read them. Basically:
  13. Ok I searched the forum and the suggestions, but haven't found this, so if this was posted before, just delete the thread. What I mean is that eventually heat damage will be a reality, so how about individual heatshield parts to protect for example external science equipment? Right now I could just cut the model through the read line, and use only the heat shield texture, I only has to move the top connection node. And after that, I have a heatshield that can protect the bottom of a material lab for example.
  14. Halihó! Ãœdvözlök minden magyart! Akit érdekel itt egy téma, amibe eddig írtam: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66465-Work-in-Progress-WIP-Design-Thread?p=933095&viewfull=1#post933095 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66465-Work-in-Progress-WIP-Design-Thread?p=939263&viewfull=1#post939263 Persze angolul. ---- Ha van rá igény csinálok egy magyarítást, illetve azt is meg tudom mutatni, hogyan tudtok magatoknak alapból magyar zászlót vagy mást beállítani úgy, hogy ne kelljen minden indításkor állítgatni. Ez persze a játék új változatára vonatkozik (0.23), itt már van tudományos kutatás is. ---- Dokkoláshoz: ElÅ‘ször meg kell ismerni néhány fogalmat: Apoapszis (magyarul távolpont): az adott égitest pályájának a központi égitesttÅ‘l számított legtávolabbi pontja. Földnél földtávol (perigeum), Napnál naptávol (perihélium). Az apoapszis az általános elnevezés, így a programnak nem kell minden égitest nevére átírnia. Periapszis (közelpont). Még indulás elÅ‘tt egy kis tanács, kilövés után, ha elértük a 10000 m-t már lehet fordítani a rakétát a 90° irányába, ez alap esetben a D gombbal tehetÅ‘ meg, félúton (90° és 45°) állítsuk meg a forgást, ne érjük el a láthatár (horizont) vonalát. Ha az apoapszisunk elérte a 75 km-t fordíthatjuk a rakétát egészen addig, amíg elérjük a láthatárt (90° és 180°). Természetesen ez nincs kÅ‘be vésve, ha nem emelkedik a távolpont a kellÅ‘ mértékben, vissza lehet fordítani az irányt. Ez a két adat jellemzi a keringési pályáját annak a tárgynak, amit sikeresen fellÅ‘ttünk, legyen az űrhajó vagy műhold. A két zöld jel, ami a tájékozódási gömbünkön látható, az űrhajó viszonylagos irányát jelzi a megfigyelÅ‘höz képest. Tehát hiába van jó helyen a hajtómű, ha elforgatod a pilótafülkét vagy az irányító egységet (építéskor) a jelek helyzete is meg változik. 1. A sárga jel a jármű jelenlegi helyzetét mutatja, általános esetben erre mutat pl. a rakéta vagy a repülÅ‘ orra. 2. Az elsÅ‘ zöld jel (nincs áthúzva a közepe) az elÅ‘re haladó irányt jelöli (prográd). Ha a távolponton (apoapszis) tartózkodunk, és ebbe az irányba fordítjuk az űrhajót (a sárga jel a zöldön áll), a hajtóműveket beindítva növelhetjük a közelpontot (periapszis). Elliptikus pályánk egy idÅ‘ után körré változik, ekkor a két pont hirtelen átfordul, most már a közelponton tartózkodunk és az "új" távolpontunkat növeljük. Tehát a periapszison tartózkodva prográd irányban, az apoapszist növeljük és fordítva. 3. A második zöld jel (középen áthúzva) a hátráló (retrográd) irányt jelöli. Épp az ellenkezÅ‘jét érhetjük el vele, mint az elÅ‘re haladó (prográd) iránnyal. Távolponton a közelpontot lehet csökkenteni, közelponton a távolpontot. 4. Kör alakú lila jel: a csillagtérképen (M) kijelölhetünk különbözÅ‘ célpontokat (bolygók, holdak, más űrhajók), csak kattintsunk rá, majd a megjelenÅ‘ gombra is (set as target). Ha a sárga és a lila jel egymáson van, akkor pont a célpontra nézünk (prográd). 5. Háromszög alakú lila jel: a célpont mögöttünk van (retrográd). 