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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. My mistake, I apologize. My English is not very good, I overlooked it.
  2. Infernal robotic does not work landing legs on moving parts.
  3. health It would update to the latest tweakscale 1.35 It gives me this.
  4. Please do and what you did wrong. I too do not separate engine covers after disconnecting the tank
  5. I tried to do moduleManager.cfg. IR component I got into the container, but picked up nothing appears.
  6. I have only one ModuleManager 2.2.0. I also tried IR on POD and then I wanted to take off but there should be no menu so not GRAB.
  7. Hi I tried this, but back Kerbin nothing appears and then the container is the empty @PART[iR_Pivotron_Basic]:Final { MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15) evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) storable = true storedSize = 2 attachOnPart = True attachOnEva = False attachOnStatic = False } }
  8. The problem is that it can not. I only user. Could not find anybody here that would look at it.
  9. Hello I want to ask the IR components can be put into a container (Mod KAS) so as to remove and put his hand to be build directly on the base Mun. Thank you. It would ModuleManager cfg. ?
  10. Hello I want to ask the IR components can be put into a container (Mod KAS) so as to remove and put his hand to be build directly on the base Mun. Thank you. It would ModuleManager cfg. ?
  11. Hello Here's the log_out. I hope this is it what you had in mind. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hjy8cmq6x6oo9om/output_log.txt
  12. Hello I'm doing something wrong, but I somehow fail to start. Grappler does not show me the menu. I downloaded the plugin ActiveStruts_1.0b8.1. Can you advise me how I go, thanks.
  13. ActiveStruts I do not know but somehow I just could not work whatever I did. maybe I'm doing something wrong but did not show me no menu when you press the right mouse button.
  14. Hello I have a problem does not appear to me the whole menu So the problem is in the mode Kolonization Modular System 0.18.5
  15. Hello I have a little problem GANTRY makes me bugs. I have a version v0.16.5b GANTRY me do this. Help PLEASE. And This Bug
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