6. Kék jel: keringési pályánkra rákattintva manÅ‘ver pontokat tervezhetünk, hat pálcikát húzogatva állíthatunk jövÅ‘beni pályánkon, a zöldek jelentése ugyan az (a pálya méretének a növelése vagy csökkentése). A lila jelek a pályahajlást (inklináció, a központi égitest egyenlítÅ‘jével bezárt szög) befolyásolják. A világoskék jelek pedig a közelpont szögét (körbeforgathatjuk vele a keringési síkot). Ha ezzel végeztünk tájékozódási gömbünkön megjelent a kék jel, mellette azt is kiírja mennyi idÅ‘ múlva érjük el továbbá, hogy mennyi ideig kell legmagasabb fokozaton járatni a hajtóműveket (gyorsulni a jel irányában). Értelem szerűen, ha 3 percig kell gyorsítanunk, akkor érdemes megkezdeni a gyorsítást másfél perccel a manÅ‘ver pont elérése elÅ‘tt (T - 1:30:00), majd három perc múlva befejezni (T + 1:30:00). Ha célpontunk is van, akkor amint az új pálya keresztezi a célpontét vagy közel jár hozzá, négy vagy két háromszög jelenik meg a pályákon. Ezek a legközelebbi találkozó pontok a célponttal, a narancsszínű az elsÅ‘, a lila színű a második keringés utáni. Ha a jel rózsaszín, akkor stabil a két tárgy egymáshoz viszonyított keringése, és a következÅ‘ keringés után is ugyan itt fognak találkozni. A manÅ‘ver pontunkat próbáljuk úgy állogatni, hogy a két háromszög egymáshoz közel helyezkedjen (0,1-5 km). Ez azt jelenti, hogy a sikeres manÅ‘ver után, ilyen közel haladunk majd el a célpontunk mellett. Amikor kb. 20 percre vagyunk a találkozó ponttól, kattintsunk az orbit (keringés) feliratra a tájékozódási gömb fölött, ezt addig csináljuk, amíg meg nem jelenik a target (célpont) felirat, nevezetesen az, hogy mekkora a sebességünk a célponthoz képest. Ez a találkozó ponton lesz a legkisebb. Ha ilyenkor retrográd állásba fordulunk, akkor ezt a sebességet csökkenthetjük nullára, ezt érdemes a találkozási pont közelében elkezdeni. Fordulni azért kell elÅ‘bb, hogy azt ne a lassítás közben kelljen. Amint 0 vagy 0,1 m/s a sebességünk a célponthoz képest, fordítsuk a hajót a lila kör (prográd célpont) felé. Gyorsítsunk, ha közel vagyunk, akkor csak 5 m/s-ig, ha 2 km-nél messzebb akkor 10 vagy 20 m/s-ig. Ezután azonnal forduljunk a zöld retrográd irányba, majd várjunk, amíg 1 km belülre nem kerülünk. Fontos, hogy se túl késÅ‘n, se túl korán ne kezdjünk lassítani. InnentÅ‘l már gyerekjáték, gyorsuljunk 0,5 m/s-al a célpontig, majd 100 méternél használjuk az egyen hajtóanyagot (monopropellant) a manÅ‘verezÅ‘ fúvókákkal (RCS). Alap esetben a H az elÅ‘re, N hátra, I fel, K le, J balra, L jobbra. A forduláshoz maradt a WASDQE. Inkább alkalmazzuk az idÅ‘gyorsítást (vesszÅ‘ és pont), mert minél nagyobb sebességet érünk el, annál több üzemanyagot kell elpazarolni a lassításra. Ha rosszul csináltunk valamit, még mindig ott a lehetÅ‘ség, hogy a zöld retrográd irányba fordulva megszüntessük eddigi sebességünket. A dokkoló ajtókat értelem szerűen szembe kell fordítani egymással, a mágneszár ezután 5 méteren belül automatikusan működésbe lép. Célszerű mindkét hajót úgy fordítani, hogy az irányzék ugyanúgy álljon, ezt gyorsan ellenÅ‘rizhetjük, ha járművet váltunk az Ú gombbal. Mivel az űrközpont az egyenlítÅ‘ környékén van, gyakorlott űrhajósok rögtön a kilövés után találkozó pontot tudnak elérni a céltárggyal. Ezt úgy lehet megtenni, hogy megvárjuk, amíg majdnem elhalad felettünk a célpont, és ekkor indítunk. Ha a célpont "elé" érkezük akkor növeljük a keringési pálya apoapszisát úgy, hogy pályánk túlnyúljon egy kicsit a másikén. Ez azért hasznos, mert az a tárgy, amelyik alacsonyabban kering nagyobb sebességgel kénytelen száguldani, mert csak így tud dacolni a nehézségi erÅ‘vel. ÃÂgy a célpont beér minket. Ha cél "mögé" érkezünk, valamivel alacsonyabb pályát kell elérnünk.
  15. Magyar vagy testvér? ----- After gaining a stable orbit with the lander, it took a few hours to dock to the outer edge of the middle solar unit. It was necessary to use the landers single front port, since the main triple ports at the rear still had a lot of fuel containers attached. I pumped the remaining fuel into the lower stage of the engine block, then jettisoned the engines and empty containers. Now I had to undock, reach the front, turn around and triple dock again. Increasing my apoapsis went well, until the remains of my lower stage have broken off (probably due to 3x warp) and spun my ship really fast, but it almost exhausted all of its fuel by then so not a huge loss. After the nuclear engine also went dry, my apoapsis was at 2.2 million km, not really big. And that was the moment when I activated my forty ion engines. At first I worried a bit about electricity, but the drainage was only 583.64 and the solar panels provided 634. My only problem is that my periapsis is currently in Kerbin's shadow. Stardestroyer in all its glory.
  16. You mean the number of parts maybe a bit excessive? Right now KSP is on desktop and my lander craft is 20 metres from the docking port, 2 fps but I can live with that. After I get rid of all the debris, and refuelers, maybe it will climb up to 10 fps. Don't understand the second part. Are they look like a bit random? It was quite easy to burn through the tech tree, I ignored the useless parts like most space planes (turbo jet, etc.). It was very boring to fly everywhere on Kerbin, but there is a tundra biome right next to ksp, I flew to the desert and the reached the arctic with the shuttle. Conducted every research almost everywhere, then I went for material lab, and the thermometer. Also doing EVAs above the land is easy, you don't have to fly, just stay on land and cling to your cockpit ladder. That's one, jump down EVA again, plus surface sample. That's three. Crew report, thermometer in air and on the ground. That's seven. Now near KSC alone you can reach 7 biomes out of 12: KSC, landing strip, launch pad, grassland, shore, tundra, water. That's 7*7=49 experiments, not counting the easy Kerbin orbit and space stuff. If you land inside tha canyon of the farside crater and you go a bit east, you can do experiments, and it will count as the Northwest crater. That is three biomes next to each other on the mun. I have found both of the tundra and the Nwc accidentally. It took a month to do this, but only because I not play every day. I still have plenty of stuff to research, but the Ion and Nuclear engine was my goal, with the necessary additions of course (gigantron solar panel, docking ports, landing legs, decouplers). I will post some pictures after I reach Duna today with the Ion Stardestroyer ----- By the way what I saw in these pictures is that people never really use connectors. If you connect every part to every other part, I am sure your rockets will survive and fly straight.
  17. Hello! This my first post in this forum. Greetings everyone. I would like to post my progress in carrier mode, from the very first craft to the actual one. Kezdő (Starter) - first craft with orbital capabilities, since radial decouplers and parachutes are unavailable, I had to circumvent their absence. Sárkány-1 (Dragon-1) - First scientific craft with the ability to orbit the Mun and return to Kerbin. Sárkány-2 - First Mun lander design, however flaws in the design was later led to an incident. A little history with the participation of Jebediah Kerman. Jebediah was scheduled to land on the Mun, however the captured his craft in such unexpected way that he had to use a lot of fuel, so the landing attempt was abandoned. He had just enough fuel to return to Kerbin, but suddenly the electricity run out. Sárkány-3 - The craft designed to save Jebediah Kerman, it has less engines, but the same amount of fuel. Since docking port are haven't been researched yet, Jebediah Had to fly to the other craft in EVA. Sárkány-3-AU (AUtomatizált, short for automated) - After Jebediah was clinging on Bill's ship for his life, the leadership at Kerkonur Kerbodrome realized that under these conditions the craft has no warp capabilities. That is why they designed an automated saviour. Jebediah returned to his derelict craft, waited a mere week, then finally boarded the lander. His mission was not over however, he still had to land and collect a surface sample. Which he did. Sárkány-4-AU - The next craft in development had only more boosters and larger boosters. Sárkány-4-AU-Nagy (Big) - Note missing connectors. Sárkány-5-AU - Had a more advanced lander, with extended scientific capabilities. Sárkány-6-AT (ATom, here it is equivalent for the word nuclear) - Involved in the first Minmus landing. Because the fairings' of the nuclear engine are dangerous, the the final separation and engine activation have to be carried out manually. The expedition at first was very successful since Bob Kerman easily explored the small moon with his jetpack, and brought several surface samples and EVA reports. However he reached a dangerous velocity, hit the surface and died. The samples have been returned regardless. Garabonciás-01 (no English equivalent exists, information about the origin of the word: http://mek.oszk.hu/02100/02115/html/2-592.html) - Intended as the first member in the series of Munar landers to construct a major permanent base. Borrows the lifter from the Sárkány-5, with some extra boosters. Garabonciás-02 - Minor, but important changes. The probe dome was put on top of the lander, this way the retrograde marker is at the correct position. After a second successful landing, the crafts were separated by a few thousand km-s. Disaster struck in the canyon of the Farside Crater, the descend proved to be too much for the wheels, and the front of the vehicle exploded after touching the ground. The habitat unit and the command pod contained 5 kerbonauts. The other two survived in the science module, repaired the remaining 4 wheels and called an emergency lander. The journey of Genezer Kerman proved to be trecherous, first he was catapulted away and blew up the left side of the recovery lander when it docked with a refueler probe (it probably doesn't like occupied seats), then he had to use his EVA RCS to reach orbital velocity again, board the the other seat, survive the entire trip to Kerbal orbit, just to die on Kerbin when the parachutes fully deployed, knocking him out of his seat. Csillagromboló-01 (Stardestroyer, engine block) - The Mun base project was postponed in favour of this megaconstruction. Xenon fascinated kerbal scientists for a long time, so they decided to build a spaceship what will put it to good use, with it's 40 ion engines providing 20 thrust. The useful mass is 50.58 t compared to the initial 431.9 t, and this is just the engine block of the craft. Surprisingly it reached orbit on it's first launch, and even retained a large portion of it's lifter fuel, without even using the nuclear engine. Csillagromboló-02 (solar energy unit) - Accidentally reaching 56 t of useful mass, the extra 6 t required 18 more boosters. After exhausting all of it's fuel in sub-orbit, the activation of the nuclear engine provided a little surprise for the kerbal control center, because the action also immediately separated it from the ship, in desperation they used monopropellant to raise the apoapsis from 35 km to a safe 72 km. Past three tedious days (real time), the two parts finally merged. The triple docking ports had a little trouble connecting, but after two of them joined, rotating the craft faster convinced the other 4 that docking will be their best initiative. Now it only needs a crew and a lander, and the exploration of Duna, Jool and Eeloo will begin. (Is it pure coincidence that Duna means Danube in Hungarian?) Héja-1 (Hawk) - The first spaceplane using experimental VTO, because landing gear haven't been invented yet. Héja-2 - Has two engines without the help of a bi-coupler. Héja-3 - Has three engines, more air intakes, landing gear, science equipment but the most important feature is the connectors preventing wing and tail elasticity and wobble. Héja-4 - Wings placed forward to synchronize fins, engines reduced to decrease fuel consumption. Able to reach North-Pole. Héja-4-H (Hosszú, short for long -> longrange) - Has drop tanks to improve range, next version will have the extra engines on tanks closest to the fuselage. Can reach badlands. Héje-4 - Shuttle version of the original craft, most parts had to be built without symmetry, will be update to nuclear engine. Lifter is unique. I use combined RCS thruster on all ships and planes, first I place a linear thruster, then I put a quad thruster on it. This way it has thrusting power in five directions. On long rockets I only place 4 of these, each on the tip of long I-beams, then I put the I-beams on the sides, left-right, front-rear. Makes rockets consisting of two jumbos easy to turn and dock.
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